MD & DO co'21 Residency Panic thread

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I've been really distracted/surprised by some of the crazy stuff people are doing just on zoom interviews so in person would've been a sight. It really isn't as hard to spot blatant psychos or people who just don't care as I would've thought prior to interview season. Person in one of my interviews was eating oatmeal (or soup?) and a banana in front of their iphone camera angled upwards from a desk while he talked to their roommate in the background here and there. Proceeded to then lick the spoon on camera and sniff their fingers pretty aggressively. It was really something to watch and I can't remember a single thing the PD said during it because I was so distracted lmao.

omg wat

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Has anyone else run into the guy who put in HUGE homemade letters Dr. X (his last name) on the wall behind him as his background?

I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing at first...
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Has anyone else run into the guy who put in HUGE homemade letters Dr. X (his last name) on the wall behind him as his background?

I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing at first...
God I hope they're interviewing in their parents house and the parents are doctors lol. I would physically cringe looking at that.
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God I hope they're interviewing in their parents house and the parents are doctors lol. I would physically cringe looking at that.
Ned students are the clingiest out there haha between a mix of never being in the real world and being in a prestigious (?) field really inflates the ego
LOL crazy that they can be comfortable presenting themselves like that in a professional setting. I guess with a 98% match rate for USMDs in IM they ain't sweating it. Its only a red flag if its an IMG.

It's really no wonder so many people can rattle off bad experiences with doctors. Look how many psychopaths there are, and in a field like IM or FM, they will probably match somewhere.
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It's really no wonder so many people can rattle off bad experiences with doctors. Look how many psychopaths there are, and in a field like IM or FM, they will probably match somewhere.
That's because people don't realize doctors are just stubborn people who went through a lot of training. The cross section of doctors probably has the same if not more problematic people in it than general society. They just hide it better and the system selects for some of these traits. They only come out as negatives at BBQs and stuff so no one notices normally.
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Yeah I am just not surprised anymore. There was a guy on reddit wondering why no PDs or PCs responded to his "Happy Thanksgiving" emails
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LOL crazy that they can be comfortable presenting themselves like that in a professional setting. I guess with a 98% match rate for USMDs in IM they ain't sweating it. Its only a red flag if its an IMG.
If an IMG put it in Cyrillic I’d be impressed
I fell in love with my top 3 programs and wouldn't mind matching at any of them. Now how do I maximize my chances of matching at them other than praying lol
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on an unrelated note, this hectic interview season is also my dedicated for Step 2 CK. If I only have enough time to redo like half of UWORLD by the end of the month, am I better off doing all the medicine questions and ignoring the rest, or should I do blocks of the full mix of medicine/surg/OBGYN/peds/psych?
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Alright I'm gonna come out and say, there are always a couple people on each interview day that look disheveled. And I am in no way saying that physical appearance has anything to do with competence as a doctor, but I think you should try a bit harder with just the basics during interview day. Let me give examples:

-Unkempt facial hair/stubble/neckbeards (I don't mean something that is well maintained, which it is most of the time)
-Unkempt/uncombed hair (just why...)
-Wrinkled shirts/ties (I saw a dude the other day with a straight up upwards bent collar on both sides and the top button unbuttoned)
-No suit jacket for men (why)

The vast majority of applicants are totally fine, but some things I've seen are jarring, and first impressions count. These are things I have always considered common sense but I guess not. It's also mostly men lol...
With Zoom interviews, its crazy how little effort you need to present yourself and your background neatly. I wear white shirt with un-ironed sleeves (but covered by my suit jacket), shorts and/or PJs (not visible on camera obviously), tie that is too short sometimes (but not for the camera), suit that wont button for the life of me (but who cares cause it remains unbuttoned when I sit down). My foreground is untidy but my background is plain and neat. Even if I roll out of bed a few minutes before the interview, I wash my face and tidy my hair, cause that is showing up on camera.

