caribbean medical school

  1. P

    New medical school

    I wanted to share incase anyone else might be in a similar situation. I transferred over from another Caribbean medical school, got my first semester free and online from home to make for ease of transition. I tried to post the flyer, but I’m not sure how to post photos here, as it isn’t...
  2. LindaAccepted

    Should You Consider a Caribbean Medical School?

    If the application season isn’t going as you’d hoped, your thoughts might turn to alternative routes for your medical education. Perhaps you’re thinking about retaking the MCAT, boosting your GPA with postbaccalaureate coursework, or spending a year in a clinical or research environment. Or you...
  3. D

    Anyone has any success match stories from dismissed US students who transferred to caribbean?

    I was dismissed last week from a US school for professionalism reasons. I don’t want to disclose my case to protect my identity, but my dismissal was my own making and justified. I have only myself to my blame for my shortcomings. That being said, I passed step 1 on my first attempt, never...
  4. M

    How do I convince my friend not to go to Ross? Or is this the right path for her?

    My friend and I are pre-med. She is a senior and I am a sophomore at a large state school. I've heard some negative things about Caribbean schools specifically regarding cost, living conditions, and match rates. I've discussed these concerns with my friend as she goes through the application...
  5. DocHopeful1

    My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey (Part 2-Final)

    Hello again SDN! This is insane that I'm back on here years later. I am here to finally reveal the ending of a story I started several years ago. ✨spoiler alert✨ I matched into my #1 program! Here is the link to Part 1 of my story: My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey...
  6. Z

    Any international medical student attending Caribbean med schools? Help Wanted!

    Hello, SDN fam! I hope people are enjoying a great start to the week! I’m working on a project for a student group and we would like to put on a panel where international medical students attending Caribbean schools can speak to our international premed students and share their experiences...
  7. D

    I am a student a "Top 3" Caribbean Med School... ask me anything

    I am at a "top 3" school in the Caribbean and I hate it. I personally come from a family of graduates from Caribbean med schools and they have all become very successful doctors in the US. I understand the reasons why people say to avoid the Caribbean at all costs (there's a lot of truth to...
  8. A


    ok guys I promised if I matched .. I do super honest review about the Caribbean Medical Schools specifically AUA Little About Myself and why attended Caribbean: I had a 3.3 sGPA and 3.4 overall gpa. my MCAT was 20. With that MCAT score , I obviously didn't get into US or DO school. I also had...
  9. D

    Caribbean Medical School - Xavier Med

    Hey! I was recently accepted into Xavier medical school in the Caribbean and was wondering if anyone else has gone there and what the quality of the education is? I talked to an advisor and their first-time USMLE pass rate is 96% and residency placement match is 70%. Thank you in advance!
  10. DocHopeful1

    My Vulnerable and Personal Caribbean Medical School Journey (Part 1)

    This is for my Pre-Meds and Non-Traditional students considering a Caribbean medical school. Fair warning, this is going to be a long post, but it will be my personal unbiased journey. I have no secret agenda; I am not trying to convince you to do one thing or another. I will be keeping it 100%...
  11. A

    Which is the best Caribbean Medical School?

    As there are many Caribbean Medical schools in the Caribbean region, which is bet to pursue medicine
  12. FemaleJD

    Doing A Fourth-Year Elective In the Caribbean?

    My partner is currently finishing up his ob/gyn elective and moving onto fourth year this August and we have the itch to go back to the Caribbean for a short period. For reference: He is a Caribbean medical student at St. George in Grenada and St. George's hospital offers some basic med...
  13. iluvmedicine2

    Is Caribbean Med School an option for me?

    Hello, I was recently dismissed from a U.S. osteopathic medical school for academic reasons (failing courses during my first year) and I’m weighing my options for the future. Following 5 application cycles in the States, I seriously considered going the Caribbean route, but decided against it...
  14. L

    Success and not-so-successful stories from those who went to Caribbean schools?

