Midwestern-Illinois Class of 2028 Interview/Acceptance Thread

For those that have yet to receive an answer from MWU, can someone DM me or reply to this thread (for those that limit their profile being seen) on what they plan on doing for this upcoming cycle in the case they are also re-applying?

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For those that have yet to receive an answer from MWU, can someone DM me or reply to this thread (for those that limit their profile being seen) on what they plan on doing for this upcoming cycle in the case they are also re-applying?
crying, getting a job as a dental assistant or specimen accessor, struggle to get a GF, more crying, and deal with my quarter*-life crisis.
crying, getting a job as a dental assistant or specimen accessor, struggle to get a GF, more crying, and deal with my quarter*-life crisis.
I would be going into my second gap year 😭have to retake the DAT and planned on possibly doing a masters program but then what I'm concerned about is what if I do a masters program and still don’t get in next cycle….
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I would be going into my second gap year 😭have to retake the DAT and planned on possibly doing a masters program but then what I'm concerned about is what if I do a masters program and still don’t get in next cycle….
I'm exploring masters program but honestly I can't justify spending $40K+ for a program when the cost of dental school is already atrocious
I'm exploring masters program but honestly I can't justify spending $40K+ for a program when the cost of dental school is already atrocious
The way I see it is that, yes, you're adding more debt but it will lead to decently paid job. Here's what you could do- find a masters that could definitely help get you a well-paying job. If dental school hits that fan, at least you can get a backup that still kinda pays well.
Waitlisted as well since December…it’s comforting that a lot of you guys are also in the same boat praying we all get in somewhere! As for me I’m planning on retaking my DAT and reapplying for the next cycle if MWU calls then so be it
Waitlisted since December as well. I’m planning on doing the same. Making minor edits to personal statement and also retaking DAT. I just wonder what the loan process looks like if you get in the week before classes begin
Waitlisted since December as well. I’m planning on doing the same. Making minor edits to personal statement and also retaking DAT. I just wonder what the loan process looks like if you get in the week before classes begin
The school makes accommodations for those that are accepted that late. You’ll essentially work with one of their people to help you with finances and they will walk you through it.
Is everyone who interviewed placed on the alternate list or is there also a separate waitlist for this school?
If anyone wants a study buddy for this next cycle, or someone that I can rant to, or for you to rant to please let me know lol. Part of me still thinks it isn't over yet, and I dont know why but I feel like they'll do one small round of interviews by may and pick out a few and or select from the waitlist. Goodluck to everyone and don't give up
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I need some kind of hope. I just grinded 66 hours of DA volunteering in about 2ish months, finished my masters, and it I'm not even sure the school actually acknowledges this.

I sent a question to the school and I got a copy paste response of "This was added to your application". Question wasn't even answered.
I need some kind of hope. I just grinded 66 hours of DA volunteering in about 2ish months, finished my masters, and it I'm not even sure the school actually acknowledges this.

I sent a question to the school and I got a copy paste response of "This was added to your application". Question wasn't even answered.
what was your question, and what did you expect them to say/do?
I need some kind of hope. I just grinded 66 hours of DA volunteering in about 2ish months, finished my masters, and it I'm not even sure the school actually acknowledges this.

I sent a question to the school and I got a copy paste response of "This was added to your application". Question wasn't even answered.
I’m in the same boat lol. Sent new letters of rec, updated DA experience, letters of intent/interest. Same response. It is what it is
what was your question, and what did you expect them to say/do?
I sent them a question regarding a new letter of recommendation, along with telling them I finished my MA. I just wanted to know if giving them a new LoR was worthwhile and they'll take it into consideration. They didn't answer, they said they noted my info. After I responded to them they just said they couldn't accept the letter from me directly (which I didn't give them, I gave them my unofficial transcript).

edit: I'm concerned that someone is either overworked and/or just doesn't care, sees the email and copy/pastes a generic response.
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Just wanted to let yall know, they sent out an email to class of 2028 and there are 138 students in it. I think there are only 2 spots open
Just wanted to let yall know, they sent out an email to class of 2028 and there are 138 students in it. I think there are only 2 spots open
would you mind sharing a screenshot? Obviously, don't dox anyone.
would you mind sharing a screenshot? Obviously, don't dox anyone.

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 12.18.17 PM.png
All accepted students are required
to join the fb. So out of the 138 that means like at least 17-18 haven’t joined yet.

No one told us to join a Facebook page. The one you are referring to is made by upperclassman and it’s not mandatory to join.
Upon rejection- is this one of the schools that'll give advice on your application or turns you around?
All accepted students are required
to join the fb. So out of the 138 that means like at least 17-18 haven’t joined yet.
I never heard we were required. I joined 2 months after my acceptance out of my own free will
Has anyone that has been waitlisted been denied or anyone who has interviewed been denied? I understand why they have denied people they have not interviewed by now (respectfully). But also there is two seats and theyre still accepting people?
Has anyone received and acceptance in the last few weeks? I feel like they haven’t updated anyone in a while on if they are accepated or not. Seems to me that there class is full already.
Has anyone received and acceptance in the last few weeks? I feel like they haven’t updated anyone in a while on if they are accepated or not. Seems to me that there class is full already.
They probably filled their class at this point and will only accept anyone else based on if someone drops their seat over the summer 😭😭😭
physical and mental health
personal and family situations
change of heart about professional choice
it only happens rarely, but can occur all the way until school starts

there are also a few spots going to be open since some people got into upenn in the last couple days
that will open up spots at publics, which will then open up spots at the privates as people change schools
Hey just adding to the thread so people are up to date, was accepted of a WL on Thursday last week. Good luck to everyone else!