2020-2021 Virginia

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So I guess no waitlist movement this year huh

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Is there a groupme or anything for incoming students?
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Anyone else having problems sending their transcripts electronically via Parchment? hlp plz
Just got an email that the class is currently overbooked and they are inviting requests for deferrals
Yeah and they're not offering enough money, imo
Yeah it's a nice incentive for the people that were already considering deferring. The amount isn't likely to sway people who want to matriculate this year. If I had the money to backpack across Europe or something during that time, I would probably take it for the break.
Honestly this whole overbooking thing is kinda hilarious especially since I remember the dean talking especially about the fact that they want their class size to be exactly 156. I wonder if this has happened before and what would happen if they realistically could have maybe 180 people but had 220 committed.
Honestly this whole overbooking thing is kinda hilarious especially since I remember the dean talking especially about the fact that they want their class size to be exactly 156. I wonder if this has happened before and what would happen if they realistically could have maybe 180 people but had 220 committed.
I think it was either last year or the year before that UVA overbooked, I definitely recall discussions about deferment incentives