RANT HERE thread

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For as often as she gets them, I doubt they are a big part of the problem! She gets half a baby carrot once or twice a day for the most part. (Split with Dog #2). Generally only when she's feeling naughty and I have to bribe her to come inside the house so I can leave for school! (I'm evil and dont believe in giving my dogs lots of rewards lol)
Little monster knows to hold out for the carrots I'm sure! My dogs don't ever get treats anymore. Strict diet and if I want to reward them for something, they get one or two of their dog kibbles. They think it's an amazing reward (suckers...) I guess I'm lucky in that way. :)
Good luck with the doggy diet then!

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Sunnex- cats are cool. I used to be strictly into dogs too, and then I adopted my sweet Ivan. Cats are hilarious. And the dog and cat together? fuhhgeddaboutit. SO FUNNY!

In other news... My 5.5 year old newfie has had a couple episodes in the past 7 months. She will spend a day not wanting to get up. She'll sit for awhile, not wanting to lay down, and when she finally does lay down, it takes A LOT of coaxing for her to get up. (i.e., putting food in her bowl even required additional encouragement- SO not like my dog). Other than that, she is happy as can be. She stays like this for about half a day to a day, and then she is totally back to normal. Dr. discovered a heart murmur this week (it was there several months ago too, but went away, now it's back). But rads didn't show signs of cardiomyopathy or pericardial effusion. Bloodwork is normal, palpations turned up nothing, and no lameness or joint pain. So, as of right now, Dr. and I are like :confused: :confused: :confused:. Just gonna monitor for a couple weeks...

It's not bad, but it's not good. And there's no answers yet! At least my girl is happy...

My 6 year old Boxer mix did the SAME THING last year! I was so worried about her, and didn't know what to do. We got another dog, and she has a new found energy. Not that I'm suggesting that for you :laugh:, just thought I'd share.
I am so tired of disrespectful professors. They make their lecture presentations too long and talk all through our break. Then they stop 20 slides from the end and tell us to read the rest ourselves. Or they make huge changes to the presentation and don't bother to update our slides. Yet they expect us to know every detail on tests.

Is it so hard to understand that a powerpoint is not a textbook and I can't just "read through" your poorly formatted random words and understand it without the lecture? And that skipping along reading every other bullet point on every third slide is not the same as actually lecturing? And that you cannot cover 70 slides in 50 minutes and actually make sense? And that you can't lecture 10 minutes into lunch when some people have things to do, like my friend who had to leave to go to her therapy appointment, that was only necessary in the first place because this place is so poorly run and stressful that we all need the benzos that you're ruining our lunch by discussing their metabolism?

this. my biggest pet peeve is professors who lecture into our break. it's not ok for us to show up 2, 3 or even 5 minutes late for class, so why is it ok for them to go that much over?? it's worst when they KNOW class is over but just want to finish.
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I am so tired of disrespectful professors. They make their lecture presentations too long and talk all through our break. Then they stop 20 slides from the end and tell us to read the rest ourselves. Or they make huge changes to the presentation and don't bother to update our slides. Yet they expect us to know every detail on tests.

Is it so hard to understand that a powerpoint is not a textbook and I can't just "read through" your poorly formatted random words and understand it without the lecture? And that skipping along reading every other bullet point on every third slide is not the same as actually lecturing? And that you cannot cover 70 slides in 50 minutes and actually make sense? And that you can't lecture 10 minutes into lunch when some people have things to do, like my friend who had to leave to go to her therapy appointment, that was only necessary in the first place because this place is so poorly run and stressful that we all need the benzos that you're ruining our lunch by discussing their metabolism?

ugh this happened to us this morning!! pharm went over by 7 minutes *grumble* and this prof made it very clear on day one that even if you were going to be a few minutes late (at 8am) he'd rather you just not show up at all. it's not our fault if you're incapable of presenting a lecture in a reasonable amount of time (this was day 5 when he wanted 3-4 days and it wasn't like we held it up at all). dr pasquini told us last semester that he wouldnt ever go over the time limit because the moment the clock hits the end time, the students tune you out, start glaring at you, and wishing you harm :laugh:
ugh this happened to us this morning!! pharm went over by 7 minutes *grumble*

We're having a huuuuuge issue with this during this latest semester. We're continually starting or ending early (by about five minute) in every class and it's driving all of us nuts! I know they want and need to squeeze a lot of material in but it really starts to feel like a lack of respect for our time after a while.
I had to euthanize my betta, Merlin, tonight :( :( :( On top of that I have a wicked sore throat and I'm sleep deprived. Not my day today.
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I had to euthanize my betta, Merlin, tonight :( :( :( On top of that I have a wicked sore throat and I'm sleep deprived. Not my day today.