    I'm getting ready to apply to medical schools next month. I applied last cycle as well, but since I didn't get my applications in until the deadline, I didn't get many looks. In fact, I didn't get a single interview. MCAT: 503 GPA S: 2.986/C: 3.2 I've been shadowing a doctor for the last couple...
  15. I

    Question about Caribbean schools

    So from reading around SDN the general consensus seems to be that Carib med schools are predatory and often manipulate statistics to deceive people. But, for those who make it through the 4 years at a Carib school, why do they have a hard time matching to residencies? Let's say some guy named...
  16. T

    transferring to sgu

    Hey all! I am a current first year student at a Caribbean school and I was thinking about transferring to SGU for my second year. Is this possible? I submitted an application when I was originally applying to schools but got accepted into my current school before I heard back and they ended up...
  17. T

    transferring to SGU

    Hey all! I am a current first year student at a Caribbean school and I was thinking about transferring to SGU for my second year. Is this possible? I submitted an application when I was originally applying to schools but got accepted into my current school before I heard back and they ended up...
  18. B

    Academic Dismissal - options after?

    So recently quite a few students were academically dismissed from a Big 3 Caribbean school due to grades (they set the passing grade differently each semester using some algorithm and the Hofstede theory supposedly, no one really knows how they determine it). So curious to know if time is taken...
  19. S

    former premed, currently an RN, and want to get into med school

    Hi guys, I am new to this website and this is my first post, which I posting because I could not find advise anywhere else no the web for my situation. Anyway, I graduated back in 2011 as a premed with a BS in biology, but unfortunately my GPA was not the best (3.0, mostly due to a terrible...
  20. D

    UMHS attrition

    Hello Friends, I was interested in hearing from current pre-clinical students at this school. Im interested in the attrition rate and the amount of exams that are given in each semester and if the professors actually teach. Im also interested in knowing if there are live lectures because i had a...
  21. L

    Internship in caricom affiliated countries

    I am about finishing medical school next year May and I need help I need to talk to current or past Caribbean interns and doctors I need advice on hospitals and countries that accept foreign doctors I need advice on acceptance rates of these hospitals I need advise on CAMC 1/2 What countries are...
  22. M

    What to do?

    Hello all! I'm in a pretty tough situation and wanted to seek the advice of the wonderful /premed community. I am a Caribbean medical student and am not doing well. I did not pass first semester and currently am attempting to repeat the semester but will likely not pass this time either. I will...
  23. MNurse2MD

    Xavier University School of Medicine

    Can anyone give me some input regarding Xavier University School of Medicine? They are not a top tier school, but are CAAM-HP accredited which is needed coming 2023, have a small track record of residency matches (through my google searches) and the tuition is approximately 148000 USD. The...
  24. S

    Caribbean vs European vs Australian Medical Schools

    New to SDN, so if I am posting this in the wrong place please let me know! Long story short, USA and Canadian MD and DO medical schools are out of discussion because of the obvious reasons of GPA / MCAT and so on. I know going abroad will be harder and risky but, in a quick response please let...
  25. W

    Science Teacher to Pre-Dental

    It was once my goal to become a doctor while completing my undergraduate studies, but then I deterred away from it due to financial issues. Moreover my GPA is trash: 3.02 overall; 2.1-2.3ish science (I can’t remember, but it is in that range). I am presently completing a MBA in Finance (I...
  26. sosalubrious

    US IMG graduate didn't match in 2018, repeat applicant: need residency advice

    Okay so I'm a US/Caribbean grad from 2016, ECFMG certified. Here is my time-line: Step 1: 218, Step 2 ck: 205; 235. CS: pass on 2nd attempt; Step 3: 208 Had scheduled ck and cs to be right after finishing surgery and IM back to back in 2 different states-did not receive timely/decent advice...
  27. A

