LECOM Bradenton Discussion Thread 2011-2012

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I believe you have 30 days from the day you receive your registration # to have your drug test done, forgot to mention that.

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I just signed up for my background check on 4/1. Within a few hours they sent me an email with a donor registration number and a list of test centers that were close to my address. The email also said I had until 4/16 to get the drug test done, so you have about 2 weeks after you sign up for the background check to get it done. The test results list the drugs mentioned above as well as "urine alcohol"
This late in the game they will probably give you a phone call as the first step(at least thats what some of my classmates told me they did). The admissions office will probably want to know if you want the spot before they send you all the info about getting accepted and the turnaround time to give the deposit is going to be very short(only a few weeks I believe).
I received an email today asking for my Fall semester grades. My Spring semester grades are a lot better. Even though I wasn't asked for them, should I send them? I feel they would help me, especially because I am currently taking Calculus 3 and have an A- in it, and I have As everywhere else (except for a B in one class). What should I do?
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I received an email today asking for my Fall semester grades. My Spring semester grades are a lot better. Even though I wasn't asked for them, should I send them? I feel they would help me, especially because I am currently taking Calculus 3 and have an A- in it, and I have As everywhere else (except for a B in one class). What should I do?

It can't hurt. But then again you're not finished with Spring semester and I'm pretty sure they will eventually want these before matriculation. Just be sure to send them what they want and then take it from there. The admissions office is very friendly so giving them a call to clarify would be a good move.
Did anyone from these past interviews (3-30 and 4-2) call Admissions and ask about their status? I checked the portal and it said I would be receiving a letter within 30 days.
Did anyone from these past interviews (3-30 and 4-2) call Admissions and ask about their status? I checked the portal and it said I would be receiving a letter within 30 days.

If your status has already changed then I would call and ask. They gave me my status over the phone back in November. Best of luck!
Yeah I would call Annette Shively, she is super nice and will tell you your status over the phone. The letter will probably come in a few days but I couldn't wait :)
Unfortunately, I was waitlisted. This is my second waitlisted school and I have another interview left (with LECOM-E in May), so all I can really do at this point is pray and send updates.

Congrats to whoever already got in and good luck to those waitlisted!
Unfortunately, I was waitlisted. This is my second waitlisted school and I have another interview left (with LECOM-E in May), so all I can really do at this point is pray and send updates.

Congrats to whoever already got in and good luck to those waitlisted!

Keep your head up! I was waitlisted from Nov.-Dec. and I sent a letter of intent to Ron Shively, and kept in touch with him. I also sent a Thank you letter to Annette for giving us a tour, etc. Keep in touch with them, and let them know how sincere you are about going to LECOM-B and why you're a good fit for PBL. It definitely can't hurt. Best of luck!
Keep your head up! I was waitlisted from Nov.-Dec. and I sent a letter of intent to Ron Shively, and kept in touch with him. I also sent a Thank you letter to Annette for giving us a tour, etc. Keep in touch with them, and let them know how sincere you are about going to LECOM-B and why you're a good fit for PBL. It definitely can't hurt. Best of luck!
I got waitlisted as well, this is what I've been doing. Although I have to admit I haven't talked to Ron Shively only Annette, who is Ron? I have been showing them how interested I am in the school and trying to express how I would be a good fit for PBL.
Although I have to admit I haven't talked to Ron Shively only Annette, who is Ron?

I believe Ron is Annette's husband? Not 100% though. He is the head of Student Affairs and he did a presentation and spent a good amount of time with my interview group, however if you didn't meet him at your interview, I would just stick to the people that were most involved on your particular day.
Best of luck :luck:
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Hi guys,
My boyfriend and I will be moving to the Bradenton area in July and I'm wondering where current/former students recommend living. Also how do you feel about renting an apt. vs. a house out there? Besides the fact that rent varies. We also have an 8lb dog, so needs to be pet friendly. Thanks for your help!!
Has anyone withdrawn their acceptance after paying the non-refundable deposit?
Hi guys,
My boyfriend and I will be moving to the Bradenton area in July and I'm wondering where current/former students recommend living. Also how do you feel about renting an apt. vs. a house out there? Besides the fact that rent varies. We also have an 8lb dog, so needs to be pet friendly. Thanks for your help!!

