2023-2024 CA University of Science and Medicine

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I didn’t receive that
The MBS program email the above user is referring to was only recently sent earlier this month on April 9, so that makes sense. I think it was sent to every applicant that didn’t hold an acceptance at the time, including folks on the waitlist since I got it as well.

Were people who were accepted sent an email advertising the CUSM MBS program?
I really don’t think it has any bearing on predicting if we’ll get off the waitlist, since it seemed like a mass email. But if the people who just got off the waitlist yesterday didn’t receive it, then I could be wrong ofc.

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The MBS program email the above user is referring to was only recently sent earlier this month on April 9, so that makes sense. I think it was sent to every applicant that didn’t hold an acceptance at the time, including folks on the waitlist since I got it as well.

I really don’t think it has any bearing on predicting if we’ll get off the waitlist, since it seemed like a mass email. But if the people who just got off the waitlist yesterday didn’t receive it, then I could be wrong ofc.
currently on the WL but I did not receive the MBS email
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Are they still accepting people not on the waitlist or still waitlisting people?
Are they still accepting people not on the waitlist or still waitlisting people?

I emailed them early this week and they said they will finish reviewing all applications by the end of April and send out waitlists and acceptances. If you don’t hear back by then, then you’re on hold and you might hear from them up until the first day of class (July 15).

So, if someone heard back after your interview date then it’s probably best to assume you’re on hold.
I emailed them early this week and they said they will finish reviewing all applications by the end of April and send out waitlists and acceptances. If you don’t hear back by then, then you’re on hold and you might hear from them up until the first day of class (July 15).

So, if someone heard back after your interview date then it’s probably best to assume you’re on hold.
Oh got it! I interviewed in December and there hasn’t been much activity there so hopefully anyone in December and on will hear some news soon!
When do you guys think waitlisted applicants should hear back around? I know people have aready gotten in off the waitlist but im wondering when the bulk of it will be//when theyre done letting people in off the waitlist
Hey 😁😁😁 does anyone mind resharing the discord invite link? Thank you!!
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Did anyone hear anything today? I know they’ve been taking people off the waitlist throughout this week, so is it safe to assume they’re not relying on Friday release dates anymore?
I spoke with the admissions office today. They have stopped meeting weekly as they have paused the review process. As of right now they have filled their class. On April 30th is the commit to enroll (CTE) deadline, and they anticipate spots opening. From what the lady I spoke to said, they will begin pulling people off the waitlist first. Everyone else, who has interviewed and not heard back yet, is on "hold." Only after they go through the whole waitlist, and only if they still have spots open, will they start to review candidates who are in the "hold" position. This was a bummer to hear since I am also in the "hold" position, but hopefully this helps you guys understand at what point in the process we are at.
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I spoke with the admissions office today. They have stopped meeting weekly as they have paused the review process. As of right now they have filled their class. On April 30th is the commit to enroll (CTE) deadline, and they anticipate spots opening. From what the lady I spoke to said, they will begin pulling people off the waitlist first. Everyone else, who has interviewed and not heard back yet, is on "hold." Only after they go through the whole waitlist, and only if they still have spots open, will they start to review candidates who are in the "hold" position. This was a bummer to hear since I am also in the "hold" position, but hopefully this helps you guys understand at what point in the process we are at.

Thanks! I was told something similar via email. But just a clarification, I believe April 30th is the plan to enroll (PTE) deadline. That’s different from CTE
Will CUSM ever send us a paper acceptance letter through the mail? Or does it just end at the email
is there anything else that CUSM requires for PTE at this time besides choosing the school on CYMS?
hi, for those that received the New Medical Student Checklist, did the facebook group work for anyone? the link seems to be either expired or deleted on my end :/ if anyone has the new link that would be great!!!
unrelated to waitlist movement, but do we know if people who get off the waitlist can still get on campus housing? I know that it's very in-demand so i'm wondering if we would still have that option if we (hopefully) get off the waitlist or if we would have to get housing off-campus?
unrelated to waitlist movement, but do we know if people who get off the waitlist can still get on campus housing? I know that it's very in-demand so i'm wondering if we would still have that option if we (hopefully) get off the waitlist or if we would have to get housing off-campus?
This might be the wrong thread! This is CUSM