Hey yall! I just wanted to start a thread for people accepted and applying to any of the Agnes Scott Post-bac programs. I just committed to the Med-Accelerated program. :) looking to connect with my future classmates.
I applied to 28 MD, submitting my secondaries 2-3 weeks after receiving them, so I was finished around early-mid August. I was planning on applying to 3-5 DO schools to have more options, since my stats are mid. Honestly, I was more focused on the 28 MD at the beginning of the summer and...
Hello everyone, I really need some help and will take any advice I can get! I made a post a couple of days ago but decided to make a more detailed one to provide more information.
I graduated college with a 2.45uGPA and even lower sGPA. Since, I have taken a large course load of courses every...
What are my chances for the 2023-2024 cycle. I applied already but have not received any interviews yet so someone on edit told me to post here. I have:
MCAT: 517 (Chm/Phy : 128 CARRS: 129 Bio/Biochem: 129 Psych/Soc: 131)
overall GPA: 3.8
BCPM GPA: 3.77
FL resident
I graduated 2021 with a psyc major and bad grades. my cGPA was 2.395 year 1, 2.418 year 2, 2.591 year 3, and then 2.844 at graduation. There's slight upward trend but the higher semester GPAs I got in my last 2 years weren't enough to un-anker myself from my extremely poor performance early on...
Hi everyone! I have a very general question. If I got my cGPA up from a 2.47 to a 3.0+ just from post-bacc classes (aka I graduated with a 2.47 and have been taking classes since), do I have a chance of getting into med school without doing a masters, given that my MCAT and ECs are sufficient...
I’m transferring and want to take my schools Morphology and Function Honors classes, because I feel they will look better. Currently, I’m going into my Junior year.
I have to take O Chem 2 this semester before I can sign up for them. This means I can take A&P1 in the spring and A&P 2 next Fall...
Hi, i really need some advice and help. I am in FL. I am an icu nurse less than 1 year and wanted to became a crna. However after working as an icu nurse, I didn't like it. I have tried to figure out something else to do. Now I have 3 options and it has been very difficult for me to decide.
Bottom line is I’m broke, and I would love to have at least a small source of income while in school. I was hoping for a remote job since I do not have my own car and I will have a hefty school schedule this year ( not to mention I am a commuter student so I cannot take on-campus jobs). I saw...
In a minute, I’m going to provide some rock-solid advice that, if experience is any guide, you’ll ignore. You’ll ignore it even though, on some level, you suspect it’s sound advice that would boost the odds of your being admitted to medical school, if only you would act on it.
So I’m going to...
Hi everyone,
I want to thank you all in advance for reviewing my stats. I appreciate it so much and value all of your opinions. I didn't include DO on this list because I'm not adverse to taking another gap year to study again for the MCAT if I must, so I decided to take a shot in the dark and...
Hello! I’m applying to MD/PhD programs this cycle and am thinking of getting a PhD in BME or related engineering discipline. I’m a first time applicant and just graduated from undergrad, will be doing post-bacc research in a new lab this upcoming year.
I’m not confident with my stats and am...
Hello! What are some common dos and do nots for writing secondaries? From speaking with a couple folks I have:
- Begin with the in state schools
- Make clear outlines to address the prompt specifically
- Be specific to the med school in question
Do Nots:
- Copy paste from other prompts...
If you’re a pre-med on the hunt for some high-quality clinical experiences, medical scribing could be an excellent fit. This paid position can help you to develop a strong network of provider relationships, gain an excellent foundation in medical terminology, observe clinical decision-making...
Pros for SJSU: close to home (can commute ~15 mins away), slightly cheaper tuition, in the center of various hospitals and medical centers (might be too competitive to get a spot)
Cons for SJSU: not highly competitive for premed, ranked slightly lower (big fish in small pond?), will have to get...
Hello All! Please give me a dose of much-needed reality. Here are my stats/background:
Undergrad: UC, graduated in 2021 (in my second gap year now)
cGPA 3.73, sGPA 3.63 (strong upward trend)
MCAT: 512 (C/P score is 124 sadly, other sections are more balanced)
Residence: California (RIP)
I'm a graduating senior who was initially planning on taking only 1 gap year and applying this current 2023-2024 cycle. That being said, I've come to the decision to take an additional (2nd) gap year which means I will apply next cycle. Granted that I initially wanted to apply this...
