2024-2025 Chicago Med (Rosalind Franklin)

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Is there an accepted student GC yet? Happy to make one if no one has made one yet
+1 IS A!! Interviewed 9/24
I'm so happy! Also, take this with a grain of salt but one of my friends who currently goes there says most of his classmates there came off the AL!!
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For those who got an A, do we have to accept our offer somewhere? I saw an intent to enroll form but assuming that’s for later
For those who got an A, do we have to accept our offer somewhere? I saw an intent to enroll form but assuming that’s for later

You have to accept it and pay 100$ within 2 weeks of receiving it! I asked my friends who are in med school. You kinda have to do this with all the schools to hold ur spot
omg congrats to everyone who got an A!!! they’re moving surprisingly fast since they did october first already - do we think they’re going to keep pumping out As weekly? i interviewed on october eighth so im nervous eek

edited because idk why a bunch of emojis kept popping up everytime i tried to list out a date idk
Can you jot down notes during the MMI prep time? Were these scenarios where the interviewer asked questions at the end?
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Can you jot down notes during the MMI prep time? Were these scenarios where the interviewer asked questions at the end?
You get into the room and have a little bit of time to say hi to your interviewer, and then they screenshare the prompt and you get slightly less than 2 minutes to read it and take notes. Questions during my interview were pretty normal MMI scenarios but come prepared for trad interview stuff + have some questions for your interviewers just in case because all my interviewers asked follow-up questions or gave me time to ask questions if time allowed.

In between these MMI stations you'll be in a giant breakout room with everyone else, and the admin will ask everyone some general lighthearted questions and either call on people or have people volunteer to answer.
Interviewed recently here and I’m uncertain how to go about ty letters. Although I appreciate the time the interviewers take to move this process along, I don’t think there was time to really get to know any of our interviewers - would it be awful if I just didn’t send ty letters?? Also I didn’t even get a chance to jot down all their names with the time constraint..oh and there’s 6 of them
Interviewed recently here and I’m uncertain how to go about ty letters. Although I appreciate the time the interviewers take to move this process along, I don’t think there was time to really get to know any of our interviewers - would it be awful if I just didn’t send ty letters?? Also I didn’t even get a chance to jot down all their names with the time constraint..oh and there’s 6 of them
I felt the same way and didn't end up sending letters because I couldn't remember their names. I got accepted 🙂
Anyone have a guesstimate on post-ii acceptance rate? Judging by MSAR, at least for IS applicants, ~38% of interviewed applicants matriculated, but I don’t know how that translates to acceptances!
Anyone have a guesstimate on post-ii acceptance rate? Judging by MSAR, at least for IS applicants, ~38% of interviewed applicants matriculated, but I don’t know how that translates to acceptances!
They would need to accept many more because not everyone would choose RFU over all of their acceptances. They also might choose it and then change their mind if they get off the WL. Most schools accept 2-2.8x their total class (after WL movement) depending of their historical yield.
They would need to accept many more because not everyone would choose RFU over all of their acceptances. They also might choose it and then change their mind if they get off the WL. Most schools accept 2-2.8x their total class (after WL movement) depending of their historical yield.
this totally makes sense, thanks for your input!!!
Hey guys, I started an accepted students GroupMe, dm me for invitations!
after being a lurker, i am so excited to finally say... +1 IS II !!!! 😭😭😭 my first EVER II as a reapplicant, i am so grateful. submitted 8/29 marked complete 9/26
Congrats, first II as a reapplicant hits HARD. Also glad to see they still got to your app even though it was marked complete late sept (my was marked complete Friday).
does this school accept update letters?
"Can I send in updates to my application?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept any additional information or materials unless it includes Institutional Action, Felony, Misdemeanor or Military Discharge explanations. Any additional information or materials will be discarded."

Have anyone from early October interviews heard back?

I interviewed on Oct 1st and got accepted on Oct 21st! But it seems like people’s turnaround time varies, so don’t fret!