2010-2011 Meharry Application Thread

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I'm also a victim of the "regular waitlist"/"alternate list" .....*DEEP SIGH* I've almost completely given up, but not yet. I talked to Mr. Mosely last wk and he said there were still a few ppl left on the HP list...How many a few is? IDK...But definitely feeling all the discouragement right about now.

I don't think Mr. Mosley is giving out the same info to everyone....at this point, I just wish he would be honest, and let everyone know, regardless of their position on the waitlist, whether or not they should start making other plans. At the very least, he could give us that much. :(

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First off CONGRATULATIONS to all of those accepted into the post bacc or pulled off of the waitlist within the past few wks :claps:

I'm personally a victim of the "regular waitlist"/"alternate list", so things aren't looking too bright from this end because according to Mr. Mosley everyone from high priority hasn't been pulled yet :(. I just wanted to know who else on here is apart of the regular waitlist and how many High priority people on here haven't heard anything yet. Numbers help me keep a bit of hope. Thanks in advance guys!

I'm part of the high priority list. There's a few other people on this thread that are also part of the hp list. Last time Mr. Mosley gave me any info in regards to the number of people on the hp list there were 15 of us but that was back on 5/27 so maybe there's been some more movement.
I'm part of the high priority list. There's a few other people on this thread that are also part of the hp list. Last time Mr. Mosley gave me any info in regards to the number of people on the hp list there were 15 of us but that was back on 5/27 so maybe there's been some more movement.

Hopefully there has been...if anyone has any news or updates, please share! :):thumbup:
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I'm HP, and I haven't heard yet. Trying to keep hope alive, though! Did you speak with Mr. Mosley recently? Did he have anything specific to say in terms of the list movement?

Yes I spoke with him yesterday but the info that he gave me wasn't really specific. He just said that when a spot opens up, the committee reviews every person on the HP list and chooses one. So from that we can't really predict how fast it's going until we get the number of people remaining like Brooke said :confused: . As far as the process of choosing from the "regular list" after that, im still completely confused about that. I honestly think that you should be fine though if you're HP in the long run so keep the faith!
First off CONGRATULATIONS to all of those accepted into the post bacc or pulled off of the waitlist within the past few wks :claps:

I'm personally a victim of the "regular waitlist"/"alternate list", so things aren't looking too bright from this end because according to Mr. Mosley everyone from high priority hasn't been pulled yet :(. I just wanted to know who else on here is apart of the regular waitlist and how many High priority people on here haven't heard anything yet. Numbers help me keep a bit of hope. Thanks in advance guys!

I'm on the HP list and have been told that there a few people ahead of me. I'm like you trying to figure out how many other people are left on the list. Don't get completely down some of the people on the list already have acceptances to other places or are committing to post bac programs elsewhere. When those last minute calls come there may be a number of people turning them down. I saw on last years thread no one was posting acceptances and then on the day before classes someone on the regular waitlist got in. Keep hoping and praying:xf:
I am also on the HP list still waiting.....but hopeful
I tried finding a 4yr Meharry curriculum online with no success...so I created one. If anyone's interested, attached is the 4yr curriculum


  • meharry curriculum.xlsx
    11.9 KB · Views: 150
thanks Jamiu22, does anyone know what kind of research opportunities they have as a medical student, good or not? Emphasis on research is little or not?
Hey anybody who got off the HP waiting list and was accepted, what are/did you do for housing? I'm still looking and no one is helping me! :(
I am also on the HP list still waiting.....but hopeful

On the bright side, you are on a high priority list, but the flip side is that school's starting real soon.. a dilemma but will keep you in my prayers.
thanks Jamiu22, does anyone know what kind of research opportunities they have as a medical student, good or not? Emphasis on research is little or not?

From what I've read about Meharry...they have very little emphasis on research...they actually pride themselves in graduating primary care physicians... which is noble, but this path does not yield excellent research accolades.

Then there's that Meharry Vanderbilt Alliance where students can participate in scholarly research with the school across the street, but I've schemed their previous research abstracts/poster pics and it seems they are mainly focused on health care disparities affecting minorities or another way to say it is that their research seems to be focused on pathophysiological differences in diseases related to minorities.

I don't know if that makes any sense at all... but the amount of research activity a student partakes in is typically dependent on the student; you can always apply for research at other institutions during the summer between the MS1 and MS2 year (if you really want this notch on your belt). At the same time, Meharry does have some basic research that you can always engross yourself in.

Bottom line, Meharry is not a top notch Medical School with regards to their research rigor... but if research is something you are interested in, they still have some opportunities available to the students.