I'm so sorry Ky :(. Losing a pet is never easy. I hope your good memories help you through!
Do any of you guys remember life before powerpoint?

Back when teaching was something that actually required communication skills and a knowledge of the material, instead of simply the ability to read?

Our professors here make powerpoint outlines of the textbooks, and then it's essentially 'story time' for 15 weeks.

And god forbid you ask a question 'off script.'

this. my biggest pet peeve is professors who lecture into our break. it's not ok for us to show up 2, 3 or even 5 minutes late for class, so why is it ok for them to go that much over?? it's worst when they KNOW class is over but just want to finish.

I have a night class this semester from 6:30 to 9. The worst part though is my professor told us the first day of class that he would be starting class at 6 each week which I thought meant we would get out at 8:30 because we are coming a half hour earlier than we are supposed to and three credit classes are supposed to be 2.5 lecture hours a week at my school. So, at 8:30, I was definately ready to get out of there, but the class kept going on and it didn't end until slightly after 9. :wtf:

Another minor rant is I wish I was 21. I don't really have much a social life to begin with between school, work, and shadowing, but all of my friends that I hang out with on a regular basis are 21 now and even though I don't really like alcohol, it would be really nice to be able to hang out with them on the weekends instead of sitting at home all weekend hanging out with a nine year old. I feel so left out!
Do any of you guys remember life before powerpoint?

Back when teaching was something that actually required communication skills and a knowledge of the material, instead of simply the ability to read?

Our professors here make powerpoint outlines of the textbooks, and then it's essentially 'story time' for 15 weeks.

And god forbid you ask a question 'off script.'


as annoying as that may be, i will *definitely* take that over slides with a few random, seemingly unrelated words here and there and a bunch of tables and charts with no facts or explanations. however, there are A LOT of people that could really benefit from powerpoint 101 lessons!

:lol: Ain't it the truth?!?! Drives me totally nutty when people read their slides verbatim. But, coming from the 'overhead' generation, I really do appreciate PP.

And thanks to all for your thoughts on my rant from yesterday. However, please know that I'm a grown-up and know full well that in order to leave a job one must provide notice (and having another job lined up is a wise thing). Saying that I'm ready to walk and doing it are two different things entirely. Besides, I couldn't walk even if I had the guts (read: death wish) to do it... I work for an academic institution where I have academic duties. Thus, May would be my earliest escape date regardless of what may come in the next few weeks.

May brighter days be in ALL our futures!!!
Our professors here make powerpoint outlines of the textbooks, and then it's essentially 'story time' for 15 weeks.

Gotta admit, I don't mind that in the least. Mostly because vet school textbooks tend to weight in somewhere around 1,204, 092, 482, 827, 621 pages.

So when they distill it down to the material they think is important, it helps me a lot. It focuses me on what I "need". If I were just to try and get it out of the book I'd be stuck in first gear forever. Granted, it relies on them to be sufficiently capable of distilling it down, but.....
I don't understand why his fun activities are always more important to him than doing something that benefits other living creatures. He told me that if I was doing this at a more convient time he would love to go blah blah blah Angry Face!!!:mad:

I've got to say, at this point in time, doing fun stuff often takes precidence over doing something that benefits another living creature for me. Why? Because I spend 35-40hr/week minimum at vet school, i work ~15hr/week at vet clinics and I live at a vet clinic. I can't spend every moment of my life doing something for other living creatures without going insane. I deserve my fun time. And theres no point in someone "doing something for another living creature" if they are going to resent it. I understand why it might seem frustrating at times but thats just my 2c.