Have you checked out the Facebook page? There is a lot of discussion on housing.

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Hey guys,
I was unable to turn in my matriculation papers by today because I have been really busy with finals/graduation. I know they said that if you turn it in late you will have to petition to start classes. I have tried getting a hold of the LECOM admissions office quite a few times with no luck. Can anyone please describe the petition process if they happen to make me go through it? Thanks in advance!
Hey guys,
I was unable to turn in my matriculation papers by today because I have been really busy with finals/graduation. I know they said that if you turn it in late you will have to petition to start classes. I have tried getting a hold of the LECOM admissions office quite a few times with no luck. Can anyone please describe the petition process if they happen to make me go through it? Thanks in advance!

Try posting this same message on the Facebook page. You will get a lot of help from the current LECOM students there. It's titled "LECOM- Bradenton DO class of 2016".
Try posting this same message on the Facebook page. You will get a lot of help from the current LECOM students there. It's titled "LECOM- Bradenton DO class of 2016".

Believe it or not....I am 1 of the few people that does Not have a Facebook lol. If anyone doesnt mind posting the info. here that'd be great! If not, could you tell me if the FB page is public for all FB members, I could go on my sister's. Thanks!
Hey guys,
I was unable to turn in my matriculation papers by today because I have been really busy with finals/graduation. Can anyone please describe the petition process if they happen to make me go through it? Thanks in advance!

I would suggest getting the papers in ASAP by the end of the week or something and hopefully they won't make you go through the whole petition process. Also, who have you been trying to contact with Admissions? They are usually really responsive.
Does anyone know if there has been any movement off the alternate list recently?
When I emailed Annette she told me they were constantly reviewing the list but they didn't expect there to be any movement until mid-may.
Today you did? Wow! Congrats! I thought they met on Tuesdays. May I ask when you interviewed?

Yep, today. I interviewed on Apirl 13th. They do meet on Tuesdays. I think they already met to discuss my group's files on Tuesday, April 17th. And I had not heard anything since then (save for today) so I have to take that to mean I made it on the unofficial wait-list.
Yep, today. I interviewed on Apirl 13th. They do meet on Tuesdays. I think they already met to discuss my group's files on Tuesday, April 17th. And I had not heard anything since then (save for today) so I have to take that to mean I made it on the unofficial wait-list.
What did you do since your interview? Sent in letters of intent and stuff? Would you mind me asking what your stats are? I'm still on the waitlist so I'm just curious where I stack up against the people who have been accepted? Thanks :)
What did you do since your interview? Sent in letters of intent and stuff? Would you mind me asking what your stats are? I'm still on the waitlist so I'm just curious where I stack up against the people who have been accepted? Thanks :)

Since my interview, I called once and asked to speak to Ronald Shively. When you speak to him, you might get a feel for your chances. When I spoke with him, I got distinct impressions that they were interested. My stats are as follows -- 26 MCAT (09 VR, 08 PS, 09 BS, and M), 3.9 GPA, age 20. Good luck. I hope to see you there.
I withdrew my acceptance this week. Hopefully, one of you get the spot. Best of luck to everyone waiting. There is still time to get off the waitlist, so stay positive! :)
I withdrew my acceptance this week. Hopefully, one of you get the spot. Best of luck to everyone waiting. There is still time to get off the waitlist, so stay positive! :)

I may have gotten your spot. Thank you. Good luck!
Hello all,
This is especially for current / former students at Lecom-B, we just received the Required Book list, do you mind telling me if we should get everything they require as well as all/some of the supplementals or what do you recommend overall in terms of the lists? Esp. in terms of specific subjects, etc. Feel free to PM me.
Thanks a lot!
Withdrew my acceptance today, hope it goes to one of you!
Hello all,
This is especially for current / former students at Lecom-B, we just received the Required Book list, do you mind telling me if we should get everything they require as well as all/some of the supplementals or what do you recommend overall in terms of the lists? Esp. in terms of specific subjects, etc. Feel free to PM me.
Thanks a lot!

