2022-2023 Ohio State

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Does anyone know when Ohio State's CTE date is? Losing hope

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I don't want to get too off topic, but as someone who never got off the WL for OSU last year and went elsewhere at CTE deadline, I'm curious if admissions changed their II/WL/A strategy in recent years. Last year I heard a student rep claim 70% of their past WLs gets an A offer. Idk how true that was 3 yrs ago, but if it was, I get a feeling that might have changed. Oh well. To those who have to withdraw from the WL due to CTE elsewhere, my sympathies. It is not something anyone likes to do (heck, I know 5 people in my entering M2 class who were WL-stranded from OSU, and we joke and cheer for Michigan nowadays lol). But it's great to think that there is another med school who will get to add a great future physician to their incoming class (and one that OSU misses out on). To those still on the WL with no A's, hang in there. And even if you do not get in this cycle, you got an II to OSU- you probably are very capable of getting in somewhere upon re-app. Cheers all!
I will say when I called last year to inquire they forwarded me to Julie Brim- she was the one who told me at the time that the class was full.
Congrats on getting accepted to PCT, bean-sprout and anyone else! I got a WL decision earlier this month and since there’s only like four people accepted, I don’t know what the chances are of getting off it. But, bc I’m OOS and I’d have to take extra prereqs if I somehow did get accepted, I’d really like to know as soon as possible. Can anyone who got accepted to PCT reply or PM me and let me know if you are certain or not sure yet if you’ll be attending OSU? Thanks!
really recommend writing a LOI for OSU! i don't know about your question but I know that helped!