2008-2009 University of Toledo Secondary Application Thread

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You guys have any idea if Toledo has waitlist movement stratified in the same manor as Cincinnati does, that is to say for every OOS male Caucasian that is removes themselves from the class, they are replaced by another OOS male Caucasian, etc., etc.?

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Congratulations to people who have been accepted, and good luck to people on waitlist.

Quesiton: I talked to one of my friend who is currently attending toledo, he said that their research funds have been decreased, so I was wondering if that will bring the school ranking down.
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Congratulations to people who have been accepted, and good luck to people on waitlist.

Quesiton: I talked to one of my friend who is currently attending toledo, he said that their research funds have been decreased, so I was wondering if that will bring the school ranking down.

I would assume if Toledo's research funding is being cut, it's probably a sign of research cuts across the board due to the current economic climate so I don't think this would affect any of the rankings as it's likely to affect all schools in a similar fashion.

That said, Toledo is not much of a research school to begin with so there really isn't much of a USNews ranking to be affected by a research cut. :rolleyes:
From Sandy:

"I don't have stats yet but there are about 160 on the alternate list. We have started to take names off the list but it is still too early to tell what kind of movement to expect. Please check back in a few weeks if you do not hear from us for an update."
From Sandy:

"I don't have stats yet but there are about 160 on the alternate list. We have started to take names off the list but it is still too early to tell what kind of movement to expect. Please check back in a few weeks if you do not hear from us for an update."

Sandy informed me that there has been no movement from the alternate list this week. Thats a real bummer. I had hope for a little while after hearing my rank, but its pretty much gone again.
Sandy informed me that there has been no movement from the alternate list this week. Thats a real bummer. I had hope for a little while after hearing my rank, but its pretty much gone again.

Me too... Lets hope for next week, and hey, theres still tomorrow right? maybe! c'mon!!!
Sandy informed me that there has been no movement from the alternate list this week. Thats a real bummer. I had hope for a little while after hearing my rank, but its pretty much gone again.

Yeah no **** man. This process is excruciating.
Me too... Lets hope for next week, and hey, theres still tomorrow right? maybe! c'mon!!!

We need to give this alternate list a laxative to get it moving again.
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Does anyone know if the movement is this slow every year or if this year is special?
seems about par for the course...

here are the waitlist threads for the past 2 years if you want to compare

helpful. I like going back in time and watching you in our position, and actually getting in.

Makes me feel like there's some decent hope. Til at least mid july. haha
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Well, another long weekend until we have a chance of hearing anything. Maybe next week we will finally see some movement. :xf:
well, as I already said, I withdrew friday, so there will for sure be a spot next week, dont know how fast they move, but there is one for sure. Again, I hope one of you gets it!
well, as I already said, I withdrew friday, so there will for sure be a spot next week, dont know how fast they move, but there is one for sure. Again, I hope one of you gets it!

Did you remember to ask them to pass the open seat to me? :D
This is our week guys. I can feel it comin' in the air tonight...

well, as I already said, I withdrew friday, so there will for sure be a spot next week, dont know how fast they move, but there is one for sure. Again, I hope one of you gets it!

I emailed Sandy yesterday she said, to no fault of her own, the equivalent of nothing - "There has been a little movement on the list but we do expect more."
c'mon waitlist! lets get moving already!! Its time... well past time actually...
The waitlist this year seems very different from previous years. No movement happening at all. I guess its time to submit AMCAS 2010....:smack: Tell us something good to make everyone happy Depakote. Please?
The waitlist this year seems very different from previous years. No movement happening at all. I guess its time to submit AMCAS 2010....:smack: Tell us something good to make everyone happy Depakote. Please?

I emailed Sandy yesterday she said, to no fault of her own, the equivalent of nothing - "There has been a little movement on the list but we do expect more."

Not everyone on the waitlist is posting in this thread. It appears that there's been some movement, just not all of it has been reported back here.

It's only mid-June, give it time. People can be pulled through July and early August.

