2019-2020 Meharry

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Y'all, I had a friend who got into the 2019 cycle. Didn't even complete his 2* and got an email interview invite...(At least that's what he said). I've never known the dude to tell a lie though. I believe him. I can't help but to wonder how seriously Meharry takes 2*

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What did you do to make it work? I sent an email to admissions, but it still doesn't work

Honestly, I clicked the link after a month of trying and it worked. I'm sorry I'm not a whole lot of help. :(
Does it take them long to send out secondaries? Most schools I applied to sent it the day I was verified (7/31) or couple days later.
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Does it take them long to send out secondaries? Most schools I applied to sent it the day I was verified (7/31) or couple days later.

I submitted my verified primary to them 7/2 and still haven’t received anything past a receipt that they got my primary lol
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Does it take them long to send out secondaries? Most schools I applied to sent it the day I was verified (7/31) or couple days later.
I had to email them to get my secondary and I still can't access it. I don't think the admissions office is really organized. One person said it was too early for secondaries when people were already receiving them.
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Does anyone know if they require CASper? I know it's a school listed on the CASper website, but I have not seen any other information posted. Thank you!
Does anyone know if they require CASper? I know it's a school listed on the CASper website, but I have not seen any other information posted. Thank you!
If it's listed on the CASper list, send it.
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Is anybody still waiting for the actual secondary? I was verified 7/5...
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Is anybody still waiting for the actual secondary? I was verified 7/5...
I was verified on 7/2 and they sent me a secondary last week after I emailed them, but I STILL can't access my secondary. I'm getting the message "Access denied" and "Token expired." So far I'm not liking how disorganized this school is. It's nearly impossible to get in contact with someone from admissions about my issue.
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I was verified on 7/2 and they sent me a secondary last week after I emailed them, but I STILL can't access my secondary. I'm getting the message "Access denied" and "Token expired." So far I'm not liking how disorganized this school is. It's nearly impossible to get in contact with someone from admissions about my issue.
I've noticed admissions is wrigged to not reply, or send you in a loop back to where you started.
Did anyone not receive an email about receipt of their primary? I've been verified for a month now.
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For those who submitted their secondary: How have you checked the status? All I see is "Submitted", but not sure if they have all my LORs, etc.
For those who submitted their secondary: How have you checked the status? All I see is "Submitted", but not sure if they have all my LORs, etc.

Meharry sent a payment confirmation + "under review" email, so by being under review I'm assuming I'm complete.
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I called them yesterday and I asked if they do an initial review. The guy said they do a "light screening." Not sure what that means.
My LM is 63 (Latino) and Meharry is 60. Hopefully they haven't screened me out yet lol
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I called them yesterday and I asked if they do an initial review. The guy said they do a "light screening." Not sure what that means.
My LM is 63 (Latino) and Meharry is 60. Hopefully they haven't screened me out yet lol
You called because you haven't received a secondary, correct?
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Did they send you one? I have been waiting for forever
Nope, not yet. Looking at past discussion threads, there doesn't seem like much consistency with the application process lol. I'm just gonna try to wait patiently now.
I won’t know until my score comes but I will be submitted before then. Either way from my understanding outside of general admission into the school, this is the only way to be considered for the special master program. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Still says token invalid, access denied, I've been calling them for days and they do not answer. I emailed them weeks ago with no answer. What about you???
SAME!! I finally got in touch with someone (had to call a different department) and they are sending out a new link within 2 weeks.
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MSAR shows a lot applications, are they collecting application fees? It is one the highest number of applications.
MSAR shows a lot applications, are they collecting application fees? It is one the highest number of applications.
They likely have one of the highest number of applications because they are among the lowest for avg matriculant MCAT and gpa among allopathic programs. It's a safety school for MD-only applicants and could be a reach for many applicants that have stats better suited for DO schools.
They likely have one of the highest number of applications because they are among the lowest for avg matriculant MCAT and gpa among allopathic programs. It's a safety school for MD-only applicants and could be a reach for many applicants that have stats better suited for DO schools.

What's the demographic distribution? My MSAR ran out but since it's a HBCU isn't it already skewed towards minorities/POC? I'm not complaining because I'm in that category, but I'd be surprised that so many people threw their applications at it.
MSAR shows a lot applications, are they collecting application fees? It is one the highest number of applications.

about 7000 applications according to MSAR
Anyone else still waiting on a secondary from them? Radio silence on my end.
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I also got an "Access denied" when they emailed me the secondary link. i emailed them back saying i couldn't access it and they said it'll open in august. i checked again in july and it was open so i submitted mine. i was complete since july 13. no word on interviews.
Anyone not able to view a checklist or anything?? The portal is lacking on any communication lol
I called the school this morning. For everyone waiting on a secondary, they are sending them. They don’t know the exact date we will receive them. Hopefully we receive them soon. Keep waiting future docs!
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I called the school this morning. For everyone waiting on a secondary, they are sending them. They don’t know the exact date we will receive them. Hopefully we receive them soon. Keep waiting future docs!
Good... grief.... lmao
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Hey guys,
for those who have received secondaries: How long after your initial application did it take to get an email about the secondary application? I got an email about my AMCAS application almost 6 weeks ago but nothing yet about the secondary. Just curious if I should be expecting it