I wish I had some of the people you are describing in my interviews. Easy way to climb up the rank list for me lol.
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Alright I'm gonna come out and say, there are always a couple people on each interview day that look disheveled. And I am in no way saying that physical appearance has anything to do with competence as a doctor, but I think you should try a bit harder with just the basics during interview day. Let me give examples:

-Unkempt facial hair/stubble/neckbeards (I don't mean something that is well maintained, which it is most of the time)
-Unkempt/uncombed hair (just why...)
-Wrinkled shirts/ties (I saw a dude the other day with a straight up upwards bent collar on both sides and the top button unbuttoned)
-No suit jacket for men (why)

The vast majority of applicants are totally fine, but some things I've seen are jarring, and first impressions count. These are things I have always considered common sense but I guess not. It's also mostly men lol...
I have a pretty strong sweater vest game, thank you very much.
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on an unrelated note, this hectic interview season is also my dedicated for Step 2 CK. If I only have enough time to redo like half of UWORLD by the end of the month, am I better off doing all the medicine questions and ignoring the rest, or should I do blocks of the full mix of medicine/surg/OBGYN/peds/psych?
If you are doing 2 blocks a day, I would do 1 block of medicine and 1 block mix. Make sure you finish all of the ethics and biostats questions, and review biostats from FA Step 1. Take UWorld Sim 2 around 1 week before the test.
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I'm not in IM but I have my guitars up so I was racking my brain if I buttoned my shirt and had my tie haha I think I'm good though I'd feel weird if I was in that guys position
Dude same haha. My guitars are mounted and always a talking point but not applying IM either. I thought this was about me for a sec haha.
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Just got another trickle invite to keep my trickle each week streak alive! This new one puts me at the magic 10 interviews.
And you we're freaking out earlier ;)
For future classes reading this thread, II's come throughout the year. Don't freak out early on!
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shorts and/or PJs (not visible on camera obviously)
Currently, 26/339 people on a reddit poll answered yes to: "Fellow MS4s, have any of you been asked to stand during an interview to confirm that you are wearing pants?"

Like I hope most of those people are trolling, but if I were asked to stand up I would probably log out even though I wear stretchy pants that could easily be mistaken for suit bottoms lol seems toxic as hell
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I just assumed all surgery subspecialty interviews started with the interviewer asking them to show the full outfit tbh.
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No invites at all this week. Just rejections. I am happy with the number of interviews I have, so I can't complain too much. Just wish I had SOME from my top programs. I didn't think they were reaches, but I guess I was wrong!
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All I want for christmas is to come off UCLAs waitlist, but I think coal is more likely.
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Can you get any ****tier than this?? Why put the title interview invite if it's a rejection???

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Are you interviewing for IM or is there just multiple people out there hanging guitars up behind them lmao
EM. Yeah I've seen a couple of people put up guitars....which I think is more interesting than a potted plant or a national parks poster (seen at least 6 of those so far)
The thank you at the bottom is killing me lmao
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Hearing all these stories of applicants doing weird stuff on zoom has me worried. Everyone has seemed normal so far. Does this mean I’m the weird one?
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how are the couples match people doing? Right now me and my SO have a decent amount of overlap but our #1s are on opposite sides of the country lol. Getting kinda worried about how rank lists are gonna work
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This is the worst.
I seem to remember for med school, one school sent me an email saying, "Please log into our portal for the result of your application." Yup, they made me log in just to see that I'd been rejected. That also felt like a dick move.
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I seem to remember for med school, one school sent me an email saying, "Please log into our portal for the result of your application." Yup, they made me log in just to see that I'd been rejected. That also felt like a dick move.

The best is when they accidentally sent everyone who filled out a secondary an II and then had to tell people they were actually rejected after they had booked flights and hotels.
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I seem to remember for med school, one school sent me an email saying, "Please log into our portal for the result of your application." Yup, they made me log in just to see that I'd been rejected. That also felt like a dick move.
That feels like a lot of work..
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So... that list of unfilled programs that had to SOAP...

It is really just random, or can you safely assume that a place is malignant if it has a huge number of SOAPed spots? I’m seeing places on there that had 12 spots, filled 11, and had to SOAP 1, and that’s fine and all... but what’s up with the places with, say, 4 spots that had to SOAP all 4?

Did you guys take this sort of data in mind when applying?
So... that list of unfilled programs that had to SOAP...

It is really just random, or can you safely assume that a place is malignant if it has a huge number of SOAPed spots? I’m seeing places on there that had 12 spots, filled 11, and had to SOAP 1, and that’s fine and all... but what’s up with the places with, say, 4 spots that had to SOAP all 4?

Did you guys take this sort of data in mind when applying?
I looked at it for sure. Sometimes to look for “safeties”. Sometimes to look for red flags. The thing is, my core site program really isn’t that bad. But they SOAP close to half I think. For them, I think the problem is they’re trying to date above themselves. Like a 4 saying you have to be a 7+ to go on a date with them. And yeah maybe the 7s/8s take you on a date, but in the end they don’t marry you because they have other better options from other 7s and 8s. Meanwhile, another core site I interviewed with, in the same corporation, but malignant program with scutwork and going over duty hours, always fills 100% with not a single American grad on their roster (no offense meant towards any IMG/FMGs. You can be amazing individuals but it’s well known that matching in general is more difficult for you.)

