2021-2022 Harvard

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Yeah not to be neurotic, but has anybody confirmed that they did not submit their SSN but also did not get an interview asking them to?
It's sort of strange because I think the SSN email was sent out last year on around Feb 10th, I wonder why it was sent so late this year
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Never tell me the odds - Han Solo

But yes … last year the Post-II A rate was 29.3%
Never tell me the odds - Han Solo

But yes … last year the Post-II A rate was 29.3%
Is this for all the programs aggregated? I wonder if the post-II rates for Pathways vs HST vs MD-PhD are drastically different from one another
Is this for all the programs aggregated? I wonder if the post-II rates for Pathways vs HST vs MD-PhD are drastically different from one another
Not sure about MD-PhD, but based on the videos/info sessions they provided, HST and Pathways should have similar numbers. Someone please feel to correct me if I'm wrong.
Not sure about MD-PhD, but based on the videos/info sessions they provided, HST and Pathways should have similar numbers. Someone please feel to correct me if I'm wrong.
Agree that HST & Path are similar but I also got 20% for matriculation rate (which acc to @allseasons gives us the ~30% acceptance)

(E: The MD-PhD numbers are rolled into those stats... but maybe admission to MD-PhD is contingent on admission to HST/Path so the result might accidentally still work out?)
I also suppose I never uploaded a photo or added a phonentic pronunciation of my name on the interview portal. Big oops but I have added them now lol
I did this too! I realized randomly in early January (interviewed in Nov.) and freaked out a little. I wonder if they added these categories later...? That or I just totally overlooked it when signing up for an interview slot
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The decisions were already made.
They just need to release them, and that could be any day this week
I just saw this on the financial aid portal. Does this mean that decisions are coming out today 👀😂
For reference , I received my admissions email on March 2nd around 9:30 AM EST (9:29 AM, if we are being precise) and I think other people received theirs around this time as well.

Could be today, could be as late as Friday or Monday next week. Hang in there!
for those curious, here are decision dates and times for the previous 5 cycles:

-2017: Fri, 3/3 (~10:45 am EST)
-2018: Fri, 3/2 (~10:00 am EST)
-2019: Fri, 3/1 (~10:15 am EST)
-2020: Fri, 2/28 (~10:00 am EST)
-2021: Tues, 3/2 (~9:15 am EST)

you're welcome 😛
You're probably right @Kubizk
I just want to know if Im getting friendzoned 😭
It would be so weird if it's March 4th because that gives students like no time to do the financial aid due on the 14th. I was expecting today since last year's results came out on Tuesday the 2nd and aid was due on the 15th, so I thought they would allow for a two-week period to submit aid--not 9 days.
Might be tomorrow then, so that we have 2 weeks
The fact I keep getting waitlisted by other schools like Stanford and UChicago doesn’t make me feel too good about the A coming from Harvard, but a man can hope 😭
Same. Just got waitlisted by Columbia. Feeling really low and like I am just waiting for the ax to drop. I don't know why I have any shred of hope left for Havard, but oh well. I am just so exhausted by this entire process and the waiting games. At this point, I just want some closure.
Same. Just got waitlisted by Columbia. Feeling really low and like I am just waiting for the ax to drop. I don't know why I have any shred of hope left for Havard, but oh well. I am just so exhausted by this entire process and the waiting games. At this point, I just want some closure.
+1. Stanford dropped me yesterday.
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Same. Just got waitlisted by Columbia. Feeling really low and like I am just waiting for the ax to drop. I don't know why I have any shred of hope left for Havard, but oh well. I am just so exhausted by this entire process and the waiting games. At this point, I just want some closure.
independent events! each school is looking for something a bit different in candidates/has its own process of selection. try not to perseverate and take care of yourself the next few days!
Same boat. WL at Stanford, UChicago and Yale. Ohhhh I'm so not ready to be heart broken again. My MCAT is way below the 10th percentile at these schools. so I'm guessing it matters after interview too??
it's very impressive you even interviewed at them though. I'm sure you'll do well regardless in whichever med school you end up attending
Same boat. WL at Stanford, UChicago and Yale. Ohhhh I'm so not ready to be heart broken again. My MCAT is way below the 10th percentile at these schools. so I'm guessing it matters after interview too??
Yes, everything matters, always. It's a misconception that everyone is in exactly the same place once selected for an interview, and that the interview alone determines outcomes.

