
  1. nkm26

    Hearing bad things about Barry biomedical?

    First and foremost, I do not mean to offend anyone. I've started to look into Masters programs to do after graduation in order to increase my chances of getting into dental school. I watched a video on the school's website and it seemed like a shady ad for the program. I also read very...
  2. B


  3. B


  4. Ollivander

    Can I take biochemistry after my SMP as long as I take it before matriculating?

    So as of right now I'm taking my DAT this summer, doing a one-year SMP next academic year, and then applying next summer. Can I apply before having taken biochemistry in the summer of 2017, and just take biochemistry by itself the fall of 2017 during when I'm applying? I'm looking to get...
  5. Ollivander

    I'm considering just waiting until after my SMP to apply. Could I get thoughts or advice?

    I currently hold a 3.43 oGPA and a 3.21 (could be 3.25 after this summer) sGPA. I am not a science major, however I've taken all of the basic requirements in addition to anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. I have 10 withdrawals on my transcript over a six year undergraduate span, hence why...
  6. H

    Loyola MAMS vs. BU MAMS

    Hi I was hoping to get some insight into what people opinions where on Loyola MAMS vs Boston University MAMS. I want to know which is better in terms of matriculation into medical school and the overall experience people have had in both programs. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  7. andyroo

    MCAT for Grad/SMP?

    New member here, sorry if this has already been posted/answered. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was a requirement for Graduate School/ SMPs that an applicant had to already complete the MCAT? I have been seeing a few schools that require a MCAT score, but I was under the impression that...
  8. B

    Life Confusion - Advice Appreciated

    Hi all, I graduated college about a week ago, and have thereafter entered into a state of life crisis that I am hoping to get out of with some help. ------- When I entered college at Duke University, I came in with the expectation of fulfilling a pre-med course load; however, the pre-med...
  9. H

    SMP vs Upper Lvl Post Bacc Classes to Raise GPA?

  10. P

    Reapplicant - Need Advice!

    Hey everyone! Congrats to all those who have been accepted and good luck to those who will be applying/reapplying this upcoming cycle! I am in need of some advice for my current situation. I applied to dental schools this past cycle and have received a couple of interviews but was waitlisted...
  11. Student1222

    Deciding on SMP

    I need some deciding on an SMP. These are the school. - Case Western Reserve University MS in Medical Physiology - Even though they are one of the newer program, they seem to have a good record. - Also, there are ton of hospitals and experiences around the campus\ - Bad thing is, its in...
  12. L

    Drexel Vs Case Western

    I'm having trouble on picking between schools. I have been admitted to both the Drexel IHS program, and the Case Western MS is Medical Physiology. I'm aware of the background on the Case program but I have little information on the Dreel IHS program. I was wondering if anyone could shed some...
  13. N

    Pre- dent Master programs opinions 2016

    Hi!! Im pre-dent with a very uncompetitive undergrad GPA (around 2.7). Had a lot going on my junior and senior year but somehow made it though and graduated although my GPA took a toll. I chose not to chance taking the DAT and just apply straight to Masters programs. So i took a year off and...
  14. N

    Pre- dent Master programs opinions 2016

    Hi!! Im pre-dent with a very uncompetitive undergrad GPA (around 2.7). Had a lot going on my junior and senior year but somehow made it though and graduated although my GPA took a toll. I chose not to chance taking the DAT and just apply straight to Masters programs. So i took a year off and...
  15. U

    Midwestern University Downer's Grove MBS 2016-2017

    Hey everyone. I was accepted to Midwestern's MBS (2 year program) starting August 2016 and was wondering if there was anyone else out here on SDN who was thinking about applying, sent in their application, placed on hold, or accepted or anything in between lol Feel free to chime in. Maybe we...
  16. S

    MD & DO Classic "What are my chances" question!

    Hi SDN community! I've been rummaging through posts for a year or so now but found it is about time for me to ask the dreaded question myself. Senior (May '16 grad) undergrad about to obtain BS (Neurobiology/Physiology) taking at least 2 gap years, matriculating Fall 2018 if possible. cGPA...
  17. D

    Low Science GPA and SMP

    Hey everyone I need your honest opinion. I just did a spreadsheet that was provided online to calculate all my GPAs for dental school and my stats look like: oGPA: 3.190 sGPA: 2.667 (w/o BCP) 2.899 (w/ BCP) BCP: 3.305 Non-Science: 3.621 What do you think my odds are with this low science GPA...
  18. mdtobe1111

    Deciding on which SMP is best for me. GT or EVMS

    (Sorry accidentally posted in the wrong forum -- will be transferring other's responses below in case someone else is in a similar situation) Been reading as many threads as possible about different SMPs and low-gpa threads and have decided on going to an SMP next year. SDN friends - need your...
  19. mdtobe1111

    Which SMP is the best option for me? Georgetown or EVMS

    Been reading as many threads as possible about different SMPs and low-gpa threads and have decided on going to an SMP next year. SDN friends - need your help in assessing which SMP is best for me Some info about me: CA resident, graduated from undergrad about 3 years ago with a low ugrad/sgpa...
  20. LindaAccepted

    Medical Why You Should Consider Participating in a Special Masters Program (SMP)

    For the right candidate, pursuing an SMP can be a fantastic way to set your application apart There are currently more than 75 different science-based Special Masters Programs (SMPs) across the nation. These programs are broken down into two main categories: one-year and two-year programs. The...
  21. Student1222

    Help with SMP

    Hi, I am deciding on doing a SMP because of my low GPA. Here are my stats and ECs. 3. 21 cGPA 3. 24 sGPA MCAT not taken. GRE 317 (unofficial score) ECs. - 1 year of research at Lab at Cleveland Clinic (have done poster presentation about it as well) - 2 year of research at a Psychology Lab...
  22. Student1222