TLDR: I look at it for sure but it’s hard to decipher what’s really going on.
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I have gone over the data in the past. Usually low tier community programs face these problems. They could just be interviewing people who realistically wont go there and reluctant to go for lower tier applicants. This year many community PDs think they're landing Harvard grads. PDs with poor judgement will be exposed.
Yes! I was just typing out my reply and this is definitely the case at my core site program. Decent enough Community program that won’t consider “low tier applicants.”
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So... that list of unfilled programs that had to SOAP...

It is really just random, or can you safely assume that a place is malignant if it has a huge number of SOAPed spots? I’m seeing places on there that had 12 spots, filled 11, and had to SOAP 1, and that’s fine and all... but what’s up with the places with, say, 4 spots that had to SOAP all 4?

Did you guys take this sort of data in mind when applying?
For me, quick and dirty evaluation looks like this: If a larger program in a big city doesn't fill, I'm assuming malignant. If a smaller program in a very rural area doesn't fill, I assume its due to location.
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I looked at it for sure. Sometimes to look for “safeties”. Sometimes to look for red flags. The thing is, my core site program really isn’t that bad. But they SOAP close to half I think. For them, I think the problem is they’re trying to date above themselves. Like a 4 saying you have to be a 7+ to go on a date with them. And yeah maybe the 7s/8s take you on a date, but in the end they don’t marry you because they have other better options from other 7s and 8s. Meanwhile, another core site I interviewed with, in the same corporation, but malignant program with scutwork and going over duty hours, always fills 100% with not a single American grad on their roster (no offense meant towards any IMG/FMGs. You can be amazing individuals but it’s well known that matching in general is more difficult for you.)

TLDR: I look at it for sure but it’s hard to decipher what’s really going on.
i know this wasn't the point of this post ... but omg i'm a 4 married to a 10 lol.
one time my attending was like how did you get someone this out of your league
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So... that list of unfilled programs that had to SOAP...

It is really just random, or can you safely assume that a place is malignant if it has a huge number of SOAPed spots? I’m seeing places on there that had 12 spots, filled 11, and had to SOAP 1, and that’s fine and all... but what’s up with the places with, say, 4 spots that had to SOAP all 4?

Did you guys take this sort of data in mind when applying?
As it turns out.. 3/6 of my PGY-3 class had to SOAP into our program, but it is the farthest thing from malignant.

That said, i absolutely took this stuff into account a year ago
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i know this wasn't the point of this post ... but omg i'm a 4 married to a 10 lol.
one time my attending was like how did you get someone this out of your league
No no no. Positive feelings only. You’re a 10, married to a 10.
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I looked at it for sure. Sometimes to look for “safeties”. Sometimes to look for red flags. The thing is, my core site program really isn’t that bad. But they SOAP close to half I think. For them, I think the problem is they’re trying to date above themselves. Like a 4 saying you have to be a 7+ to go on a date with them. And yeah maybe the 7s/8s take you on a date, but in the end they don’t marry you because they have other better options from other 7s and 8s. Meanwhile, another core site I interviewed with, in the same corporation, but malignant program with scutwork and going over duty hours, always fills 100% with not a single American grad on their roster (no offense meant towards any IMG/FMGs. You can be amazing individuals but it’s well known that matching in general is more difficult for you.)

TLDR: I look at it for sure but it’s hard to decipher what’s really going on.
Another big aspect is some of these programs demand that you've auditioned/rotated at the program before they will give you a real shot.

I think its unrealistic to assume every auditioner wants to end up at your program even if they spent a month there. Yet some of these programs require it and will end up going unfilled.
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Another big aspect is some of these programs demand that you've auditioned/rotated at the program before they will give you a real shot.

I think its unrealistic to assume every auditioner wants to end up at your program even if they spent a month there. Yet some of these programs require it and will end up going unfilled.

Is the bolded really true? I've heard this but never really believed it. How can a program with say, 15+ spots expect to interview and rank enough people if they are only looking at students who auditioned there. They must be having people audition into February? And if so, still that's slim pickings for the programs part. I can see the desire to want to see the applicant on the service but still that's a bit obnoxious imo