2023-2024 Nova Southeastern (MD)

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is there still a chance here?

There is still a chance but def time to start preparing for no acceptance and hope for a happy surprise so your prepared

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Guys I made it!!! Was accepted to nova can’t wait to join some of y’all there!!
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Has anyone received a finaid package yet? It tells me to log into the school's website but I don't have an account yet it seems
Has anyone received a finaid package yet? It tells me to log into the school's website but I don't have an account yet it seems
I haven’t gotten the rest of the admission package yet… hopefully they’ll send it after the holiday. I’m dying to start meeting classmates!
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Hey can someone send me the link to the accepted student group me?
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People that interviewed last week too, we are supposed to get an answer today right?
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Where can I find the link to the accepted student group me? Looking forward to meeting everyone!
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Hey everyone, I interviewed in October and was waitlisted in February. I'm trying not to lose hope because this school is my top-choice. Does anyone know if acceptances are still going out?
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Hey everyone, I interviewed in October and was waitlisted in February. I'm trying not to lose hope because this school is my top-choice. Does anyone know if acceptances are still going out?
^In the same boat
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Have yet to hear back regarding waitlist… does anyone know if the class is full?
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Did anyone who was on the WL not get a rejection?