Nova Southeastern Univ (NSU-COM) Discussion Thread 2013 - 2014

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I assume majority of letters will be sent this week.
Dude, it's April...

I think they stopped interviewing and class is full.

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3.85 CGPA 3.75 SGPA 28 MCAT (8/10/10). Applied October.
Had a secondary.
No news yet.
Any hope ?

Yeah, this cycle is done. You do have good stats though. Apply early next time......June is literally less than 2 months away.

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Well folks, I will be withdrawing my application from consideration regardless of what the (expected) letter will say. My stats were grad GPA 3.75 and MCAT 30.
Best of luck to everyone!
How come?
Well folks, I will be withdrawing my application from consideration regardless of what the (expected) letter will say. My stats were grad GPA 3.75 and MCAT 30.
Best of luck to everyone!
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Well folks, I will be withdrawing my application from consideration regardless of what the (expected) letter will say. My stats were grad GPA 3.75 and MCAT 30.
Best of luck to everyone!

lol you have MD stats. did you get into an MD school?
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lol you have MD stats. did you get into an MD school?
Didn't apply to MD schools! Multiple reasons, but mostly because I was busy killing it at school this year and it was too much work getting the letters again. Plus I'm interested in OMT.
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Didn't apply to MD schools! Multiple reasons, but mostly because I was busy killing it at school this year and it was too much work getting the letters again. Plus I'm interested in OMT.

Aw, I would say wait until the NSU letter comes just to see what fate had in store for you. But go where you are happy!
Oh you're right, that is the plan! I loved NSU campus, weather, everything. But ultimately, MSU just fits more.
Oh you're right, that is the plan! I loved NSU campus, weather, everything. But ultimately, MSU just fits more.
Yeah I blindly applied to MSU without looking at the OOS tuition. I withdrew immediately lol
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HAHAHA yeah, it's crazy high! I'm IS so it's a bargain for me, all things considered. Of course there is LECOM but that was a quick no go for me. MSUCOM and MSUCHM actually get the same instruction from the same faculty for the first 2 years. That was what sealed it for me for MSU.
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Well, I finally got some closure from Nova today. Rejected via snail mail haha.
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Totally understand. At least you have an acceptance. So it's not that much of a blow, right?
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Mailman just came today. Still no decision via mail. I only live 45 minutes away from the school. I think there should be an option where we can pick up our decisions at the school
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Mailman just came today. Still no decision via mail. I only live 45 minutes away from the school. I think there should be an option where we can pick up our decisions at the school
I'm in the same boat as you..... I can go pick it up!
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3.6/31, applied in November.

Better than average EC's, DO letter from Nova grad. Never heard back after secondary. Accepted this cycle to school I would have gone to over Nova anyways, so not a big deal. I know on my portal for NSU it says they've never received my primary, but when I called they said my application was 100% complete and ready for review (plus I got sent a secondary which they wouldn't have done w/o my GPA/MCAT).

Makes me wonder if maybe that's why I haven't heard back, though I know it's probably not the reason.
I almost had a letter from a Nova grad doctor too. But I looked up his background and he had so any sanctions and malpractice suits, and his license was suspended at one point. It was crazy...I'm glad I didn't ask him for a letter Just in case Adcom decided to look him up too lol
I almost had a letter from a Nova grad doctor too. But I looked up his background and he had so any sanctions and malpractice suits, and his license was suspended at one point. It was crazy...I'm glad I didn't ask him for a letter Just in case Adcom decided to look him up too lol
what field is he in?
Hello everybody. I interviewed Jan 21 and after reading a lot of comments on the forum I decided to contact Admissions again. I called this morning and spoke to Linda Ferris, who told me the class was not full and although the admissions committee did meet yesterday, several decisions had to be reviewed by the dean before they could be approved. I called because when I had contacted the HPD general line I was told a letter had been sent in the mail, but Linda said those were the rejections for individuals who hadn't interviewed. So it's not such a bleak outlook but we have to wait some more. Decisions are still being made, but it seems to be going as fast as diamonds turning back into coal.
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Hello everybody. I interviewed Jan 21 and after reading a lot of comments on the forum I decided to contact Admissions again. I called this morning and spoke to Linda Ferris, who told me the class was not full and although the admissions committee did meet yesterday, several decisions had to be reviewed by the dean before they could be approved. I called because when I had contacted the HPD general line I was told a letter had been sent in the mail, but Linda said those were the rejections for individuals who hadn't interviewed. So it's not such a bleak outlook but we have to wait some more. Decisions are still being made, but it seems to be going as fast as diamonds turning back into coal.
Graphite*. Diamonds turn into Graphite.
Hello everybody. I interviewed Jan 21 and after reading a lot of comments on the forum I decided to contact Admissions again. I called this morning and spoke to Linda Ferris, who told me the class was not full and although the admissions committee did meet yesterday, several decisions had to be reviewed by the dean before they could be approved. I called because when I had contacted the HPD general line I was told a letter had been sent in the mail, but Linda said those were the rejections for individuals who hadn't interviewed. So it's not such a bleak outlook but we have to wait some more. Decisions are still being made, but it seems to be going as fast as diamonds turning back into coal.

