2020-2021 Vanderbilt

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May 16, 2018
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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Vanderbilt University

Secondary Prompts 2020-2021:

Please discuss a challenging situation or obstacle you have faced in the past. Why was it challenging? How did you handle it? Knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently? What did you learn? (500 words)

Write a brief autobiography. As completely and precisely as possible, give a picture of yourself, your family, and events you consider important to you. In doing so, identify the values that are of greatest importance to you. If you have completed your undergraduate education, please comment on what you have done or have been doing since graduation. (1200 words)

Section to enter presentation/posters/pubs and select research interests from a list

Secondary fees waived for MSTPs!

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Secondary received. MSTP OOS

Prompts were the same as last year:

Please discuss a challenging situation or obstacle you have faced in the past. Why was it challenging? How did you handle it? Knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently? What did you learn? (500 words)

Write a brief autobiography. As completely and precisely as possible, give a picture of yourself, your family, and events you consider important to you. In doing so, identify the values that are of greatest importance to you. If you have completed your undergraduate education, please comment on what you have done or have been doing since graduation. (1200 words)

Section to enter presentation/posters/pubs and select research interests from a list

Secondary fees waived for MSTPs!

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Secondary received too. Based on their website, the do pre-screen.
Dumb question, but after I make a password, what is my username? I don't think I made one when creating the password?
Their website says the earliest people would receive secondaries is 7/13? How are they already coming out if they screen?
Secondary received. MSTP OOS

Prompts were the same as last year:

Please discuss a challenging situation or obstacle you have faced in the past. Why was it challenging? How did you handle it? Knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently? What did you learn? (500 words)

Write a brief autobiography. As completely and precisely as possible, give a picture of yourself, your family, and events you consider important to you. In doing so, identify the values that are of greatest importance to you. If you have completed your undergraduate education, please comment on what you have done or have been doing since graduation. (1200 words)

Section to enter presentation/posters/pubs and select research interests from a list

Secondary fees waived for MSTPs!

1200 words! First read that as 1200 Characters and didn't think it was that bad. Now re-reading and I have some work cut out for me.
Are we supposed to write roughly 1200 words or is anything below 1200 okay (like 500)?
I think it’s always best to write only as much as you need. The folks reading these essays get tired too, so writing succinctly increases the likelihood that they will read the entire essay and pay attention to the content instead of skimming it. With that said (and maybe I’m being hypocritical here), I feel like if you only wrote 500 words, maybe you didn’t go into enough depth. Then again, mine is only about 850 words. I’d recommend thoroughly checking to see if there is any more meaningful content you can add that doesn’t sound forced or unnatural. If you’ve nothing else to add, then 500 is probably fine.

Thank you for your explanations. That makes a lot of sense.
Agreed with ChemEto. I suggest quality over quantity, at least that's how I will tackle the problem 🙂
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Just received the secondary! There's an optional 500 word COVID-19 essay
+ 1 secondary! i have updates for gap year plans, because there's no option for additional information, do you guys recommend sending it as a separate document in their application portal?
+ 1 secondary! i have updates for gap year plans, because there's no option for additional information, do you guys recommend sending it as a separate document in their application portal?
In the autobiography question they state ' If you have completed your undergraduate education, please comment on what you have done or have been doing since graduation.' so I assume you could add it there
Anyone going to add in a "Why Vanderbilt" segment into the autobiography; perhaps towards the end? The reason I ask is:
1. There is no other place for it (based on their prompts)
2. But if I do that, because their prompt doesn't really ask for it, adding this section in may potentially have Adcoms thinking I don't follow instructions.

Hope to hear from everyone 🙂
I received a secondary with a 514 MCAT, not sure if that counts for their cutoff. Anyone else get a secondary with an MCAT less or equal to 514?
Has anyone received a secondary with stats below their screen's cutoff? Does it look like they are screening this year?
according to their website, they don't have a minimum gpa or mcat cut-off. if they aren't screening this year, it's not reflected anywhere on msar or their website.
Is the optional COVID essay just to explain any obstacles that resulted from the pandemic? I was super fortunate not to be affected much, so I don't want to list anything (my research project being cut short + volunteering program transitioned to being online) and sound totally privileged. It's not like NYU's essay about how the pandemic has affected our view of going into medicine, right?
according to their website, they don't have a minimum gpa or mcat cut-off. if they aren't screening this year, it's not reflected anywhere on msar or their website.

Interesting that they were able to look at so many people's apps so quickly. Hopefully I'll hear back soon about my own app
according to their website, they don't have a minimum gpa or mcat cut-off. if they aren't screening this year, it's not reflected anywhere on msar or their website.

i’m pretty sure that i’ve heard that in years past, there’s been a cutoff that gets you automatically through the screen (something like 3.8+ and 518 or 520+), so the really high stat applicants get through and then everyone else is looked at holistically. i don’t think it’s official or advertised, but that’s what i’ve heard
Got a secondary earlier this morning, 513 MCAT if that means anything for their cutoff.
Are you guys making your autobiography medicine related? or just about you personally?
i’m pretty sure that i’ve heard that in years past, there’s been a cutoff that gets you automatically through the screen (something like 3.8+ and 518 or 520+), so the really high stat applicants get through and then everyone else is looked at holistically. i don’t think it’s official or advertised, but that’s what i’ve heard

FWIW >/= to these and still nothing
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i’m pretty sure that i’ve heard that in years past, there’s been a cutoff that gets you automatically through the screen (something like 3.8+ and 518 or 520+), so the really high stat applicants get through and then everyone else is looked at holistically. i don’t think it’s official or advertised, but that’s what i’ve heard

My GPA is higher than that value but my MCAT lower and I received a secondary earlier today. They might not be doing a screen this year?
No secondary and I'm above their 518/3.8 screen so maybe they are doing a holistic review
I got a secondary with a 514, 3.9 and ORM. Traditional af but I guess they liked something lol
They are still screening this year. It says so on their secondary tracker.

Secondary received this morning. OOS.
Anyone else with an MCAT around 514 receive a secondary? My LM is 72
Yo this autobiography essay is crushing me. I feel like I need a day or two just to brainstorm it.