2024-2025 Midwestern University (Chicago, Illinois) CCOM

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

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does anyone know if ccom has taken sub 500 MCAT scores in the past? Their MCAT is crazy high
Uh don't know specifically but I'd doubt it, maybe if someone had an insane story. CCOM is a really rigorous school with almost constant assessment that prides itself on boards rates. In general sub 500 MCATs are monumental to overcome in terms of admissions, lots of risk for students not passing STEP/Level. Maybe newer DO schools will be more open but CCOM/AZCOM are mad established and get a ton of applications from well-qualified students so competition is steep.
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Does CCOM send out secondaries since we already answered the questions on the primary app?
Are there any updates on a secondary, or were the secondary questions on the primary application? I believe it's the latter, but I could be mistaken.
Are there any updates on a secondary, or were the secondary questions on the primary application? I believe it's the latter, but I could be mistaken.
did they do this in years past?
Are there any updates on a secondary, or were the secondary questions on the primary application? I believe it's the latter, but I could be mistaken.
I was wondering the same. I pre-wrote for this school based on last cycle's prompts, and the questions in the "Additional" section for this school on AACOMAS were the exact same prompts. I'm wondering if we'll just not receive a secondary because they included them on the primary. I'm hoping they won't send another set of questions to answer haha
I was wondering the same. I pre-wrote for this school based on last cycle's prompts, and the questions in the "Additional" section for this school on AACOMAS were the exact same prompts. I'm wondering if we'll just not receive a secondary because they included them on the primary. I'm hoping they won't send another set of questions to answer haha
I did the same, but I submitted primary 5/30 and haven't heard anything from them since
Received an email to complete application through their portal just now
Edit: no official secondary application for this cycle
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in the application status portal, it says they're still awaiting my second letter of recommendation. The university I graduated from required a committee packet to be sent to all schools which included 6 LOR's. Should I email them and explain the reason why it appears as if I only have 1 LOR?
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in the application status portal, it says they're still awaiting my second letter of recommendation. The university I graduated from required a committee packet to be sent to all schools which included 5 LOR's. Should I email them and explain the reason why it appears as if I only have 1 LOR?

If you scroll down it appears that they are looking for a letter of recommendation from a physician to fill in that second LOR slot.

If you scroll down it appears that they are looking for a letter of recommendation from a physician to fill in that second LOR slot.
I submitted 4 LORs through AACOMAS, and ik that this school only needs a DO and committee/sci prof letter, does that mean they went through and picked those specifically or did they just grab 2?

If you scroll down it appears that they are looking for a letter of recommendation from a physician to fill in that second LOR slot.
I received two LORs from an MD and DO, which are included in the committee packet. I could probably ask another physician I've shadowed to send a separate LOR to fufill the the spot, but I think that would be sort of redundant.
in the application status portal, it says they're still awaiting my second letter of recommendation. The university I graduated from required a committee packet to be sent to all schools which included 6 LOR's. Should I email them and explain the reason why it appears as if I only have 1 LOR?
I called the admissions office earlier today. I have a committee letter which includes the a separate letter from the DO and they told me it should update correctly within the next week.

They said they're updating their system and it's just a glitch.
I called the admissions office earlier today. I have a committee letter which includes the a separate letter from the DO and they told me it should update correctly within the next week.

They said they're updating their system and it's just a glitch.
oh perfect!! thank you for letting me know, I'll keep an eye out on my application then to see if it updates!
oh perfect!! thank you for letting me know, I'll keep an eye out on my application then to see if it updates!
Sounds good, I'm doing the same. They told me to call next Friday it's not updated by then, so I'll keep the thread in the loop
Just got a background check request email. When I go to the login portal, it's requiring a temporary PIN to login. Does anyone know where we can find this?
Just got a background check request email. When I go to the login portal, it's requiring a temporary PIN to login. Does anyone know where we can find this?

im having the same issue, only one email about a background check with no info about a temporary pin. if anyone knows where to find the pin that would be super helpful!
im having the same issue, only one email about a background check with no info about a temporary pin. if anyone knows where to find the pin that would be super helpful!
It's in the email titled "AACOMAS Application Received" they've sent out previously!
It's in the email titled "AACOMAS Application Received" they've sent out previously!

