Wait-listed at UCSD SOM...Chances?!

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Jun 17, 2014
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Got wait-listed at UCSD SOM...anyone know what the chances of getting an acceptance are?

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If you're absolutely dying to know, you COULD call and ask how their WL movement has been in recent years. They will usually be pretty honest if the WL hasn't moved much. I did that for one of my schools, which was also a UC, and they confirmed that in the past years, waitlist movement was minimal. They also gave me their input on things I could possibly do to help my chances (although small, and probably not super significant).

I remember @gyngyn saying that CA schools are running a new algorithm in terms of targeting students to accept, and it has supposedly improved the yield dramatically. So that sucks 🙁 Sorry about that! Being WL at one of your top choices sucks! It's like going on a first date, thinking it went well, and then the person never calls you back.
They told us during the interview that WL movement was minimal in past years.
If you're absolutely dying to know, you COULD call and ask how their WL movement has been in recent years. They will usually be pretty honest if the WL hasn't moved much. I did that for one of my schools, which was also a UC, and they confirmed that in the past years, waitlist movement was minimal. They also gave me their input on things I could possibly do to help my chances (although small, and probably not super significant).

I remember @gyngyn saying that CA schools are running a new algorithm in terms of targeting students to accept, and it has supposedly improved the yield dramatically. So that sucks 🙁 Sorry about that! Being WL at one of your top choices sucks! It's like going on a first date, thinking it went well, and then the person never calls you back.
Ah okay, thanks so much! 🙂 What were some things they said to help your chances? Like sending in updates in May?
Ucsd historically has little-to-no waitlist movement (there was a tiny amount last year, I think, but don't know on a yearly basis beyond that), but there is a small chance you could get a post-waitlist acceptance there. It all comes down to how well they hit their target number of acceptances and what their yield winds up being, I imagine.
per interview, of the people they interview, they reject 1/6, accept 1/3, and WL 1/2. I remember doing the math and there's about 10-20% chance of getting of the WL. The WL is internally ranked, and they pull people off it to fill diversity etc. So, there's a chance it moves...