2022-2023 Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM-PA)

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Should we be expecting "application complete" emails?
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Typically they have not sent complete emails. Applicants check their portal to see what has been received. Dates in all the required items note the file is complete.
I'm confused as to why the portal shows the status for my MCAT scores as "Awaiting" but below it also says that my scores are received. Does it show up like this for anyone else?
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If I selected both locations, do I still have to explain or no?
I know PCOM doesn't send out complete emails but other than LORs + MCAT scores on the secondary portal is there anything else that needs to be received? I didn't see lines for transcripts but assumed there would be a section marked as not received if there was.

Also did it take anyone else 2 weeks for LORs to get checked? I submitted the secondary mid August and the LOR were just marked as received today
I know PCOM doesn't send out complete emails but other than LORs + MCAT scores on the secondary portal is there anything else that needs to be received? I didn't see lines for transcripts but assumed there would be a section marked as not received if there was.

Also did it take anyone else 2 weeks for LORs to get checked? I submitted the secondary mid August and the LOR were just marked as received today
My portal updates every day to say that today my LORs were received, really weird.
My portal updates every day to say that today my LORs were received, really weird.
Same here. I was thinking about calling them to see if it means if they received or if they have yet to receive it.
My portal updates every day to say that today my LORs were received, really weird.
Yeah but in general seems like a large spectrum - some DOs received my letter like the second day and some took 3 weeks. All my LOR were in AACOMAS by mid July so I'm guessing it's just when the human in admissions gets through it and some of them I got lucky on.
I'm confused as to why the portal shows the status for my MCAT scores as "Awaiting" but below it also says that my scores are received. Does it show up like this for anyone else?

also having this issue. Any updates on your end?
OOS II received! 71 LM, ORM, and complete on 8/8/22. Good luck to the other applicants!
OOS II received. Primary submitted the first week of July and email of completion received on 8/8.
I don’t think they do. I think they mean the confirmation of paying for the app
I attended one of their info sessions and they mentioned they don't send out complete emails
Bruh I didnt see follow up application email for the $75 payment until right now... sad