2023-2024 Chicago Med (Rosalind Franklin)

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Why have I still not received a pre-II R……..

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Is there an official group me for accepted students created by the admin? And if yes, does anyone know how many people are on it? Trying to gauge if I'm getting off this WL 😗🤞
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for those who were taken off the WL, do you mind sharing if you were given a deadline (or relative turn around time) for when you need to accept the offer? Thanks!
for those who were taken off the WL, do you mind sharing if you were given a deadline (or relative turn around time) for when you need to accept the offer? Thanks!
We’re required to submit the declaration of intent no later than two weeks after receiving our admission letter.
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OOS A off WL like 20 mins ago!!!!!!!! Interviewed 3/5 and waitlisted 4/2
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Does anyone know if they have a process for letting people off of the waitlist or is it random for when they let people off? I haven’t gotten an update since being put on the waitlist, so just wondering if anyone knows if there is a timeline here.
Does anyone know if they have a process for letting people off of the waitlist or is it random for when they let people off? I haven’t gotten an update since being put on the waitlist, so just wondering if anyone knows if there is a timeline here.
I believe someone mentioned they rank people on a scale of 1-4 and pull them off the WL based on that. Within each ranking though, idk
i believe they were saying "explain like im 5 years old", like the reddit forum r/eli5. not that their ranking is 5
Omgg i missed that 🙈🙈🙈
Though would be nice to know where on ranking we stand.
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Will be withdrawing my A today, good luck to everyone!!
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Can anyone currently at RFU speak on the match process and how many students usually do not match into their top speciality / competitive specialities. Also is there a document that provides names or contact information to ask individuals from RFU how their match experience was.
(going purely off the accepted groupme numbers here) but it seems like the class is only half full. wonder why WL movement has been slow i.e. few acceptances sprinkled throughout the week
(going purely off the accepted groupme numbers here) but it seems like the class is only half full. wonder why WL movement has been slow i.e. few acceptances sprinkled throughout the week
There was some speculation that more A's will be given out after their PTE deadline (June 1st). Hopefully, that's the case.
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Just a heads up if you receive a call it’s for them to offer you the masters program
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Anyone else on the waitlist get a link to their newsletter? does everyone get it, like accepted students and those on the waitlist?
Anyone else on the waitlist get a link to their newsletter? does everyone get it, like accepted students and those on the waitlist?
Yeah I got it. I don’t think it means anything, seems like they just send it to everyone.