I retook a 500 (126/123/125/126) and I got a 503 (127/122/129/125) ): cars is the devil itself. I honestly thought I did way better, but it is what it is at this point. I do not plan to retake and I really do want to apply this cycle. This is how the rest of my app looks like:
1000+ clinical...
TL;DR; I enrolled in an online Gen Chem 1 lecture & lab because I wasn’t able to attend. University advisors keep me waiting and then say they won’t accept it as a Gen Chem 2 prereq a month after I asked them.
I’m disappointed right now. I enrolled in Gen Chem 1 at UC Extension because I was...
So I withdrew my application last cycle after voiding my MCAT and plan to rework and improve my application for 2024. However at the end of last year I revisited my interest in computer programming that I've have since high school and enrolled in an intro course at my local cc and will be...
I would love to be a practicing physician at a clinic ( dermatology, allergy, psychiatry, or what so have you) while being involved in public health ( a lot of my ecs and interests are public health centered) But I want to have an idea on how does a practicing physician fit in the field of...
Good evening my fellow pre-med (and possibly med) friends!
I would absolutely LOVE and appreciate any advice on my school list for the upcoming cycle.
Disclaimer: I was a massive overachiever in undergrad (graduated 2021), so I am having to combine a lot of my experiences into one umbrella...
Hi, I have a quick inquiry. I'm struggling with identifying if I should apply this cycle or next cycle due to my MCAT score. I'd appreciate some feedback. Since everything in life is conditional and varies per person a quick summary:
I am scheduled for an April 28th test date; however, I am...
Hi, I need just general feedback on my school list - if there any i should just totally take off or schools that would be helpful to add. I plan on applying MD and DO but for DO the only schools I def want to apply to are PCOM and PCOM GA. I'm mostly looking on feedback on my MD list. I have...
I am a junior premed majoring in Public Health and minoring in Chemistry (SEC School)
I currently have a 3.98 GPA and have finished all my premed prerequisites, making As in all prerequisites with the exception of a B+ in gen chem 1.
I am currently in research (grant proposal submitted!)...
Would it harm my medical school application, if I completed all the pre-requisites courses at a community college? I graduated from university last spring with a bachelor’s degree in business. I understand it’s better to complete the courses at a four-year institutions but the colleges in my...
With a multimodal platform that supports lifelong learning, ditki offers a better way to master the medical sciences. Free Trial + Save 20% with code: NEWDITKI
#ditki #medicalstudent #medicine #medicalscience #usmle #abpn #neurocme #cme #nursing #premed #mcat #medicaltraining #futuredoctor...
allopathic blog
allopathic medical schools
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medical admissions
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We all know premeds who constantly ask about the money.
But what about general badassery? Which type of doctor is the most badass?
Badassery can be anything you think it is, as long as you explain your reasoning! :)
1.) can residency be done in any state after graduating medical school?
2.) is there an issue with being the first inaugural class for a medical school? Will there be an issue with accreditation in the future?
3.) is there anything I should be know before attending Touro?
I’m incredible happy...
Hello, just some questions about LORs. Thanks in advance!
Background: My school offers a cover letter and creates a letter packet with letters we submit. They order the letters 1 through 6, and based on that order, letters are submitted to schools. So if I submit 6 letters to my school numbered...
Hi all!
My name is Denicia and I have applied for Meharry's MHS program in hopes to matriculate into medical school during the 2024 cycle. I made this thread to connect and ask/answer questions by making a small community for us applying to this program.
Hello everyone, hope your holiday season is going well!
I was wondering how you would recommend I study for the MCAT if I am taking it in about 7-8 months. Would you recommend starting with content review? I may have to do two content review sessions because I will forget as the months progress...
cGPA: 3.80 and sGPA: 3.70
509 (128/124/128/129)
Previous attempts: 505, 506, and these exams were taken 1.5 years ago
State of residence: IL
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern (ORM)
University of Illinois-Champaign
~3500 clinical hours as an ER scribe before/during COVID-19, Surgical assistant in a...
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