2023-2024 Emory

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still have nothing!

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Also I have learned that if ur not in an R wave don’t get ur hopes up because every time I have I’ve received the R within an hour 😂
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just got mine, seems like they are trickling in
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Anyone get an R after their interview during these R waves?
I think all post interview decisions (WL and R) should be released next week. 3/4 is their last mail out of As i think
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OOS pre-II R today! not surprised, I submitted this secondary late lol and my heart wasn't in it. good luck everyone!
OOS pre-II R, was kinda holding out hope for this one 🙁 Complete 8/16
Does anyone know if Post-II R come out the day the letters are supposed to be mailed?
Based on prior threads, they seem to send post-II WL and Rs after the last wave of As, but I’m not sure honestly. If you guys were told differently explicitly, I would definitely go with that!
I'd imagine it's later since the letters don't arrive that Monday and portal As are released Wednesdays
i was just
Based on prior threads, they seem to send post-II WL and Rs after the last wave of As, but I’m not sure honestly. If you guys were told differently explicitly, I would definitely go with that!

I'd imagine it's later since the letters don't arrive that Monday and portal As are released Wednesdays
I was under the impression that we would find out the same week via portal updates after the A letters were sent out. Sorry if my response was confusing!
per the flyer:


Interviewed applicants who have not been accepted will be notified BY EMAIL no later than March 30 if they have been selected for ALTERNATE STATUS.
Alternates are strongly encouraged to complete their financial aid application, especially if a decision to attend Emory could be dependent upon financial aid.

Accepted alternates will be notified BY TELEPHONE.
Alternates may be accepted anytime until M1 Orientation.”

i assume Rs will come around the same time
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When is the final day everyone is expecting post-II decisions? I had the list of dates somewhere but I lost it
For As next monday the letters are sent, portals should update wednesday
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does anyone know if we should expect these letters in our mailboxes today? or they are being sent out today?

Sent today. For me I saw my A in the portal Wednesday and didn’t receive the letter until probably the Saturday
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Sent today. For me I saw my A in the portal Wednesday and didn’t receive the letter until probably the Saturday
dang. thats a long time. What time did your portal update on Wednesday? And do you live across the country from GA?
dang. thats a long time. What time did your portal update on Wednesday? And do you live across the country from GA?

It also took forever for me to get my envelope from them with the info so idk if that’s why. I’m in MA so not close but also not that far. The portal updated for me I think around 10:30/11
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Is this the last week A’s will be sent?
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I live 3 mins from campus and my envelope arrived Friday, I believe.
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did anyone hear back today? I thought today was going to be decision day :(
i think today was when letters were mailed, so if you live very close by you may hear before wednesday when they update portals
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anyone else low key freaking out today?!??
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i felt the same way, freak out tomorrow. my letter came like a week after portal update. also don’t get worried if you do see people post that they got a letter today, doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t!
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What time should we expect portals to update tomorrow? And do they only update for those who receive an A?

Good luck to everyone!