Smash Bros WW Game Thread

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I noticed you online yesterday and again today, and you hadn't posted at all. Possible lurking needs pressure. Excited to see your thoughts on today and yesterday.

@genny your vote yesterday had no explanation to it (unless you count "because I wanted to", so I wonder who you will be voting for today.
JBoo mentioned the "hiding wolf" several times, and while some wolves may be keeping more quiet, it's not really something that needs to be reiterated multiple times. So this comes off as just trying to post without much content.
Elfa voted with the majority yesterday, which doesn't contribute to independent thought on thread at all. @Elfabeth do you have any thoughts today on who you think seems wolfy?

My vote will likely be going to one of the above, unless someone else throws up some red flags as the day progresses.

Right now I'm leaning village on dolphin, for sticking with their gut on voting, and not just voting for one of the leading candidates. Just because a couple of people are leading, does not mean you should vote for them if you do not feel there are good enough reasons behind those votes.

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You’re lynching me solely based on me not being glued to my computer all day? Okay, but that seems a bit hasty.

I’ve been dealing with my sick cat all day, who I was worried could be potentially be blocked. I checked in when I had a moment to read things over then I just made the 2 hour drive back home to try and beat some bad weather. Sorry, life happened.

I am home now and will be in checking periodically

And addressing @DVMDream ’s concerns: I was talking about your posts outside of WW, which are usually lengthy and shows your insight. Example: see the Banfield debt forgiveness thread. This was clarified when someone (AM I think it was?) asked me shortly after if I had ever played with you.

Kara has been giving me her insight in the playing styles of other people. She’s explained that some are chattier, some are quieter, some are more passive and some dominate the discussion. As a noob I’m figuring out it can be a learning curve to read some people I haven’t had much interaction with before. And I’m also figuring out that game personalities can be different from how someone is outside of the game.

Lynch Coffee
Your hastiness to lynch me feels like an excuse to make me an easy target. And I’m confused by your weird comment about tasting something.

Wasn't hastiness
I was reacting to what you said, about just needing a moment to post, and now it has taken 4 hours to follow through (though you still haven't). Would suggest in the future to not say anything along those lines if you're not going to be around.

Also, would suggest forming a better case against me than just what my night results are. Night results are night results.

So where are the rest of the reads you promised? Certainly this wasn't Kara's idea o_O
Liked for the last sentence. Regardless, it's just not a great guarantee because of the number of variables, and it risks drawing the reverse eye(s) of sauron elsewhere lol

I feel like Pippy is taking the "could be a wolf claiming that ability" a bit far. I get it is/was a possibility, but she's really stretching it with all these posts about how it wouldn't be able to be verified via using an ability on the player. It is more likely it would be verifiable than it wouldn't be.
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You said that you wanted to hear more from Skimble, Allie, DVMD, Bryndy, and SAR. You've heard from DVMD, Skimble, and SAR. How do their new posts affect your position on them?
Skimble said she was busy and hopped on the Jboo train. The whole thing she posted seemed a bit flaky idk it doesn't sway me either way especially with her being busy.
I've never played with DVMD so I don't know her meta and I'm trying to gauge her. She kinda has a meta between cray's (with the posting style) but with dubz's sassiness :p . I'm leaning village towards her but, again, I've never played with her so I'm not going to make any choices on her today.
SAR didn't really post anything of value today, just asked/answered a couple of questions. I will point out what AM quoted earlier when SAR pointed out Coop earlier and said that Coop calling her out for her noob vote was weird to her. So, she didn't exactly call Coop out but threw some stuff at her and then today said she wasn't suspicious of anybody. I find that a bit weird and it could be some wolves throwing sketch on other wolves. So SAR is slightly more sketch in my book.
For now, I'm comfortable with my Jboo vote.
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How about: "you could not determine xyz's affiliation" or "you did not see xyz do anything last night"

Again, it's just a lot of assumptions for something that could be definitively determined pretty easily, imo. Agree to disagree?

That isn't how the self-jailer info EVER comes back. This is what makes your stretching of this stupid odd.

