lor advice

  1. H

    Continue Shadowing?

    Hi I’ve been shadowing at a family medicine practice for a couple months and probably have at least 100 hours w the doctors but was wondering if I should continue my hunt for another specialty to shadow or would it be okay to apply w the one shadowing experience. He’d also be writing me a...
  2. LindaAccepted

    Medical 2024's List of Do’s and Don’ts of Medical School Recommendation Letters

    Your letters of recommendation for your medical school application are critical documents. Many premed students submit a letter of recommendation, called a committee letter, that is provided by a pre-health advisor (also called a health professions advisor) at their undergraduate school or...
  3. D

    How should letter writer address me in letter for MD applications? I hold a PhD

    Specifically my postdoc PI. I have a PhD. He usually addresses me as "Dr. Double_doc_in_progress" but would that come off badly to ADCOMS since I'm not a "real" doctor? Should he address me as "Ms. Double_doc_in_progress" or by my first name? The questions that come up as a nontrad.... Thanks...
  4. S

    What classes should I take for a DIY post-bacc as a non-trad applicant who has already completed the prereqs and needs academic LORs?

    Sorry in advance for the length. Goal Cycle: 2025~2026 Demographics: F/27 (28 by the time I start applying next year), East Asian, Illinois resident Major: Biology BS (was originally interested in biomedical research), graduated 2019 Stats: cGPA 3.55, sGPA 3.28 Upward trend Freshman~Junior...
  5. K

    LOR From Retired Professor Question

    Hey guys, so I reached out to my old Spanish professor for a LOR since it was a small class, and we formed a close connection. It turns out that she was just teaching while she was getting her Master's; she has since graduated and no longer has access to letterhead through the university. She...
  6. M

    LOR examples

    So very non-trad been in the military for 8 years and graduated college 10 years ago. So the people who have said they will write me letters of recommendation all asked for an example or to have me write them a draft that they would tweak. Is there a good example that most use? I have only been...
  7. D

    No Clinical LOR help!!!!

    I'm gathering my LOR for next cycle (2024-2025) and I'm worried about not having a clinical letter of recommendation. Here are the LOR I know I can get: 1. Non science ( 1 professor maybe even another one if they remember me lol) 2. Science ( 1 professor; my lab instructor has a PhD will this...
  8. Cotton Candy Lover

    LOR question/ professor on medical leave

    Hi! I just found out that one of my recommenders is no longer teaching. I have his letter from 2021 in interfolio when he recommended me to postbacc programs. I have updated him from time to time. Even though he didn't reply back, I assumed that he had read the updates. He had agreed to update...
  9. SOBS

    Seeking Advice: Choosing Letters of Recommendation for Dental School Applications

    I've recently started working on my dental school applications and could really use your advice when it comes to selecting letters of recommendation. I've got a bit of a situation here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Here's what's going on: I've got six potential options for letters of...
  10. S

    Writing my own LOR for a professor who doesn't know me

    I go to an extremely large public school and am having a hard time getting professors to agree to write a LOR. I reached out to a random professor I had, and surprisingly he said that he would be happy to edit/sign a draft that I write. I know that good letters are powerful, and that mediocre...
  11. O

    Adding LoR after completion

    Hi everyone, Today I finally received a letter that I have been waiting on for a while. I was unsure if this letter would actually ever come, so I didn't add it to my letter packet and instead opted to have them submit it through AMCAS. I submitted my letter packet a while ago and was marked...
  12. O

    Missing one LoR

    Hi everyone, I recently submitted most of my secondaries. Unfortunately, my letters of recommendation are the only thing holding me back from being marked complete. My undergrad does not have a committee, but they send a letter packet once they have all of my letters. I have received back 3 out...
  13. M

    freshman letter of recommendation for research? mention a research experience that is not mentioned in work/activities section?

    Hi Everyone, I am planning to submit my AMCAS for MD/PhD programs in a few days, and genuinely looking for advice for the following situations: 1. Since I planned to apply for MD-only programs as well, I tried to balance activities/work section with more clinical/leadership stuff that are...
  14. S

    Letter of recommendation using inter folio

    Hello everyone Im about to graduate this December from CC then transfer to university for biology pre med I got a letter of recommendation from a professor via interfolio when I need an update to letter is there an option for him to send me an updated one before i apply I wont be applying...
  15. Osono

    Application timeline DO help

    Hello! I'm applying this cycle to both MD and DO schools. My plan for MD is to apply within the first week of the app opening because I have everything I need. For DO on the other hand, I have a bit of an issue. I recently started shadowing an MD- will probably have around 30-40 hours by June...
  16. healthEngineer

    Letter of Recommendation - MD or PA/NP

    I have worked as an emergency medicine scribe for about 6 months and now the time has come to ask for a letter of recommendation. I have worked primarily with physician assistants and only with doctors a handful of times. One of the PAs I've worked with for over 100 hours, most of the docs I've...
  17. S

    Does a LOR from a microbiology lab professor count as one from a science professor?

    I am a biology/philosophy major and have an LOR from two non-science teachers, a physician I worked with, my supervisor during my time as an RA, my A&P teacher, and my microbiology lab professor who I also worked with as a LA. It’s the last one I’m kind of worried about? I know schools require...
  18. Welshman

    MD Advice: Writing my own residency letter of recommendation - points to hit & topics to include

    Hi everyone, I've been lucky (IMO) to be tasked with writing my own LoR for a surgeon I've worked closely with throughout medical school, mainly in a research capacity but a few cases in the OR. My main question is what do PDs/reviewers like to see in these letters? I'm planning on hitting...
  19. E

    Dental Hygiene LORs for AADSAS Dental School Application

    Hey everyone, I'm applying to dental school this year, and I'm in a bit of a unique situation with my LORs. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Predental/Dental Hygiene, and I've been working as a dental hygienist for 2 years. I asked two of my professors from my Dental Hygiene program for...
  20. S

    Nonscience LOR from a Professor who was a Research Mentor?

