2011-2012 Mercer Application Thread

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does anyone know how often they review people in post-interview limbo? i didn't get a call last adcom meeting, so i'm wondering when they'll even look at my app again...

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Anybody had Dr. Walker? Did anyone receive phone calls? :confused:
Anybody had Dr. Walker? Did anyone receive phone calls? :confused:

I had Dr. Walker! & didn't get a call last night. She is the interviewer I was talking about; my friend had her last year and she didn't call him until 10:00 AM the next day. I am sitting on my phone all morning.
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I have been doing a good job not thinking about it until today...I would love a phone call and an email would at least calm my nerves.:D Good luck to all holding on to their phones all day! All the hard work comes down to today.
anyone receive a call yet?! I'm getting so worried :(
I am now just waiting on the great weekend ruining rejection email they send on Friday morning
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anyone receive a call yet?! I'm getting so worried :(

Does anyone know if we receive courtesy phonecalls even if we've been rejected? Or, like the person above is saying, do they only send e-mails out? I still haven't heard anything, and I'm beginning to panic a little.
I'm getting so anxious!
there is still a possibility that they just haven't made the call yet?
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no idea...but it's not necessary that you got rejected, it could be that you just got pushed to be reviewed again
you never know...may be they didn't like any of us enough to accept right now :(
you never know...may be they didn't like any of us enough to accept right now :(

I just called the Macon admissions office. She said that the only individuals that would receive phonecalls are those that have been accepted, and she said that they should have already gotten word. The rest of us are essentially up for re-review with the next batch. Sad day. :-/
it seems to me that mercer's acceptances are very unpredictable. i wouldn't be disheartened at all if you didn't a call this time around. like most schools, they're probably just interested in seeing who else will be interviewing before they make final decisions - keeping their options open - especially since they have so few spots to fill. my guess is most final decisions from them will be made much later in the season, i.e. March.
I interviewed November 29th and haven't received an email or phone call from this last adcom meeting?? Anyone else in the same boat? thoughts??

Seriously nobdoy got a phone call? :confused: I did talk to Ms. Gail and she said that they met and if we didn't get a phone call that means we didn't get in. what?
I don't think anyone recieves an outright rejection letter until they make the final decisions on everyone at the end of the entire cycle. The way I envision it, there's just a running ranking of all interviewed applicants that gets refreshed at every AdCom meeting. The new people get sorted into the list wherever among the previous interviewees they rank, and then, say, the top 12 or so get calls.
I applied last year and didn't get an interview. I received the rejection letter at the end of January (which is when Gail said they would be sent). So for those waiting for an interview, I think that's the timeframe until you know if you'll interview.

As for those of us who've interviewed, I got the impression from Dr. House that everyone is continually re-reviewed until the class is full, at which point I assume everyone else is waitlisted? I like the way Mercer does it; it's different. But there's a lot of waiting and not knowing your status that comes along with it.
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I like the way Mercer does it; it's different. But there's a lot of waiting and not knowing your status that comes along with it.

What part of not being told what's going on with your application is a good thing? Other medical schools give you one of three things, an acceptance, a wait list, or a rejection. All within a timely manner.

Not, maybe we will let you in.. maybe, maybe maybe, yes your in because noone else wants to go here.

You say you "like the way mercer does it" you sound like a salesman for the school rather than an applicant. :idea:
What part of not being told what's going on with your application is a good thing? Other medical schools give you one of three things, an acceptance, a wait list, or a rejection. All within a timely manner.

Not, maybe we will let you in.. maybe, maybe maybe, yes your in because noone else wants to go here.

You say you "like the way mercer does it" you sound like a salesman for the school rather than an applicant. :idea:

I guess being in re-review is kind of a step up from the waitlist to me. I've been waitlisted at 4 schools and accepted at one. I really hate being waitlisted, especially early on. At least Mercer hasn't done that.
What part of not being told what's going on with your application is a good thing? Other medical schools give you one of three things, an acceptance, a wait list, or a rejection. All within a timely manner.

Not, maybe we will let you in.. maybe, maybe maybe, yes your in because noone else wants to go here.

You say you "like the way mercer does it" you sound like a salesman for the school rather than an applicant. :idea:

It seems very odd that a resident physician would take the time to create an account just to log in and demean the way a certain undergraduate medical admissions process works. It would appear you did just fine getting in somewhere regardless, and then getting matched. Why you care 4+ years removed from any relevance to your own situation is beyond me, even if it somehow affected you in the past.

Some of us current applicants would very much like to go to Mercer for very specific reasons, and would appreciate it if you didn't project some inexplicable resentment onto us.
Im not a new user, I had an old account on here, but I can't remember my old login and my undergraduate school deleted all my emails when I graduated, hence the new account.

Also don't be so defensive and threatened about creative criticism, You will not last long in residency otherwise. :D
"Not, maybe we will let you in.. maybe, maybe maybe, yes your in because noone else wants to go here."

If nobody wants to go to this school, why does Mercer fill all their seats PLUS have a wait list every year? Also, if you are a resident doc why are you lurking on a pre-med forum trash talking an apparent applicant for this school? Troll much?
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Does anyone know when this month meeting is? Was it today or next Wednesday?
I thought it was the 3rd Wednesday of each month, which would be next Wednesday.
does anyone know when mercer stops sending out interview invites?
Those of you who are already accepted to Mercer, would you please share when you interviewed and when you received your acceptances?
I interviewed about halfway through September and was accepted at the end of September. I was EDP though.

Anyway, for those that will be waiting to hear back from someone, don't panic if you don't find out tonight or even early tomorrow morning. Everyone calls at different times. I actually got my call at 430 the day after the admissions committee met! Needless to say I was pretty bummed by that point...anyway good luck to those still waiting!
Does anyone know if they met for sure today? Has anyone heard anything?
I interviewed the last week of November and have not heard anything... I am guessing I am in the mix somewhere....
I just spoke with Gail Coleman. They pushed the meeting back to the 25th.
Thank you for calling and letting us Thomallama.
Question: Do they look at all the files (from interviewees at both campuses) at one meeting? Or does each campus have its own adcom meeting?
From my understanding, everyone is grouped into one meeting.

They're probably making use of the teleconference rooms that they use for the joint resource sessions. This way, they can more easily collaborate to standardize the quality of admitted applicants.
Okay, I changed my mind; I can't wait much longer. Hurry up and make your decisions Mercer!
I agree; this waiting thing is difficult... Especially after 5 months
I agree; this waiting thing is difficult... Especially after 5 months

I've only been waiting 3 months, would be much more restless after 5.

But they are meeting tomorrow, so here's to hoping we get a call:xf:
I've only been waiting 3 months, would be much more restless after 5.

But they are meeting tomorrow, so here's to hoping we get a call:xf:

No activity on this thread for almost a week and then both of you guys posted exactly 12 minutes after each other. That would be funny if both of you are the same person. Hahaha :laugh:
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No activity on this thread for almost a week and then both of you guys posted within 20 minutes of each other. That would be funny if both of you are the same person. Hahaha :laugh:

Maybe we are ;)

But seriously there isn't much activity in here. I think it's because most of us are in limbo
tomorrow? I thought they were meeting today, the 25th
that's what it says in one of the posts above
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