I have never seen the mods post it back in any way that doesn't involve some version of "you went to go do x (investigate, track, block, seer, silence, kill, whatever) to (self-jailer) player, but failed to locate them."

I get that is super mod-subjective, but you are really flirting the line and pushing this in an odd way.
My initial feel was DVMDream...but idk it clearly won’t matter who I vote for bc I don’t like Mixy, and I’m not gonna vote Moose for being inactive. And Coffee doesn’t make enough sense at this point.

Lynch DVMDream

Why was I your initial "feel"? I know you are still new, but start getting used to putting explanations behind those "feels", it helps everyone to evaluate players better.

And geeze... you don't have to tell Mixy you don't like her, you could be a bit more gentle about that... :p ;)
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Oh noes!! Somebody left the ww thread for more than your desired time limit. The ww world is coming to an end.

If ANYONE posts again about someone not posting withing "x time frame" I will lynch them. Get over it, people aren't going to be around every damn second, heck some may be gone for hours or even a full day. Tough **** that is life.

Read the context.
I'm on my phone and don't feel like going back to find the posts to quote but why are people saying last night was a no-kill night? There's no reason to be making that assumption considering Coop was unseerable/untrackable therefore was most likely doing the kill.
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Lol, I forgot she voted me when I did that. Basically Mel took the wind out of my SAR vote sails so I looked to my next top suspect that I felt had reason to suspect foul play, not an RVS throwaway. I criticized MA's play before she voted me anyway.

If it feels retaliatory, I'm not surprised. There is a little heat behind my vote here. Not sure I like Mixy's style, frankly. I think her interactions with DVMD and others is not only reactive, counterproductive, arrogant, but also a bit too pushy and without good logic in my view, which I stated earlier about her reaction to DVMD.

Villagers can get a bit pushy, yes. I know in my case, I feel at my pushiest as a wolf. It never sits right for me to see a "villager" trying to run the village. I could be wrong on that gut feel, but it is a red flag in my book.

So yes, I find it all extremely wolfy. It seems to me that putting pressure on MA is the right thing to do here, period.

I am sorry but this is just odd to keep going on and on about Mixy's "interactions" with me... she quoted my posts about being "overexplanatory" I quoted her back, she responded it once to me and that was the END of our "interaction. Literally 3 posts between the two of us. Where is this big "reaction" to me? Because I never felt that she had some big "reaction", I called her out on the "overexplanation" being odd, she responded. I was happy to move on but didn't get back on again last night.

I think we need to be looking at those who kind of drove that lynch yesterday because it was odd, in my opinion.
Like I said at the time the other leaders didn’t seem like a good enough vote. So I guess I could actually throw away my vote and pick one of them. But generally in the last game I played everyone went back to the beginning votes and questioned people’s reasons. So I’d rather have sound logic that I actually believe.

I am actually happy with you coming up with your own lynch vote, even if it is me, but I want an explanation with those votes, regardless of who they are for. Please and thanks.
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I'm on my phone and don't feel like going back to find the posts to quote but why are people saying last night was a no-kill night? There's no reason to be making that assumption considering Coop was unseerable/untrackable therefore was most likely doing the kill.
Because no villagers are dead?

Although I personally like the explanation that was already offered up for why a wolf is dead instead of a villager. Makes sense in the context of the source material.
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Read the context.

There was not context, you didn't provide any. And others questioned that vote of yours when you did it. So if you want to provide context, I am all ears, otherwise you are falling into my neutral/slight wolf feels category, but not near as high as others with wolf feels.
There was not context, you didn't provide any. And others questioned that vote of yours when you did it. So if you want to provide context, I am all ears, otherwise you are falling into my neutral/slight wolf feels category, but not near as high as others with wolf feels.

Maybe you just haven't finished reading the day, but I most certainly did provide context.
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To be fair, and I don't know if you meant me, but I did explain that yes, I saw DVMD and Coop's votes for noobs, and that no, I don't like them, but yes, it fits their meta. Hence why I let it essentially slide despite noting it as something I don't like for various reasons.

