My portal updated today to read:
"The Texas A&M University College of Medicine has concluded its interview season and completed its review of applicants for the Entering Year 2022 Class. I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place at our institution or on our wait-list this year. However, we encourage you to reapply to our medical program again for the upcoming 2023 cycle if you do not receive another acceptance. Unfortunately we are not offering file reviews this cycle but we will be sending out more information on our Virtual Re-Applicant Workshops shortly.
On behalf of the faculty and staff of our College of Medicine, we appreciate your interest in our school and wish you well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at (979) 436-0237 or
[email protected]."
when previously all it stated was "Under Review"
was previously on the WL but I guess now I've been removed? haven't gotten an official email but just thought I would let y'all know