I also spoke with Linda Ferris and she basically told me the exact same thing and that there is still hope for those waiting.
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I also spoke with Linda Ferris and she basically told me the exact same thing and that there is still hope for those waiting.

Good Luck! You guys might get accepted. I spoke with her and she told me my letter was already in the mail so it looks like I'm either going to be rejected or waitlisted (since waitlist letters are sent by mail and acceptances are by email).
Good Luck! You guys might get accepted. I spoke with her and she told me my letter was already in the mail so it looks like I'm either going to be rejected or waitlisted (since waitlist letters are sent by mail and acceptances are by email).

Can anyone comment on how their acceptance was received? I just spoke to the admissions office and was told all decisions are delivered by standard mail, and only in unusual cases do they send an email (e.g., someone pulled off a waitlist a couple of days before a deposit deadline, or the start of classes). I didn't speak to Linda, someone else in the office who sounded like a student worker, or general clerical staff, so maybe they don't know the specifics?
Hello everybody. I interviewed Jan 21 and after reading a lot of comments on the forum I decided to contact Admissions again. I called this morning and spoke to Linda Ferris, who told me the class was not full and although the admissions committee did meet yesterday, several decisions had to be reviewed by the dean before they could be approved. I called because when I had contacted the HPD general line I was told a letter had been sent in the mail, but Linda said those were the rejections for individuals who hadn't interviewed. So it's not such a bleak outlook but we have to wait some more. Decisions are still being made, but it seems to be going as fast as diamonds turning back into coal.
Yikes...I called the office and was told they made a decision about me at the end of March, here it is April 9th, and no word yet though...I suppose ten days isn't too long to wait for a letter in the mail, just wondering if mine is in that stack to be reviewed by the Dean??
Good Luck! You guys might get accepted. I spoke with her and she told me my letter was already in the mail so it looks like I'm either going to be rejected or waitlisted (since waitlist letters are sent by mail and acceptances are by email).

There was that one person on this forum that said they were told they were rejected outright when they called, so maybe there a chance of something else happening? When did you interview, because she told me she still didn't have decisions for individuals who interview January and on.
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Yikes...I called the office and was told they made a decision about me at the end of March, here it is April 9th, and no word yet though...I suppose ten days isn't too long to wait for a letter in the mail, just wondering if mine is in that stack to be reviewed by the Dean??

Did you speak to Linda Ferris or the HPD receptionists, because they told me a decision was already made and a letter was already in the mail and none of that was true.
Did you speak to Linda Ferris or the HPD receptionists, because they told me a decision was already made and a letter was already in the mail and none of that was true.
I spoke to whoever answered the phone and asked to be connected with Linda, instead she took down my info and "looked up my file"...she said it showed a decision was made on 3/31/14, and a letter was put out on 4/1/2014, but that it hasn't been mailed out yet and might go out this week...I'm not sure how much information the HPD receptionists actually have...suppose I'm just going to have to wait and see...
Yeah, I called to update my address/check on my waitlist status and when they would pull people but all she would say is the same line I always hear, "no decision has been made on your file yet"
I spoke to whoever answered the phone and asked to be connected with Linda, instead she took down my info and "looked up my file"...she said it showed a decision was made on 3/31/14, and a letter was put out on 4/1/2014, but that it hasn't been mailed out yet and might go out this week...I'm not sure how much information the HPD receptionists actually have...suppose I'm just going to have to wait and see...

Call 1-800-356-0026 and use extension 21139 which is for Linda Ferris. She's the one with for sure answers if you need to know.
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Hello everybody. I interviewed Jan 21 and after reading a lot of comments on the forum I decided to contact Admissions again. I called this morning and spoke to Linda Ferris, who told me the class was not full and although the admissions committee did meet yesterday, several decisions had to be reviewed by the dean before they could be approved. I called because when I had contacted the HPD general line I was told a letter had been sent in the mail, but Linda said those were the rejections for individuals who hadn't interviewed. So it's not such a bleak outlook but we have to wait some more. Decisions are still being made, but it seems to be going as fast as diamonds turning back into coal.