You were singled out in my book for reasons I stated, I thought you were noob. Mel's point and the rest of what happened took the wind out of my sails about your vote and my own on you.

Drop the noob voting BS crap.

I vote for people who seem suspicious or I have good reason to vote for them, their player status being irrelevant. Actually most of those I am currently suspicious of are very much not "noob".
Why was I your initial "feel"? I know you are still new, but start getting used to putting explanations behind those "feels", it helps everyone to evaluate players better.

And geeze... you don't have to tell Mixy you don't like her, you could be a bit more gentle about that... :p ;)
It was honestly based on how you phrased being confused by hydras when after you explained it (where the whole over explaining came into play) was more like you didn’t like having them in games or found them difficult to play with, not being confused by actual game play mechanics. But that honestly could’ve just been semantics rereading everything today. But it was the strongest feeling I had on D1.
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Because no villagers are dead?

Although I personally like the explanation that was already offered up for why a wolf is dead instead of a villager. Makes sense in the context of the source material.
Maybe this is what you're referring to, but doesn't it depend on order of operations that the mods use? Like if a vig submitted Coop as their kill attempt before wolves submitted theirs, etc.
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Things I do not care about in the context of a WW game: whether or not people were packing vs babysitting vs going to the grocery store vs establishing world peace

I was euthanizing a 14 yo dachshund whose owner allowed to suffer with a pyometra for 3 ****ing weeks. Then the dog decided to agonally breathe for 8+ minutes after death in front of the owner and their children. **** that.

But, yeah, that has nothing to do with WW... but was still sucky.
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I didn’t vote for her, but I also just caught up on 3 pages of the thread. I may have voted for her for the early role reveal, they give me bad feels.

Meh, some people are just more "gun jumping" than others with role revealing. I can be that way. But I can also see how that seems odd. It is a toss-up to me.
I did, they still didn't provide actual context for a reason BEHIND the lynch vote. Other than "you were gone for too long and there was too much time between that unlynching and lynching now" which I find to be meaningless.

Well, if you find it meaningless, I can't really explain beyond that. I know what lowposting I like and which is sketchy.
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Well, if you find it meaningless, I can't really explain beyond that. I know what lowposting I like and which is sketchy.

Then why Moose and not any of the others who "lowposted" yesterday? I asked this same question to someone else as well. There HAS to be more there than just "lowposting" that made you pick *that* player over another.
Then why Moose and not any of the others who "lowposted" yesterday? I asked this same question to someone else as well. There HAS to be more there than just "lowposting" that made you pick *that* player over another.

There always is and was explained between my back-and-forth with her and bleeds into day.
JBoo mentioned the "hiding wolf" several times, and while some wolves may be keeping more quiet, it's not really something that needs to be reiterated multiple times. So this comes off as just trying to post without much content.

Claiming this is either very lazy playing or a wolf trying to make something out of nothing.

I mentioned the hiding thing once and then several people asked me to clarify, hence it’s reappearance a few times. So to those of you harping on it, pls stop and read more thoroughly.
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It must be super dropped for this game because you are uber stretching things thus far this game.
Hey, I was sketched by the role claim because when I used that exact same claim in the past, people jumped all over me. And keep reading -- maybe I had a reason to think a lynch would be more expedient than spending abilities later on trying to figure it out.
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I'm on my phone and don't feel like going back to find the posts to quote but why are people saying last night was a no-kill night? There's no reason to be making that assumption considering Coop was unseerable/untrackable therefore was most likely doing the kill.
This. Any good player as a wolf would say Coop should do the kill. Occam’s razor and all that for why Coop died.
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Oh for petes sake. Maybe because some people disagree with you? It's not that I didn't understand what you were saying, it's that I disagreed with that option.

Why are you so mad people lynched a villager on D1?

Maybe you are purposely trying to ignore that what WildZoo stated is umm.... true? Still reading through but if nothing more promising is showing up with talk from today, you or cray will be my lynch vote.