2023-2024 Hofstra

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OOS 2nd tier WL… Sad but didn’t have high hopes cuz my stats aren’t what they want. Is everyone at a consensus that this is just a soft R?

Interview was 1/17

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I haven’t heard anything back except for the CR on Jan 23rd, and I interviewed back in September. Am I cooked?
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1st tier waitlist. Sigh. Anyone have an idea of what waitlist movement is like? Look at past threads and don't have my hopes up 🙁
Probably a little late to be asking a super simple question but does anybody know how many people get accepted overall, and/or how many people get put on the waitlist?
Congrats to all the A’s and crossing my fingers for the WLs!! Has anyone who interviewed 12/20 heard anything 😭
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looking at last year's thread it seems there was movement on the 1st tier waitlist starting in May. fingers crossed since Hofstra is my first choice 🤞🤞 good luck everyone and congrats to those with As already!!
Scary thing is there seems to be a lot of 1st tier wait-lists lol. We can't all get in 🙁
OOS 1st tier WL after interviewing in September and getting continued review in January. I accepted my position but will likely withdraw once I get financial aid packages
Any thoughts on the info session they’re holding in April for WL candidates? I’m curious if they’re just gonna go through the curriculum again and such or if it’ll really matter for us like we’ll get to talk to admissions and stuff about candidacy
All schools care about yield. Hofstra seems to really, really care as evidenced by their detailed “strongly suggested” waitlist survey.

Given that, I would show as much interest as possible by filling out survey and going to the info session.

Good luck!
Thank you for the response haha! I honestly would LOVE to go to Hofstra but I'm only 2nd tier WL so I don't have nearly as big of a shot as those on 1st tier. Certainly will be expressing as much interest in them as possible though 🙂!!
2d tier here too! Though I’ll likely withdraw once FA has come through and I have the information needed to make a decision.

Best of luck!
Maybe the FA will pull through and you won’t have to withdraw if you really like Hofstra lol! Glad to know I’m not the only one in this boat though 🙂

Thanks also & good luck to you too!!
Have they given out FA and scholarship info yet? When is that released?
If you submitted the required information to them and filled out the institutional app (as described in Financial Aid email), they will get back to you. They have been sending estimates over the past month.
so did anyone get a linkage offer, and if so, is it legit?
Aside from the timing and the binding nature of an acceptance, it's not any different than a typical application cycle, i.e. you need to go through the same secondary, interview and waiting process as everyone in the current cycle.
As an aside, you got accepted off the waitlist?
Aside from the timing and the binding nature of an acceptance, it's not any different than a typical application cycle, i.e. you need to go through the same secondary, interview and waiting process as everyone in the current cycle.
As an aside, you got accepted off the waitlist?
sort of, like they told me i would do a post-bacc and then start medical school.
sort of, like they told me i would do a post-bacc and then start medical school.
Huh, interesting. Ignore me then, my idea of linking is you do a two year program for the pre-med prerequs and then basically apply normally. This sounds like something else even though it uses the same name. Congrats!
They gotta stop giving me so much hope at this school telling us at this WL session that they have had 2nd tier WL movement in the past, it's just more likely to get off WL if you have a 1st tier spot. Praying for all of us who LOVE Zucker
I mean this in the nicest way possible (although I don't think theres necessarily a nice way to say this, so I'm sorry in advance), but I was at the informational session today and I think there is a very clear difference between showing interest and coming off as a bit desperate/overly enthusiastic (and if it was obvious to me than I'm sure the adcoms likely picked up on it as well). I think showing eagerness and passion is wonderful, but there's a fine line where it can start to feel overwhelming and perhaps a bit counterproductive.

Its really so silly that every step of this process is so scrutinized but unfortunately that is likely the reality of things when you're putting so many people head to head, and I really want to see everyone fulfilling their dreams!! 😍 So, just something to keep in mind n stuff for those applying in the future
I mean this in the nicest way possible (although I don't think theres necessarily a nice way to say this, so I'm sorry in advance), but I was at the informational session today and I think there is a very clear difference between showing interest and coming off as a bit desperate/overly enthusiastic (and if it was obvious to me than I'm sure the adcoms likely picked up on it as well). I think showing eagerness and passion is wonderful, but there's a fine line where it can start to feel overwhelming and perhaps a bit counterproductive.

Its really so silly that every step of this process is so scrutinized but unfortunately that is likely the reality of things when you're putting so many people head to head, and I really want to see everyone fulfilling their dreams!! 😍 So, just something to keep in mind n stuff for those applying in the future
10000% I agree! Some of the questions that got asked were a little bit over the top in eagerness (just incase anyone is curious someone asked about prematriculation stuff even tho we were all WL people), especially since there were 100+ people in the call. With 99 seats to fill Zucker is definitely a reach for most people!