God bless you. I know your struggle we interviewed the same day. My waiting continues but now my hope remains.
Call 1-800-356-0026 and use extension 21139 which is for Linda Ferris. She's the one with for sure answers if you need to know.
I just called in Linda and was told that the class is full at this moment and no decisions have been made. It is very ftustrating to hear conflicting information.
I was able to get in touch with Linda today and she basically told me the same thing that Pomba Gira wrote, although I didn't ask about the class being full. The committee met yesterday so they finally made decisions on a lot of applicants that had interviewed from late Jan onwards. Even though a decision has been made, they still have to wait for the dean to approve before they send any sort of official mail to the candidates.

I'm assuming that if they haven't made a decision on your file, they will be very soon. Oh and I interviewed on Feb 18.
I just called in Linda and was told that the class is full at this moment and no decisions have been made. It is very ftustrating to hear conflicting information.

I'm frustrated too, because the only reason I asked was to get confirmation. If anyone else calls again can we keep asking "is the class full?"
I'm frustrated too, because the only reason I asked was to get confirmation. If anyone else calls again can we keep asking "is the class full?"
She said specifically "The class is full at this moment, if people drop out, they will keep reviewing the applications and might pick people to fill the spots." I only called to ask if there was any update to my file, but she didn't take any info from me, only asked if I interviewed and then said that no decisions have been made so far and the sentence above.
I was able to get in touch with Linda today and she basically told me the same thing that Pomba Gira wrote, although I didn't ask about the class being full. The committee met yesterday so they finally made decisions on a lot of applicants that had interviewed from late Jan onwards. Even though a decision has been made, they still have to wait for the dean to approve before they send any sort of official mail to the candidates.

I'm assuming that if they haven't made a decision on your file, they will be very soon. Oh and I interviewed on Feb 18.
I didn't ask for a decision on my file, I didn't give my information except that I am one of the applicants waiting for the decision who interviewed on Feb. 13. The reason why I am upset is that we are being told conflicting information about this whole thing.
I don't understand what is going on. When I called she actually took down my name and looked me up, then said that a letter was on its way. What she told me was that a lot of decisions have been made after yesterday's committee meeting but that they haven't been finalized by the dean yet. She even mentioned that these decisions were made on applicants that had interviewed since late Jan. I didn't ask what the decision was on my file because I was too scared to find out. Oh well, I guess I'll call again next week to ask about how full the class is.
So I just got an email from Melissa Lawton on behalf of Linda Ferris explaining that decision letters are currently being mailed and and I should receive mine soon! Sounds generic but maybe a sign of the gears finally starting to move at NSU.
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I don't understand what is going on. When I called she actually took down my name and looked me up, then said that a letter was on its way. What she told me was that a lot of decisions have b
een made after yesterday's committee meeting but that they haven't been finalized by the dean yet. She even mentioned that these decisions were made on applicants that had interviewed since late Jan. I didn't ask what the decision was on my file because I was too scared to find out. Oh well, I guess I'll call again next week to ask about how full the class is.
May be she meant that the class is full again after yesterday's decisions...
So I just got an email from Melissa Lawton on behalf of Linda Ferris explaining that decision letters are currently being mailed and and I should receive mine soon! Sounds generic but maybe a sign of the gears finally starting to move at NSU.
Did you email her first?
So I dont know if this means anything, but for a couple of months I've been clicking on the "Retrieve your NSU ID & Pin" link to kind of check to see if anything has changed in my status (I always received a message saying something along the lines of "sorry we could not find you") until just a few minutes ago I tried out of curiosity and I received an NSU Pin which allowed me access into the secure area. Again, I'm not sure if this is just standard procedure or if it means anything at all, just thought I'd ask.
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So I dont know if this means anything, but for a couple of months I've been clicking on the "Retrieve your NSU ID & Pin" link to kind of check to see if anything has changed in my status (I always received a message saying something along the lines of "sorry we could not find you") until just a few minutes ago I tried out of curiosity and I received an NSU Pin which allowed me access into the secure area. Again, I'm not sure if this is just standard procedure or if it means anything at all, just thought I'd ask.
I just did the same thing out of curiosity and was able to obtain a pin. I'm fishing for anything right now haha
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And I retrieved my sharklink id


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