2022-2023 Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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If we got any incoming 1st years and rising 2nd years (all the way up to alumni) who are free to answer questions- pls advertise yourselves in the thread! Many of you used SDN when you were an applicant, so pls be kind and pay it forward! I don't advertise my year, but I am a current student who has seen some stuff lol :)
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They got my application but no secondary yet
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Anyone know how they choose applicants to send secondaries? Is it just based on stats?
Received this today (OOS, MCAT 51x,GPA 3.7*)
Thank you for designating the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine to receive your AACOMAS application. The overwhelming interest in attending the College has been humbling, as many people are excited about the opportunities it provides. The Office of Admissions has now received your application and will begin the review process. During the cycle, select applicants will be invited to submit a Burrell College Supplemental Application and progress forward in the Admissions process.
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Received the supplementary this AM
"Your hard work has paid off! You have been selected to progress forward to the next step of the Admissions process and are now invited to complete and submit the Burrell College Supplemental Application. "
Submitted primary 06/23
MCAT 51x, GPA 3.7x
Received Secondary Today
Received the supplementary this AM
"Your hard work has paid off! You have been selected to progress forward to the next step of the Admissions process and are now invited to complete and submit the Burrell College Supplemental Application. "
Congrats! Would you be willing to post the essay prompts, please? Thanks!
2 short questions:

What draws you to the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine? If admitted, what do you see yourself becoming involved in?

If you could strengthen one area of your application, what would it be? What have you done, or what do you plan to do, to address it and improve going forward?
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Does anyone know how they choose applicants to select for secondaries? Is it just based on stats?
Not sure what's going on. Did anyone else get secondary? They do appear to be screening applicants for MCAT/GPA.
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Does anyone know how they choose applicants to select for secondaries? Is it just based on stats?
Current student. Hard to say without being a member of the adcom but its safe to say - as long as you meet the stated minimum requirements, your chances of getting a secondary are high. Stay hopeful, its only the beginning of the cycle!
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Does anyone know if submitting the video on the secondary is vital? It just seems very awkward to me.
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I did not submit the video. It is not needed from last years thread
2 short questions:

What draws you to the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine? If admitted, what do you see yourself becoming involved in?

If you could strengthen one area of your application, what would it be? What have you done, or what do you plan to do, to address it and improve going forward?

How are y’all approaching answering the second question? Maybe Im having tunnel vision but the worst part of my app is my suboptimal MCAT score. But as of now I’m not actively doing anything to raise it since it’s above the minimum required for most schools. I will likely retake the MCAT if I don’t get in this cycle but I don’t think writing that as an answer would be the best…
That sounds like a reasonable response. IT is a good sign you got the secondary!
How are y’all approaching answering the second question? Maybe Im having tunnel vision but the worst part of my app is my suboptimal MCAT score. But as of now I’m not actively doing anything to raise it since it’s above the minimum required for most schools. I will likely retake the MCAT if I don’t get in this cycle but I don’t think writing that as an answer would be the best…
I'm wondering the same thing.
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How are y’all approaching answering the second question? Maybe Im having tunnel vision but the worst part of my app is my suboptimal MCAT score. But as of now I’m not actively doing anything to raise it since it’s above the minimum required for most schools. I will likely retake the MCAT if I don’t get in this cycle but I don’t think writing that as an answer would be the best…
I was going to speak on my MCAT score
How are y’all approaching answering the second question? Maybe Im having tunnel vision but the worst part of my app is my suboptimal MCAT score. But as of now I’m not actively doing anything to raise it since it’s above the minimum required for most schools. I will likely retake the MCAT if I don’t get in this cycle but I don’t think writing that as an answer would be the best…
You can speak to how you're addressing issues that may have caused your suboptimal MCAT score. It doesn't have to be about studying for a new test again but it could be about working on time management or developing a routine to help you prepare for being in school or something like that.
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Secondary received today 7/10. Idk if I will do the video. What are u guys doing. I heard that it may or may not help from last years thread
You can speak to how you're addressing issues that may have caused your suboptimal MCAT score. It doesn't have to be about studying for a new test again but it could be about working on time management or developing a routine to help you prepare for being in school or something like that.
yeah I was planning on talking about my MCAT score for that secondary prompt
what is the character limits on the questions?
how long after submitting primary did y'all get a secondary?
Is it okay if we don’t do the video? Does that affect our chances at an II?
Is it okay if we don’t do the video? Does that affect our chances at an II?
Yep, literally OPTIONAL. I did not do one and I got in. I did not do a vid bec I was afraid of looking dumb and them not giving me an II
What are some topics y'all are discussing in the 2-minute video that asks to tell me
I discussed one of my hobbies and highlighted the things that I learned from it. (I used a topic that I am really passionate about, but I did not mention it much in my applications because I was running out of space)