Disclaimer: BTW, you can take what I said with a grain of salt since I'm yet to actually start this school - I've only read some info about the research on their website.
Cool, I should have been more specific, my research interest involves health disparties, specifically with HIV/AIDS. I just started doing research and have found it interesting, and it's something I want to continue. I knew that there wasn't "top notch" but I was hoping like you said that there would be basic research to do in health disparities. LOL I'm by far not the "top notch" researcher or anything..I think my guess was pretty much the same as yours without the knowledge of the alliance between Vanderbilt...Thanks again:0)
Hey anybody who got off the HP waiting list and was accepted, what are/did you do for housing? I'm still looking and no one is helping me! :(

What kind of help are you looking for? I can tell you about the places I visited but really I just looked on apartmentguide.com. Alot of the students stay in bellevue but it's a bit of a drive. You would have to call the places to see if they still have any units available. The places I visited are the lexington(where i'm staying), lakes of bellevue, 865 bellevue, wyndchase bellevue, madison at ridgelake and grandeview. Gazebo is on the otherside of town but was the cheapest place and then twin oaks was right across from gazebo. Parc at metro is really close to the school but expensive if you dont have a roomate. Western Hills was not that far of a drive either and was decently priced (IMO) and Hillwood Point was a close drive to the school as well. I don't know of any places on campus but you can check german town. HTH and did you join the facebook group?
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On my interview day the students talked a bit about research opportunities. I think it's strongly suggested (dont remember if mandatory) to do research during the summer after M1. The nice thing is that you can do it on or off campus, and you get paid! Reason behind the research component is that it helps us to become more competitive for residency. Also Im pretty sure Meharry has an Md/Phd program in conjunction with the graduate school, so that can be an option for you.

* also forgot to mention that Meharry has an annual research day where grad, med, and dental students can present the research they did over the summer/are currently doing. I think there's a video on the mmc website somewhere...
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On my interview day the students talked a bit about research opportunities. I think it's strongly suggested (dont remember if mandatory) to do research during the summer after M1. The nice thing is that you can do it on or off campus, and you get paid! Reason behind the research component is that it helps us to become more competitive for residency. Also Im pretty sure Meharry has an Md/Phd program in conjunction with the graduate school, so that can be an option for you.

* also forgot to mention that Meharry has an annual research day where grad, med, and dental students can present the research they did over the summer/are currently doing. I think there's a video on the mmc website somewhere...

You are right... they have some basic research...and they do encourage their students to participate in research. Actually if you look at their catalog (http://www.mmc.edu/administration/academic_catalog.pdf), they talk about how one can actually integrate it into the MS1-MS2 summer session - and get support for it.

On the contrary though, compared to most allopathic medical schools in the US, Meharry's resource for research is quite limited; so it's definitely something to think about. To excel in research at Meharry, it would have to be more up to the student, since the school itself is rather focused on training competent physicians than training clinical research scientists - which is not a knock on the school, it's just that the medical schools focus.

But you are right, research does help a lot if someone for instance wants to match into a competitive residency such as neurosurgery; but like I said earlier, if someone truly ones to be a researcher at Meharry...they try to will support the student in any way they can; and also: they do encourage it.

Like I said earlier, this is just my feelings from reading their website lol, I'll report back in about a year. Cheers.

Cool, I should have been more specific, my research interest involves health disparties, specifically with HIV/AIDS. I just started doing research and have found it interesting, and it's something I want to continue. I knew that there wasn't "top notch" but I was hoping like you said that there would be basic research to do in health disparities. LOL I'm by far not the "top notch" researcher or anything..I think my guess was pretty much the same as yours without the knowledge of the alliance between Vanderbilt...Thanks again:0)

On the topic of aids, they have a research center specifically dedicated to this... it's called "Center for AIDs disparities"; See link (http://www.mmc.edu/research/centers/chd/chd_mission.html)
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On the bright side, you are on a high priority list, but the flip side is that school's starting real soon.. a dilemma but will keep you in my prayers.

yea it def is nerve wrecking, but thank u for your prayers
yea it def is nerve wrecking, but thank u for your prayers

Not to get your hopes up too much... but I know someone who just withdrew from Meharry this morning... so hope a few more do... to increase ur chances...
Not to get your hopes up too much... but I know someone who just withdrew from Meharry this morning... so hope a few more do... to increase ur chances...

Wow, thank you, thank you, thank you for that information... I know that gives a lot of us renewed hope!!! Good luck everyone...and if it's you that gets the call please let us know ASAP. :xf::luck::xf::luck::xf::luck:
yesterday, someone from the facebook group said they were withdrawing. i pray the spot goes to one of you guys.
yesterday, someone from the facebook group said they were withdrawing. i pray the spot goes to one of you guys.

Thanks for letting us know. I know that you guys are so busy finding somewhere to live and moving and getting ready for school. It is so sweet to post updates for those of us still waiting. It says a lot about you and JAMU and all of us would be lucky to have you as our classmates.
thanks for letting us know. I know that you guys are so busy finding somewhere to live and moving and getting ready for school. It is so sweet to post updates for those of us still waiting. It says a lot about you and jamu and all of us would be lucky to have you as our classmates.

