2022-2023 Colorado

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Are there any current students I could message? I'm having trouble deciding between CU and another school, so I'm hoping to gain more insight into some aspects of the program.
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Does anyone know if there's been any movement off the waitlist as we approach May 1st deadlines?
Does anyone know if there's been any movement off the waitlist as we approach May 1st deadlines?
Not that I’ve seen reported! Let’s all manifest for this upcoming week🙏🏻

Does anyone have any insight on # of ppl per WL tier?
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declined my admission here today -- hope that spot goes to someone who will be very happy at cu!
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Not that I’ve seen reported! Let’s all manifest for this upcoming week🙏🏻

Does anyone have any insight on # of ppl per WL tier?
Not much help in terms of numbers, but I called the admissions office and the individual said that in their 7 years of working for CUSOM's admin team, they've gone to the top-priority tier every year, middle-priority tier 2-3 years, and never into the low-priority tier.
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Just to update and to give some hope to whoever is currently waiting on the WL <3


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IS WL A just now!
Regular MD application, not rural.

Also important note: the phone number showed as being from Arlington, VA with no caller ID. I think a previous post said it shows "CUSOM" or "Colorado School of Medicine"
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IS WL A just now!
Regular MD application, not rural.

Also important note: the phone number showed as being from Arlington, VA with no caller ID. I think a previous post said it shows "CUSOM" or "Colorado School of Medicine"
Was this off of tier 1?
Just got the call. OOS top third waitlist.
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I wonder if there will be any more today…😳 or if they’re just trickling them out a few at a time?
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Just to update and to give some hope to whoever is currently waiting on the WL <3
I wonder what this means for us. I know I’m being stressy and we can’t predict anything but 184 seats in the class doesnt seem like as much as i’d like after seeing this :’)
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I wonder what this means for us. I know I’m being stressy and we can’t predict anything but 184 seats in the class doesnt seem like as much as i’d like after seeing this :’)
ya me too :') idk how to feel since looks like no more movement today...
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Got the call yesterday around 4! Top third WL OOS.
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Also got the call, A on 5/5! OOS WL Top 1/3.
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Accepted today 5/18 from top tier of waitlist OOS!!!! Stay hopeful :))))
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Hi all! Just wondering if you got accepted off the waitlist and accepted the offer, if the contract is binding? I am a little confused on what this means relative to getting financial aid in time to either accept or decline
Hi all! Just wondering if you got accepted off the waitlist and accepted the offer, if the contract is binding? I am a little confused on what this means relative to getting financial aid in time to either accept or decline
I got a message from the admissions dept that said if you need to see the financial aid offer before making a decision to reach out to them and they can extend the 5 day timeline.
Just got the A today! Is there an accepted student group chat or a Facebook group? Also is there any way I could get connected to a current student to ask a few questions?
Just got the A today! Is there an accepted student group chat or a Facebook group? Also is there any way I could get connected to a current student to ask a few questions?
Congrats! Can I ask what third of the alternate list you were on and whether you are OOS?
Just got the A today! Is there an accepted student group chat or a Facebook group? Also is there any way I could get connected to a current student to ask a few questions?
a little late but current MS1 here - feel free to pm me (or anyone else)
Hi, for those who have been accepted, is there a class facebook or WhatsApp group? Just got my acceptance yesterday! Second third of WL, OOS.
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