2020-2021 Florida Atlantic

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May 16, 2018
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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Florida Atlantic University

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So I saw this on Instagram, can anyone confirm if this is true for FAU because it’s definitely not posted on their website.


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anyone received secondary yet? interested in prompts but wont be verified until next week
I am prewriting and does anyone know what the character limit last year for this prompt below was? I did not see it mentioned anywhere in last years thread

You may have worked during or after college. Having to maintain paid employment can be challenging, yet it can also develop a number of qualities that can help you succeed in medical school, as well as beyond. Tell us about your most meaningful paid employment. What was it about the experience that made it meaningful? What qualities and skills did the job help you develop and strengthen? (Experience does not need to be related to patient care, if none, please write none)
I am prewriting and does anyone know what the character limit last year for this prompt below was? I did not see it mentioned anywhere in last years thread

You may have worked during or after college. Having to maintain paid employment can be challenging, yet it can also develop a number of qualities that can help you succeed in medical school, as well as beyond. Tell us about your most meaningful paid employment. What was it about the experience that made it meaningful? What qualities and skills did the job help you develop and strengthen? (Experience does not need to be related to patient care, if none, please write none)
I have the limit at 1600 characters but I couldn't tell you where I got that from
Hello all, I am an incoming M1 at FAUCESCOM.

Please feel free to ask me any questions/DM me regarding the school and/or the application cycle.

Good luck! 🙂
Hello all, I am an incoming M1 at FAUCESCOM.

Please feel free to ask me any questions/DM me regarding the school and/or the application cycle.

Good luck! 🙂
Hi! I see on MSAR FAU says they admit 30% OOS students. When looking at actual numbers, it looks like there were significantly more OOS matriculated than IS. Less than half the class is IS. Is this a new preference for students outside of Florida?
Hi! I see on MSAR FAU says they admit 30% OOS students. When looking at actual numbers, it looks like there were significantly more OOS matriculated than IS. Less than half the class is IS. Is this a new preference for students outside of Florida?
I can't say this for sure because I am not part of admissions...

However, the class size became a bit bigger this year at 67 students, and I noticed that at least half of the class is from California.

This somewhat makes sense as California applicants usually have higher stats, however, I am not sure why they took more students this year.

Sorry I couldn't truly answer your question!
Hi! I see on MSAR FAU says they admit 30% OOS students. When looking at actual numbers, it looks like there were significantly more OOS matriculated than IS. Less than half the class is IS. Is this a new preference for students outside of Florida?
Those admitted may end up also be admitted to another school and not choose FAU. You might look at % matriculated to see the final %.
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I emailed their admissions office a little while ago and was told they’re not sending secondaries until early August
So far:
  • Whether or not you will be a full-time student, please provide details of your activities/employment for the application year (1200 char)
  • Tell us why you would like to be admitted to the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at FAU. What makes you a good fit for our College of Medicine? (1600 char)
  • Tell us about your most meaningful community service experience. How did you grow? What did you learn? What did you enjoy about serving others? (not related to patient care, if none, please write none) (1600 char)
  • Tell us about your leadership experience(s) and/or key leadership skills. (Organized a fund raiser, club/organization officer role, how do you motivate or influence people, if none, please write none) (1600 char)
  • Briefly describe a situation where you had to overcome adversity; include lessons learned and how you think it will affect your career as a future physician (if none, please write none) (1600 char)
  • Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences. Describe what uniqueness you would bring to the Schmidt College of Medicine. We are proud to already have a medical school rich in cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity. What values, skills, talents, and life experiences would you add to our culture? (1600 char)
  • You may have worked during or after college. Having to maintain paid employment can be challenging, yet it can also develop a number of qualities that can help you succeed in medical school, as well as beyond. Tell us about your most meaningful paid employment. What was it about the experience that made it meaningful? What qualities and skills did the job help you develop and strengthen? What traits do you feel you learned while with that employer and/or the work experience? (Experience does not need to be related to patient care, if none, please write none) (1600 char)
  • As a community Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine has made a commitment to be anti-racist and address systemic racism in education and healthcare (http://med.fau.edu/home/diversity/index.php). Institutionalized racism can be defined as "macro level systems, social forces, institutions, ideologies, and processes that interact with one another to generate and reinforce inequities among racial and ethnic groups." As a future medical student at FAU, how can you play an active role in addressing and dismantling systemic racism (https://www.apha.org/topics-and-issues/health-equity/racism-and-health)? (1600 char)
  • One of the values of the Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine is to provide the best medical care for all people. A major challenge for all physicians to provide the best medical care are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). These can be defined as "conditions in the social, physical, and economic environment in which people are born, live, work, and age." What will you as a future doctor do to address SDOH? (1600 char)
so yeah there's a lot
for the question that says "Use this area to justify and/or explain any academic hardships on your transcripts (any failed and/or repeated courses due to any reason)" should we include classes with grades of a C as well?
for the question that says "Use this area to justify and/or explain any academic hardships on your transcripts (any failed and/or repeated courses due to any reason)" should we include classes with grades of a C as well?
I won’t be as other schools are specific about c+/b- etc.
Do you guys consider adversity and challenge to be the same thing? I have a challenging situation I’ve discussed for a few other apps, but not sure if I would consider it an adversity I have faced
Do you guys consider adversity and challenge to be the same thing? I have a challenging situation I’ve discussed for a few other apps, but not sure if I would consider it an adversity I have faced
I think it's basically the same.
How do they expect us to dismantle systemic racism? I tried talking about serving as an ally/listening to others' experiences but that's not really an active role
So if my current status is “Admissions Screening Complete” does that mean my application is complete?
So if my current status is “Admissions Screening Complete” does that mean my application is complete?
I think so. mine changed to that status today as well. Looking over last year's threads there will be future status updates that say "preliminary review assigned" and "preliminary review complete" before a potential II
Anybody else notice that the question, "Tell us about your most meaningful community service experience. How did you grow? What did you learn? What did you enjoy about serving others? (not related to patient care, if none, please write none) (1600 char)" is different than last years where it said, "Experience does not need to be related to patient care."

So does this mean they now do not want us talking about a clinical experience such as clinical volunteering?
Anybody else notice that the question, "Tell us about your most meaningful community service experience. How did you grow? What did you learn? What did you enjoy about serving others? (not related to patient care, if none, please write none) (1600 char)" is different than last years where it said, "Experience does not need to be related to patient care."

So does this mean they now do not want us talking about a clinical experience such as clinical volunteering?
I think so ... I think now they are wanting a non clincail experience (cant copy and paste a "most meaningful clinical" essay .... sad)
I wouldn't worry because:
first secondary sent - Aug 3
review begins - early Sept
first ii - early Oct

This school is delaying its process in light of COVID-19

EDIT: so if you haven't gotten a 2, dw. i think as long as you receive+send it by late Aug / early Sept, you'd be perfectly on track