My rant: I'm home for 2 weeks, leaving my cat at home with my boyfriend and our housemate. Boyfriend and the cat get along fine, but housemate has a cat and doesnt quite understand cat behaviour (or cats in general - pretty scary for a 2nd year vet student!). So housemate shuts my cat in my bedroom while bf is out - in 40+ degree heat, mind you! without food, water or a litter tray!!!!! So poor kitty poops on boyfriends clothes, unable to find somewhere better to poo :( Boyfriend is of course annoyed, but understands its not kitties fault. Fast forward to this morning - boyfriend messages me to say kitty has pooped on his clothes again - most likely because the housemates cat has gone in my cats littertray (because housemate doesnt understand that cats need their own littertrays) and so my kitty doesnt want to poop there :( bf is understandably frustrated and angry :( Its 3 days til I get home and hopefully there wont be any further incidents. We get the keys to our new place the day I get back, so I'm hoping these toileting issues disappear when she becomes the sole cat again - we've never had toileting issues in the past :( But it never ceases to amaze me how a vet student can be so damn clueless about appropriate cat behaviour and interaction. :mad:
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Well, I'm kinda glad other vet schools have the same problems re: lecturers, but I think we need a student union or something so we can get our breaks damnit!
Gotta admit, I don't mind that in the least. Mostly because vet school textbooks tend to weight in somewhere around 1,204, 092, 482, 827, 621 pages.

So when they distill it down to the material they think is important, it helps me a lot. It focuses me on what I "need". If I were just to try and get it out of the book I'd be stuck in first gear forever. Granted, it relies on them to be sufficiently capable of distilling it down, but.....

I've had a few amazing teachers in my life, and very few of them followed that format.

It just doesn't seem like the criteria for a good instructor should be the ability to turn a book into an outline.

For instance, I took a fantastic Dev. Bio. class a bit ago. The instructor took the class because she had actual interest and expertise in the subject, and had done real work in that field. In that case, the text book was an accessory for the course that you used as a reference to clarify real lecture topics, instead of the centerpiece of 950 rote powerpoint slides.

The latter could be 'taught' by anyone with a podium, while the former actually required a teacher.
DSM - unfortunately the quality of professors (for me) went way down from undergrad to vet school. So while I would way rather have an amazing lecturer who teaches in a different or interactive way, at this point I'm just hoping for someone that actually provides the information we're being tested on, in audible English, at a rate of less than 1 million words per minute, in some kind of sentence format. Bonus points if their lecture matches the powerpoint they gave us.
DSM - unfortunately the quality of professors (for me) went way down from undergrad to vet school. So while I would way rather have an amazing lecturer who teaches in a different or interactive way, at this point I'm just hoping for someone that actually provides the information we're being tested on, in audible English, at a rate of less than 1 million words per minute, in some kind of sentence format. Bonus points if their lecture matches the powerpoint they gave us.

Well, I'm inspired.
DSM - unfortunately the quality of professors (for me) went way down from undergrad to vet school. So while I would way rather have an amazing lecturer who teaches in a different or interactive way, at this point I'm just hoping for someone that actually provides the information we're being tested on, in audible English, at a rate of less than 1 million words per minute, in some kind of sentence format. Bonus points if their lecture matches the powerpoint they gave us.

:thumbup: :laugh:.....sad but true.
Here at UF, we get SCAVMA notes for each of our classes. They vary in length depending on the course (150-300pg for most courses), and they provide the information that the instructor thinks is important. The format is not consistent, some instructors just put their powerpoints into a book form, some write ridiculous amounts of unnecessary information, and some are actually useful. I like the ones that you can follow the lecture with (because they do go very quickly) but that also have some additional information about the main points. That way, the lecturer can cover what they find is important, and we can read more about it if we're confused, or if the lecturer is notorious for saying "you don't need to know _____" but then tests on it.
I completely agree with you DSM and Bunnity.

My take.... I increasingly feel like we should just attend correspondence school.
Professors should just put what they want us to learn in notes, or assign reading if they want to be boring. Let us test on it at our own pace. I just don't see how that is any different from 90% of the classes/lectures.

After 2 years of that we can take labs our 3rd year and get hands on before we start humiliating ourselves in clinics.