    I am applying MD this cycle and I have heard a lot about how you need to have a minimum of two science LORs and one nonscience LOR. I have one LOR from a law school professor who teaches at my university but I didn't take a class with him -- I was his research assistant. I was wondering if this...
  21. A

    Question about LOR for VSAS

    Hello! I've recently applied through VSAS to aways that opened April 1. I'm currently waiting on my LORs to be uploaded by my home institution, but I only need to have one letter for completion. Is it better to have any LOR uploaded as earlier as possible vs. waiting on a specific letter that...
  22. ?

    LOR from Dean Emerita?

  23. S

    I have LORs from two oral surgeons but none from a general dentist, is that OK?

    So I’ve been working with two oral surgeons for over 2 years now and developed a pretty good relationship with them. I accumulated over 1000 hours of shadowing and DA experience from their office. This is probably my what I’m most proud of in my application. They are both writing me LORs but is...
  24. I

    LOR Question

    Is it appropriate to ask a medical student for a LOR? We've worked pretty closely together for the past couple of months and I'm thinking about using her letter as a supplementary LOR.
  25. whosnisarg

    No Science LORs?

    Hey, all! Humanities and Philosophy major here applying to a school in May 2021 that is waiving the MCAT. Given I was planning to take the MCAT in 2022 anyway, I may as well take my chances applying to this 1 school (but this isn’t my issue). They require 1 committee letter or 2 science...
  26. optimist99

    How many LoRs to send - OBGYN application

    So I'm applying to OBGYN this cycle and can't decide how many LoRs I should send programs that say things like "a total of three (3) LoRs is required for final review" and "a complete application contains... three (3) LoRs including the dept chair letter." Does this mean I can't include a 4th...
  27. sasukeuchiha33

    LOR Question- Submitting from AMCAS

    Hey all. So, I'm using Interfolio Dossier Deliver to send letters to AMCAS. However, I have also noticed that AMCAS has an option where you can choose which letters to send to which schools. This isn't really something I'm worried about, as I intend to send all of my letters to all the schools...
  28. P

    Letter Head for LOR

    Can anyone please help me with the following issue: Due to covid-19 the physicians that I was volunteering for are no longer working at the hospital. Now they both have agreed to write the letters but are concerned about the letter head. Should I make them a letter head, are there any tips on...
  29. sasukeuchiha33

    How to classify LOR from professor at another school?

    Hi all! So I'm in the midst of getting my LORs in sorts and had quick question. One of my recommenders was my professor whom I had when I was a freshman; however, she since moved on to teach at another university. In AMCAS, when filling in the LORs it asks if your recommender is associated with...
  30. Ramona Flowers

    Letters of Recommendation Question

  31. B

    Need help with LORs and a specific situation regarding LOR.

    Hi everyone, I am currently preparing for the next application cycle and I am unsure about how I should approach my letter of recommendations. I have heard that interfolio is a good start, but I am not quite sure what this application does. Regarding, an actual LOR situation, which is my...
  32. R

    DO - Letter of Recommendation from Pre-Medical Advisor / Committee

    I recently applied to a DO program and their LOR policy requires applicants to submit a LOR from science faculty, a DO/MD physician, and a pre-medical advisor or committee. Unfortunately, I do not have an advisor or committee contact and was wondering what I should do next. I emailed the...
  33. P

    LoR after submission

    I'm an int'l student MD reapplicant (GPA 3.84, MCAT 520) and submitted a whole bunch of secondaries, completed between mid-July and mid-August. Radio silence so far other than 3 Rs. Wondering if I can add a LoR from my current employer to my file and if that would make a difference? Started a...
  34. M

    Letter of Recommendation "power" question

    Hey guys, I'm an IMG applying for the 2020 Match. I have very little USCE. As a graduate (2018) they're mostly observerships and externships (< 12 weeks) In terms of a LoR... I have a few LoR from doctors who have/are: 1 - Graduated from home country but did residency and fellowship in the US...
  35. L

    Feel like I'm screwed on LOR's

    So I graduated in May and will be applying for the 2021 cycle (2 gap years). I currently have 3 LOR's: 1 science professor whom I've TA'd for and received an A in both courses I took with him. My research PI (psychology which AFAIK is not considered "science" in terms of med school), whom I...
  36. F

    LOR for Applying IM

    Hey everyone! I'm getting ready to apply for IM this year and am confused about letters of recommendation. I have 1 from an outpatient endocrine attending, 2 from my core IM rotation attendings, and 1 from my advisor/FM attending who worked with me inpatient (so all 3rd year letters). I have...
  37. D

    Committee Letter / Maximum number of LORs - question

  38. U

    Physician LOR more valuable if attended specific school I'm applying to?

    I have worked as a scribe for 1.5 years with about a dozen physicians. There is one physician in a leadership position that would be the obvious choice were I to ask for only a single letter, but it has occurred to me that I can request an additional ~8 physicians with whom I have established...
  39. G

    LOR questions - science faculty and physician letter?

    1) My school doesn't have a neuroscience department, but my major has an emphasis in neuro that I took psychopharmacology and cognitive neuroscience for (both in the psych department). In terms of LOR, could these count as science faculty? I asked my pre-med advisor and he said it depends on the...
  40. ChipSkylarkxxxshinyteeth

    Professors are letting me draft my own Letters of Rec before they add their own sauce!!!

    I’d like to say that I’m in a pretty lucky however stressful situation where two of my professors I reached out to for LOR’s from are actually suggesting that I write key points and anything I'd like in the letters about myself. Has anyone else been in this same situation? If yes I need your...