2023-2024 Connecticut

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Out of state post-interview waitlist (alternate list); just received email.

“Since the Admissions Committee has not yet completed review of all applicants, we are unable to specify a rank-ordered position.”
Out of state post-interview waitlist (alternate list); just received email.

“Since the Admissions Committee has not yet completed review of all applicants, we are unable to specify a rank-ordered position.”

Ugh sorry 🙁 when did u interview
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I was WL on 1/2 after an interview on 12/1. OOS. Does anyone know if they share our WL rank after interviews are complete?
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anyone know what your chances are like if youre on alternate list?

and do they rank it? website suggests so

also wondering this. they said in the email they can’t rank it right now because they’re still interviewing but I wonder if we can email and ask for ranks after the interview season is done?
Does anyone know how much going to UConn for undergrad helps?
I got the Alternate List so... not a crazy amount lol. My stats are also garbage compared to their average so maybe that was it
I did 4 undergrad classes at UConn while in high school and ended up on the alternate list, but that’s not the same thing as doing a 4-year undergrad degree there so I don’t think they cared
For those on alternate list, do we know when is the earliest we will hear if accepted? Is it May 1st or can be sooner ?
For those on alternate list, do we know when is the earliest we will hear if accepted? Is it May 1st or can be sooner ?

website says “alternate listed applicants may be accepted at any time during the admissions season” but i’m sure it’s very unlikely until after the April 30 chose your med school deadline
Does anyone know when the first day of orientation would be? I'm trying to decide when I want to quit my gap year job to give myself enough time to relax before school starts
Post-II alternate list email at 12:56. Interviewed 2/2. Really hoping to get off the waitlist here. Does anyone know how much their list moves?
Hi everyone, I've created a GroupMe chat for accepted applicants that you can join here: Link.