I just hate bad teachers. Ramblers or shot-gunners, slide readers or liars (I won't test you on it). They all mostly s*ck. It is really an embarrassment.
My Rant: Over the last month or so I have just become done with work. I am just tired of working. I work as a vet tech so that probably isn't a good thing, but I think it is because I have an acceptance to vet school and I never really wanted to be a tech in the first place. To me, the jobs of vet tech and vet are vastly different and I am just ready to go to school. Also, I have noticed that people at work keep relying on me more. The other day, I had 4 surgery patients, 2 exam rooms, and 3 prescription refills all on my plate at one time. Then one of the other doctors is like, "DVMDream will you do this, and this, and this, and this." I look around at the other 5 techs who are cleaning and wrapping surgical packs and I tell him, "Can you ask someone else I already have 20 other things to do." But this has been happening a lot lately, I will have 20-25 things tossed at me and the other techs will literally be sitting around doing nothing but since I am the first tech the dr. sees they just throw it my way instead of trying to find someone else who is available. It is driving me nuts. I think I am just starting to get burnt out. Ok, end rant. Time to go to work. :(
My Rant: Over the last month or so I have just become done with work. I am just tired of working. I work as a vet tech so that probably isn't a good thing, but I think it is because I have an acceptance to vet school and I never really wanted to be a tech in the first place. To me, the jobs of vet tech and vet are vastly different and I am just ready to go to school. Also, I have noticed that people at work keep relying on me more. The other day, I had 4 surgery patients, 2 exam rooms, and 3 prescription refills all on my plate at one time. Then one of the other doctors is like, "DVMDream will you do this, and this, and this, and this." I look around at the other 5 techs who are cleaning and wrapping surgical packs and I tell him, "Can you ask someone else I already have 20 other things to do." But this has been happening a lot lately, I will have 20-25 things tossed at me and the other techs will literally be sitting around doing nothing but since I am the first tech the dr. sees they just throw it my way instead of trying to find someone else who is available. It is driving me nuts. I think I am just starting to get burnt out. Ok, end rant. Time to go to work. :(
I know this is frustrating, but it really is a huge compliment. In the end, the vets clearly think highly of you, and you have their trust.
I know this is frustrating, but it really is a huge compliment. In the end, the vets clearly think highly of you, and you have their trust.

:thumbup::thumbup: Exactly what I was gonna say. They have confidence in you. Own it! ;)
I drank WAY too much last night. I'm glad my best friend was there to watch over me. Came home this morning and all I wanted to do was take a bath. NO HOT WATER. SERIOUSLY?! :mad:
My Rant: Over the last month or so I have just become done with work. I am just tired of working. I work as a vet tech so that probably isn't a good thing, but I think it is because I have an acceptance to vet school and I never really wanted to be a tech in the first place. To me, the jobs of vet tech and vet are vastly different and I am just ready to go to school. Also, I have noticed that people at work keep relying on me more. The other day, I had 4 surgery patients, 2 exam rooms, and 3 prescription refills all on my plate at one time. Then one of the other doctors is like, "DVMDream will you do this, and this, and this, and this." I look around at the other 5 techs who are cleaning and wrapping surgical packs and I tell him, "Can you ask someone else I already have 20 other things to do." But this has been happening a lot lately, I will have 20-25 things tossed at me and the other techs will literally be sitting around doing nothing but since I am the first tech the dr. sees they just throw it my way instead of trying to find someone else who is available. It is driving me nuts. I think I am just starting to get burnt out. Ok, end rant. Time to go to work. :(

I know exactly how you feel. I feel that a lot of vet clinics are understaffed, and it gets to the point where it impacts the quality of medicine we can provide, and I hate that. I am constantly running around, doing everyone else's job- phones, check ins, patient history, vitals, kennels, cleaning, procedures, recovering patients, and it goes on. And the people who are supposed to be doing these things are in the break room, joking around or outside smoking (HUGE pet peeve). Sometimes, all I want to do is go in the kennel and cuddle with a bug fluffy dog and cry. ....and eat.

Hang in there, you'll be in school soon.
......and I have a feeling that is no condolence.
Where is my NC STATE decisions letter?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? :mad::mad::mad:
I feel like everyone has theirs but mine. They were sent out Monday night (most likely Tuesday morning), so WHERE IS IT!?!?!?!?!? GGGRRRRRRRR:scared::mad::shrug::poke::diebanana: :slap:
Found out last night that the fellow student I paid good money to watch my dog over my two week winter break barely let my dog out. I asked for at least 2x/day, 3 if possible and apparently it was more like once. Dog was peeing/pooping in the house, which the landlord cleaned up when he came by to let my dog out, because he noticed she wasn't being let out. Happened to the other pets she was in charge of, too.

I've got to the point where I feel less guilty about the landlord having to take responsibility (apparently he's angry at the other student who is another of his tenants and not me, but I still feel bad) and less guilty about my poor dog not getting out frequently because I can't change it now, but I just can't get it out of my head. Plus I feel like I should give the landlord money for watching her (bless his heart) which I don't really have right now until my check clears. I don't want to ever talk to the other girl again, either.