Thanks! I'll keep you guys posted as much as I can!
Today someone from the facebook group found out that they got into another school. The person is contemplating withdrawing from Meharry. I advise all that are waiting to keep your options open. Be aware of the possibility that you might have to move on really short notice... all the best! :)
Thanks so much for that info...like drjenjen stated, it has given us all a lot of hope! :xf:

Thanks! I'll keep you guys posted as much as I can!
Today someone from the facebook group found out that they got into another school. The person is contemplating withdrawing from Meharry. I advise all that are waiting to keep your options open. Be aware of the possibility that you might have to move on really short notice... all the best! :)
I just want tou guys to know I'm praying for who are waiting..literally felt like I've gone through the whole year with you guys..I'm holding my breath for the ones waiting!:idea:
I just want tou guys to know I'm praying for who are waiting..literally felt like I've gone through the whole year with you guys..I'm holding my breath for the ones waiting!:idea:

Thanks, that's sweet! :love:
Jeez my grammar and spelling, did the message on my phone guys, but I'm sure the point got across to you!!;)
*thumb twiddling*

I want to hear something....anything...At least that someone on SDN received 1 of these 3 spots that have opened up.:confused:
*thumb twiddling*

I want to hear something....anything...At least that someone on SDN received 1 of these 3 spots that have opened up.:confused:

Did 3 spots open? I assumed that Jamiu22 and JJBaebi were talking about the same spot and that there was someone else who was considering their options. For now I just assume one and a possible for all of you spades players out there ;).
I got the call - I've been pulled off the waitlist!!!! At 4:45pm this afternoon. A complete shock, and I don't think I've fully processed it yet. Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for the waitlisted, and I'm still praying and hoping for those who remain. It's not over yet - a friend of mine who is a rising 3rd year tells me someone was pulled off the day before orientation began.

It's kind of unbelievable...:D
I got the call - I've been pulled off the waitlist!!!! At 4:45pm this afternoon. A complete shock, and I don't think I've fully processed it yet. Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for the waitlisted, and I'm still praying and hoping for those who remain. It's not over yet - a friend of mine who is a rising 3rd year tells me someone was pulled off the day before orientation began.

It's kind of unbelievable...:D

I got the call - I've been pulled off the waitlist!!!! At 4:45pm this afternoon. A complete shock, and I don't think I've fully processed it yet. Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for the waitlisted, and I'm still praying and hoping for those who remain. It's not over yet - a friend of mine who is a rising 3rd year tells me someone was pulled off the day before orientation began.

It's kind of unbelievable...:D

You give the rest of us hope this late in the game.
I got the call - I've been pulled off the waitlist!!!! At 4:45pm this afternoon. A complete shock, and I don't think I've fully processed it yet. Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for the waitlisted, and I'm still praying and hoping for those who remain. It's not over yet - a friend of mine who is a rising 3rd year tells me someone was pulled off the day before orientation began.

It's kind of unbelievable...:D

Congrats... start the planning...orientation starts next week.

For the rest still waiting - you are still in our minds and prayers. Goodluck :thumbup:
I got the call - I've been pulled off the waitlist!!!! At 4:45pm this afternoon. A complete shock, and I don't think I've fully processed it yet. Thanks so much to everyone who has been praying for the waitlisted, and I'm still praying and hoping for those who remain. It's not over yet - a friend of mine who is a rising 3rd year tells me someone was pulled off the day before orientation began.

It's kind of unbelievable...:D

I KNEW u would!! Whooo!! Congratss!!!!!!! :clap:
I just got an email acceptance!!! I can't believe it, I'm part of the class of 2015!!! Still praying for everyone else that is waiting to hear news.
:laugh: :) :D :love:
I just got an email acceptance!!! I can't believe it, I'm part of the class of 2015!!! Still praying for everyone else that is waiting to hear news.
:laugh: :) :D :love:

OMG!! Congrats!!!! All my SDN ppl are getting in! :D
Y'all are giving me hope!

I talked to Mr. Mosely this morning. He looked me up and he said the list was still moving and not to give up hope till the 24th.... :xf::xf::luck::xf::xf:
Congrats folks. Wow things are are def moving in here. I hope you all get pulled. Rooting for y'all. See you on Friday at orientation!:thumbup:
I just got an email acceptance!!! I can't believe it, I'm part of the class of 2015!!! Still praying for everyone else that is waiting to hear news.
:laugh: :) :D :love:

CONGRATS!! I'm so excited/happy for you!! MD C/O 2015 in the house!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Hey everyone, I just found this page...I kno its late in the game...but im also wait listed. hopefully there some radical movement this last week like years before.
I just got an email acceptance!!! I can't believe it, I'm part of the class of 2015!!! Still praying for everyone else that is waiting to hear news.
:laugh: :) :D :love:

AMAZINGGGG YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: !!!!!!
Hey everyone, I just found this page...I kno its late in the game...but im also wait listed. hopefully there some radical movement this last week like years before.

Are you on the hp or regular waitlist?
Unfortunately I think I'm on the regular wait list bc I didn't get the >10% note.

Hopefully they're taking ppl of the regular list by now...

Nope, they're STILL on the HP list :sleep: ......:(
I just got an email acceptance!!! I can't believe it, I'm part of the class of 2015!!! Still praying for everyone else that is waiting to hear news.
:laugh: :) :D :love:

Congrats DrJenJen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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