Also puppies:



edit: still, at this point in the game I would start getting AMCAS ready and consider submitting it to a single school just so it's verified. If things don't work out, you can add more schools later.
Awwww! The puppies! Definitely a spirit uplifter if only for a moment :) How cute...
Hi guys,
I've been following this thread for a while now (perhaps a little obsessively), but haven't posted bc I didn't feel like I had anything to add. Just got a call from Sandy that I have been offered a position! I was an OOS, non-traditional high priority candidate on the waitlist. So just wanted to let you guys know that there is still hope! Movement might seem a little slow, but don't give up. :luck:
Hi guys,
I've been following this thread for a while now (perhaps a little obsessively), but haven't posted bc I didn't feel like I had anything to add. Just got a call from Sandy that I have been offered a position! I was an OOS, non-traditional high priority candidate on the waitlist. So just wanted to let you guys know that there is still hope! Movement might seem a little slow, but don't give up. :luck:

omg woohoooo!! congratulations! God-willing I'll be your classmate soon!
I want to remind everyone to post your acceptances on the waitlist thread

I took the liberty of adding Canucklover to it already so don't do it twice :p
SWEEEETTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really excited. It seemed like a great place and people were super friendly.

Just got a call saying that I got in. I think in my excitement, I forgot to say that I will be coming there... haha.

Best day of my life, for sure.
oh yeah, OOS male high priority.

Good luck to everyone still on the list.
SWEEEETTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really excited. It seemed like a great place and people were super friendly.

Just got a call saying that I got in. I think in my excitement, I forgot to say that I will be coming there... haha.

Best day of my life, for sure.
oh yeah, OOS male high priority.

Good luck to everyone still on the list.

SWEEEETTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really excited. It seemed like a great place and people were super friendly.

Just got a call saying that I got in. I think in my excitement, I forgot to say that I will be coming there... haha.

Best day of my life, for sure.
oh yeah, OOS male high priority.

Good luck to everyone still on the list.

idleburra (OOS / M / HP)
Canucklover (OOS / F / HP)

High Priority:
ultimatedragon (IS)
Steveteai (IS)
whoisthedrizzle (IS / M)
BlondeDoctor (IS)
Davydude7 (OOS / M)
Jult24er (OOS / M)
dodgerblue08 (OOS)
medstar21 (OOS)
PreMed09 (OOS)
Congrats to those accepted! Hopefully we will see some more soon!
Called Sandy, she said there was some movement this week, and they expect more soon...
Congrats to the accepted people of the waitlist and good luck to all of us who are still waiting. Hoping more movement next week.
Yea, congrats everybody. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit jealous, but congrats nonetheless!
I got a call from Sandy this morning offering me a position off the waitlist. I was so excited that I almost cried; it's the best grad present ever. This is my first acceptance, I can't believe I am actually going to med school this year!

btw, I'm an in-state female, from the high priority section.

good luck to everyone remaining on the waitlist. I really hope that you guys will be joining me at toledo in august. :luck:

I got a call from Sandy this morning offering me a position off the waitlist. I was so excited that I almost cried; it's the best grad present ever. This is my first acceptance, I can't believe I am actually going to med school this year!

btw, I'm an in-state female, from the high priority section.

good luck to everyone remaining on the waitlist. I really hope that you guys will be joining me at toledo in august. :luck:


Congrats! That's awesome.

Congrats to all the other acceptees and good luck to everyone else!
I got a call from Sandy this morning offering me a position off the waitlist. I was so excited that I almost cried; it's the best grad present ever. This is my first acceptance, I can't believe I am actually going to med school this year!

btw, I'm an in-state female, from the high priority section.

good luck to everyone remaining on the waitlist. I really hope that you guys will be joining me at toledo in august. :luck:


congrats! that's great!! it sounds like they're waiting and contacting candidates in batches. hopefully there's more movement next week for everyone else.
Hey guys! I got the call today too - OOS Male and HP.

Congrats to the others that got it today and good luck to everyone else on the waitlist!! Also, it seems likes its picking up so I'm sure you guys will hear good news soon!
I got a call from Sandy this morning offering me a position off the waitlist. I was so excited that I almost cried; it's the best grad present ever. This is my first acceptance, I can't believe I am actually going to med school this year!

btw, I'm an in-state female, from the high priority section.

good luck to everyone remaining on the waitlist. I really hope that you guys will be joining me at toledo in august. :luck:


Congrats, no re-applying!! :)
first off....to those of you who were accepted today....congrats!

i have a few random questions...if you don't mind me asking...you mentioned you were notified by phone....does the number come up as private? and did they send an email notification as well?

first off....to those of you who were accepted today....congrats!

i have a few random questions...if you don't mind me asking...you mentioned you were notified by phone....does the number come up as private? and did they send an email notification as well?


It was a 419 number. I asked Sandy to email me the information that she was telling me because I was too excited to actually hear and understand what she was saying.

By the way, about 2 hours after that, I got a call from private number. I was so scared that it was a call saying "uh... yeah, we screwed up. You didn't get in, sorry"
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