That really is so awful and irresponsible for someone who is going to become a vet. I hate to think that someone who can't even take care of a dog's basic needs is going to be responsible for the health of many. I hope she grows up soon. You are certainly owed an apology and any payment back that you may have given her. So awful. And your poor dog.....(but it was very nice of the landlord to help).
If they're not gonna do what they are asked, they shouldn't agree to watch your dog. When I dogsit, I go on long walks every morning and every night and still let them out two or three times during the day! It's not that hard!
If they're not gonna do what they are asked, they shouldn't agree to watch your dog. When I dogsit, I go on long walks every morning and every night and still let them out two or three times during the day! It's not that hard!

Thing is, she's an old dog with bad hips, so she doesn't even require walks, just to be let out to pee FFS.
Found out last night that the fellow student I paid good money to watch my dog over my two week winter break barely let my dog out. I asked for at least 2x/day, 3 if possible and apparently it was more like once. Dog was peeing/pooping in the house, which the landlord cleaned up when he came by to let my dog out, because he noticed she wasn't being let out. Happened to the other pets she was in charge of, too.

I've got to the point where I feel less guilty about the landlord having to take responsibility (apparently he's angry at the other student who is another of his tenants and not me, but I still feel bad) and less guilty about my poor dog not getting out frequently because I can't change it now, but I just can't get it out of my head. Plus I feel like I should give the landlord money for watching her (bless his heart) which I don't really have right now until my check clears. I don't want to ever talk to the other girl again, either.


Ugh thats terrible! Good on the landlord for doing what they did. If I were you I'd have a go at that girl that was looking after your dog.
I know this is frustrating, but it really is a huge compliment. In the end, the vets clearly think highly of you, and you have their trust.

:thumbup::thumbup: Exactly what I was gonna say. They have confidence in you. Own it! ;)

Thanks SOV and Emiloo. I know that they really trust me. I am one of the few techs that if you tell me multiple things to do all at once I will get all of them done. Most of the other techs wouldn't even remember everything.

I know exactly how you feel. I feel that a lot of vet clinics are understaffed, and it gets to the point where it impacts the quality of medicine we can provide, and I hate that. I am constantly running around, doing everyone else's job- phones, check ins, patient history, vitals, kennels, cleaning, procedures, recovering patients, and it goes on. And the people who are supposed to be doing these things are in the break room, joking around or outside smoking (HUGE pet peeve). Sometimes, all I want to do is go in the kennel and cuddle with a bug fluffy dog and cry. ....and eat.

Hang in there, you'll be in school soon.
......and I have a feeling that is no condolence.

Yes we are extremely understaffed at this moment. Many of us are getting around 50+ hours/week (which makes for some happy paychecks:D). But, it just isn't worth it. I have been working with this company for nearly 7 years and I have been ready to leave them for the past 3 years; now that I have an acceptance the only thing making me stay is my paycheck, which isn't the way it should be.

Yes the thought of starting vet school is both exciting/terrifying at the same time...:scared:
Yes we are extremely understaffed at this moment. Many of us are getting around 50+ hours/week (which makes for some happy paychecks:D). But, it just isn't worth it. I have been working with this company for nearly 7 years and I have been ready to leave them for the past 3 years; now that I have an acceptance the only thing making me stay is my paycheck, which isn't the way it should be.

Yes the thought of starting vet school is both exciting/terrifying at the same time...:scared:

So work that OT and drain them for every penny you can. :D They are draining you for all you are worth, you might as well take advantage of the situation and MAKE THAT MONEY! In the end, you win, and it's their loss when you go to vet school! :)
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Thanks SOV and Emiloo. I know that they really trust me. I am one of the few techs that if you tell me multiple things to do all at once I will get all of them done. Most of the other techs wouldn't even remember everything.

Yes we are extremely understaffed at this moment. Many of us are getting around 50+ hours/week (which makes for some happy paychecks:D). But, it just isn't worth it. I have been working with this company for nearly 7 years and I have been ready to leave them for the past 3 years; now that I have an acceptance the only thing making me stay is my paycheck, which isn't the way it should be.