I say make the video if you feel confident about it. There are lots of BCOM videos posted on YouTube. You can use these as examples of what to do or what not to do.
Any insight on the LOR requirements? Submitted my secondary on 7/16 and got an email that my application is incomplete because I do not have TWO letters of rec from a science professor, only one. I'm a non-traditional applicant but I am not 3 years out of school...
My LORs are as follows: 2 MD, 1 DO, 1 science professor.
Would it be worth reaching out to another science professor than I haven't spoken to in years or reach out to admissions?? Thanks in advance, this process makes my brain hurt.
Any insight on the LOR requirements? Submitted my secondary on 7/16 and got an email that my application is incomplete because I do not have TWO letters of rec from a science professor, only one. I'm a non-traditional applicant but I am not 3 years out of school...
My LORs are as follows: 2 MD, 1 DO, 1 science professor.
Would it be worth reaching out to another science professor than I haven't spoken to in years or reach out to admissions?? Thanks in advance, this process makes my brain hurt.
What you could do is contact the admissions office and explain to them of your situation. Sometimes they can adjust it for you. But if not, it would be best to get any science LOR at this point.
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Any insight on the LOR requirements? Submitted my secondary on 7/16 and got an email that my application is incomplete because I do not have TWO letters of rec from a science professor, only one. I'm a non-traditional applicant but I am not 3 years out of school...
My LORs are as follows: 2 MD, 1 DO, 1 science professor.
Would it be worth reaching out to another science professor than I haven't spoken to in years or reach out to admissions?? Thanks in advance, this process makes my brain hurt.
Edit: Reached out to admissions and there are no exceptions for this requirement. Just in case anyone else was in a similar position!
It shows me an email saying that I am complete and there are 4 check marks near my application in the portal? Is that what you're referring to? I also submitted on 7/16.
Someone known to me submitted it on 7/2 and just received the complete email. Looks like they are getting slammed
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Hey guys! Last year applicant here. I got accepted to 4 schools including BCOM so let me know if you have any questions. I know how nerve wracking and stressful the process is
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Hey y’all. Just went back to check last year’s thread and it looks like interviews should be coming out very soon. It was 8/6 last year, so possibly by Monday we’ll hear the new batch.
Hi all,
As I was researching DO school rankings, Burell appears to be the most selective school, with only 2.7% of the applicants admitted to the program. I would love to know more about this. From an MCAT standpoint, they are more like the middle tier (505 MCAT average).
Hi all,
As I was researching DO school rankings, Burell appears to be the most selective school, with only 2.7% of the applicants admitted to the program. I would love to know more about this. From an MCAT standpoint, they are more like the middle tier (505 MCAT average).
I have not looked into the statistics but I think that these numbers are not telling the whole story. The 2.7% comes from the number of matriculated students. However Burrell accepts a lot of students but many choose to go to another school and reject that acceptance, this would make the acceptance % and matriculation % very different.
Good point. They screened quite a few students upfront by not sending secondary. Interesting.