2019-2020 Meharry

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the second prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Meharry Medical College

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Got a response from them! They will email us a new link!
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Just got a response from them. They told me: “The secondary application will be available to complete on August 1.
Just got a response from them. They told me: “The secondary application will be available to complete on August 1.

I got this earlier, then later in the day they sent me another link with the secondary and I completed it. I think there was some confusion from someone on their side. You should be receiving another link in your email with the information.
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Just received an email with the working link to complete the secondary. Another video interview!
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I feel like the same stuff I wrote for why meharry is the same stuff I wanna talk about in the video. Do you think this will be a big deal? Should I just rephrase what I said or try to talk about it from a different angle? What are you guys doing? Is your why Meharry essay kind of similar to your video?
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For the video, would you briefly discuss what underserved populations are or not waste time on that since admissions will obviously be aware?
Do you guys know whether Meharry conduct an interview in addition for that video listed in their secondary app? because I got a weird email from them telling me that the next correspondence from them after submitting my secondary application is either acceptance via postal mail or rejection!!
Anyone know how they screen for secondaries? It doesn't say if they go by just MCAT/GPA or holistic prelim review on their website. In my secondary invite email they mentioned something about compassionate care and underserved communities, which was like the center point of my personal statement/activities, so I am wondering if this is just a generic response or if they already read my primary.
Just got a response from them. They told me: “The secondary application will be available to complete on August 1.

I just got this message today but have been filling out sections of the secondary prior. Did this change the accessibility of the secondary for anyone? I haven't had a chance to check while at work.
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I just got this message today but have been filling out sections of the secondary prior. Did this change the accessibility of the secondary for anyone? I haven't had a chance to check while at work.
Yea, I got that message and then an hour later, I got another email from them with the updated link to the secondary. So you should be getting that soon if you didn't already have it.
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I was about to record the Video Interview, but when I go to the page to record, it reads, "This page does not apply to you. Please proceed to the next page." It is allowing me to submit my secondary without the Video Interview. Is this the case for everyone else??
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I was about to record the Video Interview, but when I go to the page to record, it reads, "This page does not apply to you. Please proceed to the next page." It is allowing me to submit my secondary without the Video Interview. Is this the case for everyone else??

yeah same! what the heck. I had just gotten ready to practice my video, and it said that the video interview does not apply to me. i feel like they updated their system while we were logged off.
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I was about to record the Video Interview, but when I go to the page to record, it reads, "This page does not apply to you. Please proceed to the next page." It is allowing me to submit my secondary without the Video Interview. Is this the case for everyone else??
I applied regular MD, submitted a video interview..... this is confusing.
I applied regular MD, submitted a video interview..... this is confusing.
I submitted my Secondary App without a Video Interview, and I just received an email saying, "Please be advised that your application is currently under review by the Admissions Committee."

I guess we'll see what happens!
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I don't know whether to submit without the video interview or to just wait. I keep receiving the, "This page does not apply to you" notification on the video interview page? Is this... normal? Lol.
I don't know whether to submit without the video interview or to just wait. I keep receiving the, "This page does not apply to you" notification on the video interview page? Is this... normal? Lol.

I'm interpreting it as a mistake on their end. I'll be answering the written prompts and since my video prompt changed to 'This does not apply to you' I'm leaving it blank, at least until more official information arises.
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Hey all, do you guys know when did they start sending interview invitations last year? They said on MSAR that they start sending II on July 1st! I think that is weird.
Yea I also got the message "This page does not apply to you" for the video prompt and I submitted the secondary (without the video) just fine. So I don't know what's going there
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Maybe they wanted to receive the first few hundred secondary applications with video, and then made the rest without it. Like they always say, applying early is better.
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so have people been able to submit even tho it said it doesn't open until august 1 ?
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Well I know they just added the CASPER Test, so maybe that's why the video is not needed anymore.
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Well I know they just added CASPER, so maybe why the video is not needed anymore.

Did you send it to them? Doesn't seem to be listed as a requirment on their website.
Yes, I did because it was listed on schools that required it when I was scheduling my test. However, I am not 100% sure if its needed.


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I saw it listed as well on CASPer website but decided not to send (yet) bc its not required.
Maybe I'll just go ahead and send tonight - Cover all my bases.
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So did anyone else get a message in the video tab saying that this does not pertain to them?
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May someone please post the secondary prompt this year? Or is it the same as last year?
May someone please post the secondary prompt this year? Or is it the same as last year?

I believe same as last year:

  1. Why do you wish to attend Meharry Medical College, School of Medicine
  2. Please describe a personal situation of failure, significant challenge or a major obstacle that you have overcome. Include a description of your coping skills and lessons you learned about yourself from that situation.
(This did not work for me and many others so you may not need to do this) Video Interview: Discuss your knowledge of what it means to "serve the underserved," your passion for medicine and why you want to specifically attend Meharry Medical College.
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So did anyone else get a message in the video tab saying that this does not pertain to them?
I'm getting this same message. This is definitely new. I remember the task being available when I opened the secondary on 7/1. I'm guessing allowing people to make the videos was a technical mistake on their part.
Still waiting on the 2°. Verified 7/15/19. They did reach out the same day to expect further communication tho, whatever that means lol...
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Still waiting on the 2°. Verified 7/15/19. They did reach out the same day to expect further communication tho, whatever that means lol...

Same.. I was verified 7/5. I’m wondering if anyone else who was verified after 6/28 received a secondary
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Ok it looks like no one has asked this but I can't be the only one who's been wondering... is there a word or character limit? If not then what is a good amount to go for?
Does anyone know what the word limit is for the secondary questions? I can't find the information anywhere...
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Was just now able to access my secondary from Meharry after being told that it would open after August 1st. I have no idea how some of y'all were able to open it. Under video interview it says, "This page does not apply to you." Anyone know why?
Was just now able to access my secondary from Meharry after being told that it would open after August 1st. I have no idea how some of y'all were able to open it. Under video interview it says, "This page does not apply to you." Anyone know why?
Was yours saying "Token expired" or "Access Denied: This form is accessible by invitation only." I'm still having that problem