Yes the thought of starting vet school is both exciting/terrifying at the same time...:scared:

We were understaffed, but weren't allowed to get overtime. I'm jealous.
So work that OT and drain them for every penny you can. :D They are draining you for all you are worth, you might as well take advantage of the situation and MAKE THAT MONEY! In the end, you win, and it's their loss when you go to vet school! :)
There is such a thing as too much OT and too much commitment to a job. I have no life because, like DVMDream, I have proven myself capable and reliable. Co-worker got hurt doing something stupid (roids and lifting) and had 40 hrs OT along with his regular 40 -which meant I picked up 10 tonight and worked 12s all week. I am so dead.
We were understaffed, but weren't allowed to get overtime. I'm jealous.

Yeah same here, I guess that's where my "take all the OT you can get" thinking comes into play :smuggrin:
I agree that paychecks with OT are awesome, but OT at my job is draining. I am a person that constantly worries about my patients. And when I get into OT, I am usually physically and emotionally drained. I always double/triple check everything I do and make sure everyone is up to date, and that my coworkers are where they should be when we are busy. It really is a demanding job, and when I get home, all I want to do is take a shower and sleep. The OT is not worth it.
The last time I got consistent "overtime" was when I worked as a lifeguard at a waterpark. It wasn't really overtime though because we were seasonal employees so we didn't get paid more for being there over 40 hrs a week. I worked 60-70hrs each week in the hot sun plus drove an hour and a half to and from work. My friends wondered why I didn't want to hang out...most of them didn't have a job at all. Bitches lol
My Rant: Over the last month or so I have just become done with work. I am just tired of working. I work as a vet tech so that probably isn't a good thing, but I think it is because I have an acceptance to vet school and I never really wanted to be a tech in the first place. To me, the jobs of vet tech and vet are vastly different and I am just ready to go to school. Also, I have noticed that people at work keep relying on me more. The other day, I had 4 surgery patients, 2 exam rooms, and 3 prescription refills all on my plate at one time. Then one of the other doctors is like, "DVMDream will you do this, and this, and this, and this." I look around at the other 5 techs who are cleaning and wrapping surgical packs and I tell him, "Can you ask someone else I already have 20 other things to do." But this has been happening a lot lately, I will have 20-25 things tossed at me and the other techs will literally be sitting around doing nothing but since I am the first tech the dr. sees they just throw it my way instead of trying to find someone else who is available. It is driving me nuts. I think I am just starting to get burnt out. Ok, end rant. Time to go to work. :(

OMG this -- totally what i want to say ALL THE EFFING TIME. I work as a vet tech too in a very busy ER/ICU (btw i'm not even licensed) but sometimes i feel like all the drs hand things off to me and because they know i can multi-task and get things done efficiently everything gets dumped on me (i.e. i'll have 5 patients while someone else will have 2) and i stll end up doing all the incoming TPRs/treatments, discharges, etc while the other techs just sit around in the breakroom on their phones or taking a smoke outside (which drives me crazy too BTW).

it drives me effing crazy.

the only reassurance i can give you DVMDream is that it's because the vets trust you completely to get it done...:(
redhead, I am SOOOO sorry. That individual deserves more than a good :slap:! Thank heavens your landlord is such a good person! Poor pooch...

My Rant: Over the last month or so I have just become done with work. I am just tired of working. I work as a vet tech so that probably isn't a good thing, but I think it is because I have an acceptance to vet school and I never really wanted to be a tech in the first place. To me, the jobs of vet tech and vet are vastly different and I am just ready to go to school. Also, I have noticed that people at work keep relying on me more. The other day, I had 4 surgery patients, 2 exam rooms, and 3 prescription refills all on my plate at one time. Then one of the other doctors is like, "DVMDream will you do this, and this, and this, and this." I look around at the other 5 techs who are cleaning and wrapping surgical packs and I tell him, "Can you ask someone else I already have 20 other things to do." But this has been happening a lot lately, I will have 20-25 things tossed at me and the other techs will literally be sitting around doing nothing but since I am the first tech the dr. sees they just throw it my way instead of trying to find someone else who is available. It is driving me nuts. I think I am just starting to get burnt out. Ok, end rant. Time to go to work. :(

There is such a thing as too much OT and too much commitment to a job. I have no life because, like DVMDream, I have proven myself capable and reliable. Co-worker got hurt doing something stupid (roids and lifting) and had 40 hrs OT along with his regular 40 -which meant I picked up 10 tonight and worked 12s all week. I am so dead.

