2024-2025 Chicago Med (Rosalind Franklin)

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+1 alternate list :/
From what I have read they go through a good portion of their alt list. so I say you still have a pretty good chance. when did you interview?

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From what I have read they go through a good portion of their alt list. so I say you still have a pretty good chance. when did you interview?
where did you read this im trying to find the stats on waitlist->A/R for them
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Congratulations to friends with As! Did they email you or did it appear in your portal?
Is it best to wait the full 2 or to start when ur ready
Each interview in my MMI was precisely timed, so it was 2 minutes outside of the room waiting for the announcement to enter the room. Mine was in person and wasnt RFU, but I would assume that it would be the same precision timing as you move through the stations virtually (if this ones virtual idk). Gives the interviewer a few minutes to recenter as well.

I did 6 or 7 mock interview questions on zoom with a friend/advisor and it really helped me figure out how I would mentally form a outline to go by. In my opinion, for these settings, taking your time is always the proper option. Use any extra time to clear your mind and keep thinking about how you'll casually proceed through your response! And when youre in there, there's nothing wrong with taking a deep breath.
Super nervous for my interview coming up, I’ve looked at the thread for some information and it’s helped! Hopefully nothing too out of left field on interview day… Just the MMI, no traditional interview, right?
Super nervous for my interview coming up, I’ve looked at the thread for some information and it’s helped! Hopefully nothing too out of left field on interview day… Just the MMI, no traditional interview, right?
Yeah it was just the MMI, all the faculty were very nice, no need to stress!