Always good to have some hope for everyone for this cycle & next cycle with any school 😎
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They gotta stop giving me so much hope at this school telling us at this WL session that they have had 2nd tier WL movement in the past, it's just more likely to get off WL if you have a 1st tier spot. Praying for all of us who LOVE Zucker
I could be off, but based off of what they said yesterday, to me it seems the tiers are more of a courtesy to the student in terms of Hofstra indicating how much interest they have in a student. It gives you a very broad idea of where on the waitlist you might fall, but given that they said they don't necessarily have to get through the 1st tier waitlist to accept somebody from the 2nd tier, it sounds like the tiers don't mean anything internally.
I guess it could be an admissions committee politics sort of thing, like maybe placing somebody on the 1st tier forces a certain amount of due diligence from the committee before moving on to the 2nd tier, per some hypothetical internal bylaw. Like maybe its so if there's an applicant that part of the committee wants and half wants to reject, this way the for's get their say?
I could be off, but based off of what they said yesterday, to me it seems the tiers are more of a courtesy to the student in terms of Hofstra indicating how much interest they have in a student. It gives you a very broad idea of where on the waitlist you might fall, but given that they said they don't necessarily have to get through the 1st tier waitlist to accept somebody from the 2nd tier, it sounds like the tiers don't mean anything internally.
I guess it could be an admissions committee politics sort of thing, like maybe placing somebody on the 1st tier forces a certain amount of due diligence from the committee before moving on to the 2nd tier, per some hypothetical internal bylaw. Like maybe its so if there's an applicant that part of the committee wants and half wants to reject, this way the for's get their say?
Honestly it seems like a lot of schools take liberties with what they do with their waitlists especially if there are different levels or tiers in this case. You could certainly be right about it, and based off the size of the participants the other day in the WL session it doesn’t seem like their WL is huge at all! I would definitely believe that they have some sort of way they rank people for the WL and I would actually assume it’s mostly stats/activity based since they have such high standards for who they want.

They seem to be pretty ambiguous about what info they give to us in that sense especially because some of the other stats they let us know were a bit off seeming. Who knows & all we can do is wish for the best! Like I echoed before though, it’s always good to have faith in the process and I also think that it’s just good for our own peace of mind to have some extra info on how they process us on the WL.
Honestly it seems like a lot of schools take liberties with what they do with their waitlists especially if there are different levels or tiers in this case. You could certainly be right about it, and based off the size of the participants the other day in the WL session it doesn’t seem like their WL is huge at all! I would definitely believe that they have some sort of way they rank people for the WL and I would actually assume it’s mostly stats/activity based since they have such high standards for who they want.

They seem to be pretty ambiguous about what info they give to us in that sense especially because some of the other stats they let us know were a bit off seeming. Who knows & all we can do is wish for the best! Like I echoed before though, it’s always good to have faith in the process and I also think that it’s just good for our own peace of mind to have some extra info on how they process us on the WL.
For sure, the lack of clear information outside of, "hey, at least your application is still alive!" is super frustrating but yeah wishing for the best is the way to go 🙂
Yeah based off of the session, the waitlist does seem kinda small, but they have a small class so it's probably a wash compared to other schools lol
For sure, the lack of clear information outside of, "hey, at least your application is still alive!" is super frustrating but yeah wishing for the best is the way to go 🙂
Yeah based off of the session, the waitlist does seem kinda small, but they have a small class so it's probably a wash compared to other schools lol
Oh I thought the waitlist was huge when I saw the amount of ppl present. Like it’s more than their actual class, do they normally have a lot of movement ?

Are other schools usually bigger waitlist ?
Oh I thought the waitlist was huge when I saw the amount of ppl present. Like it’s more than their actual class, do they normally have a lot of movement ?

Are other schools usually bigger waitlist ?
No idea about Hofstra's movement, but from the data I've seen (it's available somewhere online, don't remember exactly where but a lot of schools publicly report their waitlist sizes and accepetances, Hofstra is not one unfortunately) There's a 1 - 2 waitlist to class size ratio. So for example, for a class size of 200, they may have somewhere between 200 - 400 people on the waitlist
No idea about Hofstra's movement, but from the data I've seen (it's available somewhere online, don't remember exactly where but a lot of schools publicly report their waitlist sizes and accepetances, Hofstra is not one unfortunately) There's a 1 - 2 waitlist to class size ratio. So for example, for a class size of 200, they may have somewhere between 200 - 400 people on the waitlist
Oh dang I didn’t know that, thank you for sharing !