OMG this -- totally what i want to say ALL THE EFFING TIME. I work as a vet tech too in a very busy ER/ICU (btw i'm not even licensed) but sometimes i feel like all the drs hand things off to me and because they know i can multi-task and get things done efficiently everything gets dumped on me (i.e. i'll have 5 patients while someone else will have 2) and i stll end up doing all the incoming TPRs/treatments, discharges, etc while the other techs just sit around in the breakroom on their phones or taking a smoke outside (which drives me crazy too BTW).

it drives me effing crazy.

the only reassurance i can give you DVMDream is that it's because the vets trust you completely to get it done...:(

I hear you all LOUD and CLEAR. This is one of the major issues with my current position. I am so freaking tired of having my work ethic abused. Am I the only one capable of doing certain things? No. But, apparently, I'm the only one who's willing to do more than the bare minimum. Yeah, it's all well and good that an employer puts their trust in you; but there is a point where you look around and wonder why it is that you're working your ass off while everyone else is taking long lunches, able to tell how many ceiling tiles there are in a given room, showing up an hour late and leaving early, etc...

What really burns me is that when they've overwhelmed me and then something doesn't get done and they start to bitch. Occasionally, when I have the nerve to say that there are four other individuals who should be more than capable I get the response of that 'we all have different work ethics and I'm a go to person and it's my own fault I have so much responsibility'. Really?!? Also I need to learn to be standing in the right place at the right time... Because I'm the one with all the responsibility, I'm always on the floor. Thus, when someone 'important' drops by, one of the lazy asses gets to follow them and gets the props for anything good going on on the floor. But then, if something's awry, they're all too quick to blame me. 'Well, that's LMMS's job'. Bite me, people, bite me... :mad:
They shove all the crap on me at work, too, but unfortunately my "being reliable" and efficient is what keeps me working as a receptionist and not a tech! I've voiced my desire to work "in back" much more, but apparently I'm too good at multitasking reception crud to put back there. (AKA "Oh! We're short people up front and we'll only have one receptionist! Hmm...it's okay, Nordicat will be here! She can answer 10 phone calls at once while checking in 3 patients and checking out 2!" :mad:

Another rant...WTF, FAFSA?!?!?! AYFKM?!?!?! :mad::mad: I basically have to complete my freakin' taxes for this year (it's only January! COME ON!) in order to fill you out. My parents are pissy because THEY have to pull up all this info too if I want the HPSL. LAAAAAAAAME.
in an effort to not be freezing the entire weekend while studying, vet student roomie and i schemed and turned the AC to low (med student roomie doesn't seem to know you can do this-just that you cant change the temp). yesterday it felt awesome in here. warmer, not too humid, life was grand. let it go over night (mistake #1) and woke up pretty warm. not terrible, but warm. and a bit more humid. come mid afternoon, and we both agree we need to call it quits because it's now hot. and humid. and the room has that nasty tropical, mildew smell that comes with 60%+ humidity.

apparently karma is taking revenge, because it does not appear to be cooling. you can hear it running, but it certainly doesnt feel (or smell) like air is circulating, and the temp/humidity haven't changed. *sigh* :(
They shove all the crap on me at work, too, but unfortunately my "being reliable" and efficient is what keeps me working as a receptionist and not a tech! I've voiced my desire to work "in back" much more, but apparently I'm too good at multitasking reception crud to put back there. (AKA "Oh! We're short people up front and we'll only have one receptionist! Hmm...it's okay, Nordicat will be here! She can answer 10 phone calls at once while checking in 3 patients and checking out 2!" :mad:

I'm in the same position as you NordiCat. When i started at my job I was mostly in the back. Then we lost a bunch of people and the main receptionist can't handle everything on her own when it's busy and we have 3 people in the back now. So I'm up front most of the week. Its frustrating because when I'm up there, the receptionist is always going outside, leaving for any reason so I have to pick up most of the slack when it gets really busy. The only time I really get to do anything is the weekend since the people in the back aren't there... It's frustrating, I know... But look at it this way, you'll be going to vet school and doing what you love ;)
Yeah, it's all well and good that an employer puts their trust in you; but there is a point where you look around and wonder why it is that you're working your ass off while everyone else is taking long lunches, able to tell how many ceiling tiles there are in a given room, showing up an hour late and leaving early, etc...

I don't mind getting a ton of work dumped on or being given way more responsibility than is fair AS LONG AS I get something in return that I want, be it better pay, more autonomy, cooler opportunities, etc...