The interview is merely the final input into a file that goes to a committee for a decision, for those who make it that far. This is why, although it's true that each school is independent and makes its own decisions, patterns do start to develop where people who are successful at one T10 are successful at many, and vice versa.

There are certainly plenty n=1 success stories at a single school, so you should never give up hope, but the patterns you observe are not random occurrences, and people who are marginal and get IIs and then WLs at one top school tend to see the same results at several.
The fact I keep getting waitlisted by other schools like Stanford and UChicago doesn’t make me feel too good about the A coming from Harvard, but a man can hope 😭

Same. Just got waitlisted by Columbia. Feeling really low and like I am just waiting for the ax to drop. I don't know why I have any shred of hope left for Havard, but oh well. I am just so exhausted by this entire process and the waiting games. At this point, I just want some closure.

+1. Stanford dropped me yesterday.

Same boat. WL at Stanford, UChicago and Yale. Ohhhh I'm so not ready to be heart broken again. My MCAT is way below the 10th percentile at these schools. so I'm guessing it matters after interview too??
Same for me too. Bopped by Stanford, mayo, Columbia, NYU, etc. Somehow Harvard feels unlikely after all that, but hey! I'll be happy if it comes and not surprised if it doesn't 🙂
I’ve gotten into schools at the same tier as Harvard as well as waitlisted at other peer institutions, so I’m not sure how this is gonna go, it honestly seems so random at this point
I’ve gotten into schools at the same tier as Harvard as well as waitlisted at other peer institutions, so I’m not sure how this is gonna go, it honestly seems so random at this point
I'm in a sort of similar situation--post-II R from Yale, WL at UChicago, WL at Cornell, but acceptance at a T5. It feels a bit random. Very grateful for what has worked out, but feeling like Harvard is a bit unlikely as well. Hoping I'm wrong
I'm in a sort of similar situation--post-II R from Yale, WL at UChicago, WL at Cornell, but acceptance at a T5. It feels a bit random. Very grateful for what has worked out, but feeling like Harvard is a bit unlikely as well. Hoping I'm wrong
Yeah fr it just seems like a crapshoot
I'm in a sort of similar situation--post-II R from Yale, WL at UChicago, WL at Cornell, but acceptance at a T5. It feels a bit random. Very grateful for what has worked out, but feeling like Harvard is a bit unlikely as well. Hoping I'm wrong
Ok what are these "T5" schools? I see this on forums all the time. Are folks going off of US News - Research rankings? Or is there just some commonly accepted ranking in everyone's minds? (the same with "T10" and "T20")
Ok what are these "T5" schools? I see this on forums all the time. Are folks going off of US News - Research rankings? Or is there just some commonly accepted ranking in everyone's minds? (the same with "T10" and "T20")
I feel like people are usually just talking about US News Rankings, which is a bit dumb because the ranking algorithm is so arbitrary and doesn’t really relate to what makes a good school. Another set of people seem to think T5 is Harvard, Hopkins, UCSF, Stanford, *insert your favorite 5th mix em up and shake them into whatever order you want*, and that they are in their own class of prestige and “door opening” ability.

Edit: I also don’t agree with this second set of people. Or really in ranking schools as a practice.
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I really hope Harvard sends out decisions early tomorrow for no better reason than to change the subject from another prolonged ranking debate. SDN should have a separate forum just for this.

I feel like people are usually just talking about US News Rankings, which is a bit dumb because the ranking algorithm is so arbitrary and doesn’t really relate to what makes a good school. Another set of people seem to think T5 is Harvard, Hopkins, UCSF, Stanford, *insert your favorite 5th mix em up and shake them into whatever order you want*, and that they are in their own class of prestige and “door opening” ability.

Edit: I also don’t agree with this second set of people. Or really in ranking schools as a practice.
Wrote out a whole thing but I empathize with the desire to avoid discussions of ranking. In brief, I also question the idea of a universal TX (though perhaps am just salty about recent rejections from schools potentially in that list lol). Anyway, I wish you all the absolute best. You're legends regardless and I hope to meet you one day as colleagues.