i actually just received that one this morning, after the background check one yesterday. weird that they sent them out of order but at least i have it now. thanks so much!
Does anybody know when CCOM/MWU typically starts sending out invites? The website says interviews typically begin in September so it seems like invites should be out by now....
Yesterday, I got the email to login to their application portal and just had to acknowledge something about background checks. No other questions or anything.
was it the "background acknowledgment form?"
Genuinely curious because I’m interested. Are you wanting to go DO specifically? Or why would you apply here with such high stats?
It's close by and my SO goes there, and more generally I'm a reapplicant and don't want to go through this process again 😭 so I'm applying broadly. I seriously feel that stats only get you past the filter, extracurriculars are way more important and I wish I had prioritized them more the first time.

was it the "background acknowledgment form?"
It's close by and my SO goes there, and more generally I'm a reapplicant and don't want to go through this process again 😭 so I'm applying broadly. I seriously feel that stats only get you past the filter, extracurriculars are way more important and I wish I had prioritized them more the first time.

thanks for being transparent, and I agree broadly is important.
Interesting that the process is so unique for everyone as I think my EC’s are great, 5,000 plus emt/paramedic, 300+ volunteer with underserved pops, leadership, and some minor research….. but my mcat was only a 511 so I’m hoping my ECs help a lot because I’m super confident in my app but being looked over and out on interview hold at quite a few schools I have metrics for has gotten me quite concerned and I legit ask myself, what else does this school want me to do.
Anyone not able to log into Midwestern's portal? I'm getting a "Logins to this account have been temporarily blocked." And when I try password reset, it just says this user cannot be found. Odd... wondering if others are having the same issue.
I submitted my primary to them yesterday, but when I never received a pin from them to log into my portal? Wondering why I got this email before receiving the pin from them? Anyone else get this email?

Greetings from Midwestern University, Downers Grove!

As of today, your application is incomplete. We are unable to review your application without all required information.

Login to your Midwestern Portal to see what's missing.

Thank you!

Midwestern University, Downers Grove
Office of Admissions
It might be because of the background acknowledgement form! It should show on the portal so you can fill that out and submit!
Did you receive your pin for your login through your email? This is the first email I got from them so Im confused on how to access my portal without the pin lol I dont see a reset link on the main page to reset my account either?
Did you receive your pin for your login through your email? This is the first email I got from them so Im confused on how to access my portal without the pin lol I dont see a reset link on the main page to reset my account either?
Theres an email with the subject "AACOMAS Application Recieved"

In there, it will give you a link to the portal with a pin and the email to use. The PIN is single use, you set up a password after.

If you didn't get this email i'd reach out, or wait a little bit longer since you just submitted 🙂 good luck!
Ohhh I see! So for me I applied to the AZ campus too and it turned out to be the same portal so I didn't receive one from Downers Grove but I did receive that email. Did you apply to the other campus as well? I think it would be okay to reach out to them and request the pin (the emails are sending out of order I think?? LOLL)
Ahhh okay! Yeah I only applied to the IL campus so maybe they pre-maturely sent me this. I literally just submitted yesterday so I was surprised to even see an email from them lolol Ill wait it out and if I don't get a pin by Friday ill follow up. Thank you sm 🙂
Theres an email with the subject "AACOMAS Application Recieved"

In there, it will give you a link to the portal with a pin and the email to use. The PIN is single use, you set up a password after.

If you didn't get this email i'd reach out, or wait a little bit longer since you just submitted 🙂 good luck!
Sounds great! Yeah I didn't get that from them yet so maybe they meant to send me the application received and sent me the missing info one lol ill wait it out. Thank you so much ill keep an eye out for that email title!
I just got the email that my application was received, and I completed the background check, but I submitted 5 LORs through AACOMAS. I know that Midwestern wants two letters, one from a physician and the other from a science professor (since I don't have a committee letter). On the portal, it says that only one letter was received despite the 5 I submitted through AACOMAS. Should I contact the admissions office about this? I'm not sure which letter was received to begin with 😉
I just got the email that my application was received, and I completed the background check, but I submitted 5 LORs through AACOMAS. I know that Midwestern wants two letters, one from a physician and the other from a science professor (since I don't have a committee letter). On the portal, it says that only one letter was received despite the 5 I submitted through AACOMAS. Should I contact the admissions office about this? I'm not sure which letter was received to begin with 😉
I sent more than 2 letters too and didn't have any problems. I believe since AACOMAS doesn't let you select letters for each school, they will receive all of the letters and pick 2 that meet the requirement?