BUT, it's very interesting how the slackers around you (the reason why you end up with way more work in the first place) are the first to get all huffy and puffy about how unfair it is that you get X,Y, and Z, and they don't. That they're always getting yelled at while you're the golden child. That boss gives you more attention and teaches you more things. That if only they were the favorite, then they'd know how to do some cool things too and won't be bored all the time. If only these peeps had half a brain to know that perhaps they'd be the favorite too if they'd only do what they were paid to do.
So work that OT and drain them for every penny you can. :D They are draining you for all you are worth, you might as well take advantage of the situation and MAKE THAT MONEY! In the end, you win, and it's their loss when you go to vet school! :)

I wish I could. We are understaffed so they ask who would like OT, so you are not forced into it, then if it starts to get even just a little bit slow they cut you and send you home. Somehow even though we get scheduled for 50 hours we will end up with exactly 40 or slightly under. It drives me nuts, I did NOT give up my day OFF so that I could be at work for the 3 hour morning rush and then be sent home; I want all of that time, that is why I signed up for it. :mad:
I really need a good rant so I'm gonna apologize in advance for the novel.

I just don't understand how the person who has known me since birth, and who I still talk to 3-4 times a week, doesn't know me at all... I'm talking about my mom, and her blatant disregard for apparently anything that I say to her. My mom is super-religious, and while I am not, I understand her beliefs and respect them. Why don't I get the same courtesy? Ever since I got married ~3 yrs ago she has been dropping obvious hints at me getting pregnant, even though I've told her since I got engaged that I have no intentions on having children until my husband is ready to get out of the Marine Corps. Also every time I have had a job since I have been married she gives me a guilt trip about being a bad wife because I don't stay home to cook and clean. UGH!

The incident that now has my blood boiling is when my hubby and I were at my parents visiting a few weeks ago. My hubby and I were talking about how I need to try to find another job at a vet to get more experience. All of a sudden my mom interjects into the conversation with NO, NO, NO she doesn't WANT to work and she doesn't NEED to go to school, its bad for your marriage. She needs to stay home and take care of the house. While I'm a little more used to it, I think my husband's head almost exploded at that one.:boom:
The thing I have the most trouble with is that I would think that my mother would be proud of me for finally doing the one thing I have always wanted. I can't wrap my head around it.

Now, for the cherry on top. My nana, who was the one who gave me grief for not going to college right out of HS, and for saying that vet school was too hard for me to ever be able to do, is now acting the same way as my mother. So apparently its a freakin trend in my family that once you get married your life is supposed to be over. How is it that these women would want that for me, especially since that is what they had and hated it. My mom and nana both had kids early, 17 and 14, so their lives were all about their kids and husbands. I love my mom but she resented me for a long time, as I was the "mistake" child. Why would they not want me to be able to have a career and depend on only myself if I had to. Seriously, do they not understand that people in the military have a decent chance of death or injury on a daily basis during deployments? Who is going to take care of me then? I guess its better to be a good wife now than to not be a homeless beggar later. I just want to scream because this frustrates me so much. Never have I felt this huge of a gap in my relationship with my mother, not even with all of our other differences. I just don't know what to do about it. but the last thing I need is more people telling me I can't or shouldn't try to be a vet.
LDC - That is terrible to have such problems with your mother. I'm a mother myself, but I'm a daughter, too (naturally). It's hard sometimes to be a daughter because you hear your mother's voice in your head (even when she's not around). I'm with you, though, that having a child before you get your career off the ground would be very hard. At times I've had to put some distance between myself and my mother. Not to actually stop speaking, but just to talk to her about other things (not religion, not role of mother/wife, not having children). You have a right to do what you like and to believe/not believe what you want. Just give yourself some space. I'm sure that you will eventually strike a more balanced relationship with your mom and Nana. Do your own thing, find your own way and they will be proud (even if they don't admit it because of a little deep-down jealousy or something like that). It will be okay.
SO sorry to here that LDC :(. Have you tried talking to her about it? Or do I just sound like a clueless outsider? lol

Here's my rant!!!!

In and Out Burger is NOT WORTH a $25 cab ride for a mediocre burger with undercooked fries! In and Out Burger is like Five Guys' ginger step-child. So disappointed!!! :thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:

At least the BF offered to pay for it all since he's the one who talked me into going :D

Also, I love how the guy at the hotel counter offered to bring me to In and Out Burger, only to later say he's "off the clock", therefore causing me to spend $25 on a 4 mile (roundtrip) cab ride! JERK! I want the throw what I didn't eat in his face.

The worst part, I could have rented a car for $19 :laugh: