Hey all, just wanted to drop some advice for those worried about a lower GPA/MCAT. There is a screen that is initially set up for 3.2 and I believe 498-500, but if there is still room they will often overlook that based on the rest you have to offer. Should you get an interview, you will need to be ready to tell them about your low gpa/mcat, what happened, how you adjusted; what you learned from the experience, etc. Medical school is rough academically and they don’t want to set you up for failure so they will look into it. While you may take 12-16 hrs in college a semester, your first semester in med school is on the average of 22 credits (nearly double). They will do their best to make sure you are capable because the last thing anyone wants is a huge debt that could have been prevented. If you have questions please reach out to me. I feel like I’ve been helpful in the past to people (♀️),but I’m transparent and will tell you what I know (the reality of it, nothing sugar coated). I’m not paid by the university to be on here or anything like that, I just know what it was like being on your side and wish I had someone to help so that’s what I do