    Help me with my list of SMP

    Hi, I am deciding on doing a SMP because of my low GPA. Here are my stats and ECs. 3. 21 cGPA 3. 24 sGPA MCAT not taken. GRE 317 (unofficial score) ECs. - 1 year of research at Lab at Cleveland Clinic (have done poster presentation about it as well) - 2 year of research at a Psychology Lab...
  23. The Voyager

    Question regarding LORs after completing an SMP

    Hey guys, Not sure if i'm posting in the right section of the forum, so please forgive me for the possible spam. After completing a special master's program, how would one go about applying to medical schools in regards to letter's of recommendation. Would it still be mandatory or the expected...
  24. The Voyager

    Question regarding LORs after completing an SMP

    Hey guys, Not sure if i'm posting in the right section of the forum, so please forgive me for the possible spam. After completing a special master's program, how would one go about applying to medical schools in regards to letter's of recommendation. Would it still be mandatory or the...
  25. Ollivander

    Iowa State M.S. in Biomedical Sciences 2016-2017

    Hey guys. I just wanted to create a thread for all of the students who are thinking of applying, have already applied, or been accepted to the Non-Thesis M.S. in Biomedical Sciences at Iowa State University for the 2016-2017 academic year...
  26. T

    Trying to make post bacc descision

    Hello, I am just trying to get some feedback about anyone who either has been in these programs or has completed their post bacc masters program of the following schools and has actually gotten into medical school afterwards. I'm trying to get your opinions, good and bad, to help me make a...
  27. A

    5th year Undergrad vs. Masters Program

    Hey everyone, To get it out of the way, here are my current stats cGPA: 3.30 sGPA:3.07 MCAT: 31 I've done a lot of searching on this topic on my own, but I feel that my case is specific enough to warrant its own post. I am currently a 4th year Psychology major and was (originally) planning on...
  28. Ezio

    Chances of getting into certain masters programs?

    Hi, I have finally made a decision about what to do after college and it went from applying to medical schools directly to applying for SMPs. I have found some places I would definitely go to including the few schools in the NYC area Touro Mt Sinai New York Medical College and some in Philly...
  29. Ollivander

    Who all here is doing a SMP next academic year?

    I just finished my application a couple of days ago and wanted to see how many people on this board are applying to SMPs. Are you applying to dental school this upcoming cycle or waiting until completion of your SMP?
  30. DantheManimal

    Best SMP for low GPA

    So this week I'll be sending in applications for SMP programs and I wanted to know if there are any that I'm missing that I should consider. For an SMP program, I'm looking for MD linkage only because I've already been accepted to DO linkage programs. I'm also looking for 2.8 GPA allowable...
  31. H

    3.0 UG, LOTS of experience, MCAT June 2: SHould i just start an SMP?

    I graduated UG w/ a 3.0 GPA & will be taking the MCAT 06/02/16. I have 2 years experience working in a world reknown alzheimer's diagnostic and research center as a program coordinator that includes caregiver/patient education and being responsible for 2 state funded grants that provide respite...
  32. D

    When to Apply to Dental Schools while doing an SMP

    Hello all, So I'm a bit confused about my dental application process right now. I'm current a senior in Biology and have already taken my DAT my junior year (2015). I also applied to dental schools the same summer as my DAT, and have been rejected. I am planning on re-applying again this summer...
  33. D

    What should I do?

    Graduated UCSB 2014 with B.S. Biopsychology. Plenty of shadowing experience, good LORs, plenty of volunteering, some research experience, applying for more research opportunities. Still need to take the MCAT (probably this summer after I finish Biochem, I know I will do extremely well) cGPA =...
  34. DantheManimal

    Need some potbacc smp msms advice

    So this is my first cycle applying. Non trad, late applicant (complete Nov., secondaries all done by Jan. 1), only applied to DO. So far received 1 preinterview hold (AZCOM) and 3 interviews. All 10 schools gave me a II. Of the interviews, I have one rejection (WesternU COMP), one wait list...
  35. M

    Special Master program in canada

  36. S

    How do you afford for an SMP?

    I apologize if this has been asked before but I cannot seem to find a comprehensive answer. I somewhat understand that federal loans will cover a part of tuition but how do you then pay for the cost of living (i.e. rent, food, etc.). I imagine you then have to take out private loans or...
  37. D

    MSMHS Touro California vs MABS Midwestern Arizona

    Hey guys, 1st time posting so hope I'm in the right section. I am currently deciding on a masters program to help me get into medical school (DO or MD). Do any of you know how Touro California's Masters of Science in Medical Health Science compares with Midwestern Glendale, Arizona's Masters...
  38. A

    Florida SMP advice

    I'll be graduating soon, and I know my application is gonna need some work. 3.5 cGPA 2.9 sGPA 513 MCAT Great EC and LOR (I'm not gonna list them all, but I can if needed) non URM (asian) disadvantaged I know I'm gonna need to do an SMP to even stand a chance at an MD so I was wondering which...
  39. S

    DO Is there any hope?

    I've suffered from a major depressive episode for the last year, but after being put on medications, things are looking up. I truly love medicine and want to work with the underserved, however, I'm not sure if I'm too deep in the hole to be considered for any programs. Is there any hope? I am...
  40. S

    Postbacc, SMP, or something else?

    Hey, I don't know if this is the right subsection to post my question. Sorry if it's not. I was a bio major for the first 2 years of undergrad, and was doing well. In my 2nd and 3rd years however, I failed/received low grades in my med school pre-reqs (due to unfortunate circumstance, as well...