2023-2024 Emory

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What time should we expect portals to update tomorrow? And do they only update for those who receive an A?

Good luck to everyone!
Someone said 10/11 am eastern. I guess I’m not sleeping tonight lmao

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OOS A!!!!!! I haven't received an email but I just checked my portal!!!!
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OOS A!!!!!! I haven't received an email but I just checked my portal!!!!
Congratulations! I don't see any update on my portal, so I assume I didn't get it. Congrats to everyone else who gets an A today!
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Since this is the last day, I assume if you don't have anything on the portal that means either a WL or R. Oh well, I'm happy with where I'm planning to go, but Emory would've been a dream. Congrats everyone who has been accepted!
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per the flyer:


Interviewed applicants who have not been accepted will be notified BY EMAIL no later than March 30 if they have been selected for ALTERNATE STATUS.
Alternates are strongly encouraged to complete their financial aid application, especially if a decision to attend Emory could be dependent upon financial aid.

Accepted alternates will be notified BY TELEPHONE.
Alternates may be accepted anytime until M1 Orientation.”

i assume Rs will come around the same time
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If you aren’t WL’d, do you just get ghosted or are there actual post-II R’s?
i’m assuming that that sentence means by the end of this month you get alt or R
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I think for those of us that haven’t got the A, we’re unfortunately cooked.
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it’s pretty obvious, tab says admissions decision
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i interviewed in february, but haven't heard anything or had any updates on the portal. is there any timeline for which they'll let us know?
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i interviewed in february, but haven't heard anything or had any updates on the portal. is there any timeline for which they'll let us know?

Based on previous threads it seems like WL offers will come out next week or the week after, but that the initial round of A’s is done. I’m not sure if they do post-II R’s
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hi, when can we expect more information about visit day or financial aid?
I called the office a few weeks ago and they said they really aren’t sure when they will finalize the dates. Hopefully soon but I know they want to do it before the April 30 deadline lol
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Has anybody heard back about financial aid from Emory?
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Has anyone received a WL or R yet? I think they said they would let us know by March 30th, and we're getting close to then...
Also, anyone have an idea of what the WL movement has looked like in past years? Like do they accept a lot of people off of the WL?
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OOS AL. Still unsure if everyone who isn’t initially accepted gets AL’d post-II but adding the data point for future applicants
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IS alternate list. Interviewed back in November, also not sure if they give anyone post-II rejections or if everyone is just on the AL
Are they making us write an essay this year, I can’t check the portal at this moment, but in years past they made people write one?
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Alternate List, there's a prompt about why were interested.... ive already written a million of these at this point like really
I don’t want to let anybody down, but want to manage expectations. I have checked the past ~5 years of Emory SDN threads and there is historically very little or no waitlist movement. It makes sense considering Emory’s elite status and people not likely to choose another school over it. Here’s to this year may be different!
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has anybody heard anything about the Woodruff scholarship?
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has anybody heard anything about the Woodruff scholarship?
Looks like someone received an email confirming that Woodruff offers had been sent on 4/19 last year. Given how delayed most schools are with financial aid, I wouldn't expect to hear anything until much later this month. Hope we hear earlier though!