    Caribbean school chances

    Hello all, I am a recent graduate with a cumulative 2.99 GPA, with a 2.74 science GPA. I also just took the MCAT and scored a 485 (Yes, its low). I was wondering what my chances of getting into a Caribbean school would be (Ross, AUA, AUC, Saba, Trinity and St. Matthews). What can I do to help...
  28. I

    My school lost its accreditation

    Hey, so my caribbean medical school recently lost its ECFMG sponsor notes and has not been able to receive them. The owner of my school decided to start another medical school and is trying to get sponsor notes at that one (hopefully this March/April). Would it be a better option for me to go...
  29. GC-DR

    Should i transfer from an Australian school to a Caribbean School

    Hey everyone. Long story short is i have a green card (US-IMG), MS3, step1 232, first author papers. At a small school in Australia. Can only get about 2 months of USCE. I know Australian education is excellent, i'm moving because my wife needs to be with her family they live in the USA. (so...
  30. MNurse2MD

    Which Foreign Medical School Should I attend?

    I am interested in pursuing a career in Medicine. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing, but I messed around during my pre-requisite courses/pre-nursing college career and hence my cumulative GPA is 3.27. I would literally have to re-take an entire bachelors degree to bring it up to...
  31. BigBaller2

    MD & DO SGU or gap year?

    Hello all, I am currently a senior at the University of Illinois and I'm majoring in economics. My cGPA and sGPA are each around 3.0. I'm graduating in a few weeks and these GPA's will likely be the the same. I think that I underestimated the amount of information on the MCAT and scored a...
  32. butterscotchyes

    Is Caribbean school the best option?

    I applied to both M.D. and D.O. schools last year, but I think the main reason why I didn't get in was due to my uncompetitive science GPA (around 3.3). My regular undergrad GPA was 3.5, MCAT score 501, and I recently went on a medical mission trip abroad. In terms of medical volunteering, I...
  33. redence

    6 year foreign med school or go to college and do premed?

    -btw I posted something similar to this in the MD + high school forum a few weeks back- just wanted some input from foreign grads now- I'm a 17 year old high school senior, and I have to apply to colleges soon. I'm interested in the health field, but I'm not 100% sure yet if I want to be either...
  34. A

    Should I apply?

    Hello :) I am a senior graduating this December. I anticipate on taking the MCAT latest by March. Unfortunately, I goofed off a lot in college and did not take it seriously, and am at a 2.92 GPA (it should be a 3.0 by the end of this semester). I know this is a very low number and the...
  35. M

    Reapplicant feeling lost- Caribbean as a back up?

    Hello hello, This is my current situation: Stats: GPA 4.0 over-all MCAT: 1st time= 490, 2nd time= 495, took Kaplan Course then took 3rd time= 495 I have great LOR, have plenty of shadowing,research, volunteer, and health care related job experience. First time college graduate and aspiring...
  36. palumacella

    Low GPA: chances into Carribbean Med School?

    I graduated with a degree in bio (2.78 gpa). I haven't taken the MCAT yet and my ECs are mainly various volunteer activities including hospital patient care. What's an ideal MCAT score to shoot for to get into mid tier Caribbean schools like St. Matthew's, AUA and the like?
  37. palumacella

    Confused and looking for honest advice

    I just graduated with a BS in biology. All my life, I aspired to become a physician. Before college, I thought I had it all figured out. I volunteered at my neighborhood hospital and I loved working with patients, doctors, nurses, etc. I declared my major at the start of college. Except for...
  38. B

    Are Caribbean schools really THAT horrible?

    I've read tons of threads about how bad of an idea it is to go to the Caribbean, and it seems that this is mainly true because of high attrition rates, lower USMLE scores, and higher difficulty of matching into competitive US residencies (especially in a specialty). My question is, are the...
  39. M

    Should I apply to Windsor University in St. Kitts?

    Ok so I am a Pre-Med Student from Chicago, US. My older brother went to Windsor University for Medical School after completing all his pre reqs from UIC (University of Illinois in Chicago), he did not complete his bachelors degree because it wasn't required by Windsor. Now my family wants me to...