In the beginning, you will just need anatomy and histology (unless they are changing the schedule for you guys). I wouldn't bother ordering all the books and then having to move them (assuming you don't live here). Have anatomy (text and atlas) and histo ready to go, and order the rest once you're settled in.

Most of my books were older editions. They were mostly sufficient, but every now and then I used a library book to read newer material that wasn't included in my old books. A main disadvantage in using older editions is that the page numbers are all different, so when you are discussing things in PBL you can't just say "well on page 346 it says that..." because everyone in your group will likely have a different page number.

If I were you, I wouldn't worry about the supplemental list at this point. You can always look in the library or wait and see if you need a supplemental text for an area of weakness. If you want to save money, go with older editions, but if money isn't an issue and you'd rather not be bothered with outdated page numbers, get the new books. I'd suggest getting a new anatomy book because of how intensely you will be using that book and discussing it with group members.
What should we read before school starts? I thought I heard a current student say they also sent out a summer reading list as well.
What should we read before school starts? I thought I heard a current student say they also sent out a summer reading list as well.

Any book that you've been wanting to read but won't have time to read once school starts.
:idea: Are all anatomy books created the same? meaning does the anatomy in college: fundamental of anatomy and physiology by martini 6th edition useable as the one they are suggesting:
Gray's Anatomy for Students: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (Paperback)
hey all! just got accepted to my top choice, so il be withdrawing tomorrow. i hope my spot goes to someone good!
:idea: Are all anatomy books created the same? meaning does the anatomy in college: fundamental of anatomy and physiology by martini 6th edition useable as the one they are suggesting:
Gray's Anatomy for Students: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (Paperback)

If you like that one, you might be able to use it...maybe. I'm not familiar with it, and it might not be in depth enough. They recommend Gray's, but a lot of people preferred other books and used those. Certainly, not all atlases are created equal. The Gray's atlas kinda sucks, some people liked Netter's, others liked Moore's or Grant's or whoever's. Mostly you can use what you want as long as it covers the material. I'd stick to things used by other med schools.
:idea: Are all anatomy books created the same? meaning does the anatomy in college: fundamental of anatomy and physiology by martini 6th edition useable as the one they are suggesting:
Gray's Anatomy for Students: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 2e (Paperback)

Get the Gray's. You cannot use an undergrad anatomy/physio combo book. Well, you can, but you're going to need something else as well. Most people have an anatomy book preference, but I think you should get the recommended text and take a look at the others ones in the library if you want to branch out.
I just got the call from Ron Shively! See you in July, Class of 2016!
I just got the call today. I transferred my spot from Bradenton. I cannot wait to start!
And for those of you who are curious: 3.61 GPA, 3.37 sGPA (and currently taking two post-graduate courses, one of which is a retake), Honors college alum, LEAD Scholars (leadership program) alum, certificate in Leadership Studies. ECs: three Junior Achievement courses, 150 hours hospital volunteering, 100 hours (4 semesters) as a volunteer TA for human anatomy, involvement in PPMS, President of Sigma Alpha Pi.
I just got the call today. I transferred my spot from Bradenton. I cannot wait to start!
And for those of you who are curious: 3.61 GPA, 3.37 sGPA (and currently taking two post-graduate courses, one of which is a retake), Honors college alum, LEAD Scholars (leadership program) alum, certificate in Leadership Studies. ECs: three Junior Achievement courses, 150 hours hospital volunteering, 100 hours (4 semesters) as a volunteer TA for human anatomy, involvement in PPMS, President of Sigma Alpha Pi.

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I've been waiting to get pulled off the alternate list since late April, and have been driving myself absolutely bonkers every morning - checking my email, waiting by my phone, reading different threads for any updates, etc. - as most people in my position. :scared:

Sent in LOI as soon as my interview day was over, I'm finishing up my masters this semester with a current standing cGPA of 3.5, involved with the community and volunteering weekly.. I'm not sure what else I can do during this waiting period. Annette has been very helpful with responding to my emails but her answers are always vague.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Congrats to the recent acceptances!