2022-2023 Pennsylvania State

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Hey guys. I wanted to come here and say that I am a current student, who, due to medical reasons, will be joining the incoming class of 2027. It's weird but I will be present for orientation and then rejoin you guys for the MSK block at the end of March/beginning of April in 2024 (except for research, clubs, etc. which I'll be on campus for). So, if any of you have very specific questions, you can DM/reply to me, or if you want a friend for orientation, you can DM me for that too 🙂. I actually met my first friend here on SDN before orientation because I didn't want to be completely wandering the first day haha.

Congrats to those who got accepted, and to give hope to those on the waitlist, I got accepted off the waitlist last year on June 14th after being on there since 1/27. This happened after I had already planned on taking 2 gap years (since I came straight through), so anything can happen. It is not over till it is over!
Does anyone know if the UME housing we can apply for is only 2-shared or singles? I thought we could do the 4-shared one but Sally from the Housing dept said that's only for college of nursing students
Does anyone know if the UME housing we can apply for is only 2-shared or singles? I thought we could do the 4-shared one but Sally from the Housing dept said that's only for college of nursing students
This is true. 4-shared apts are on UMW, which is for College of Nursing only. UME has 1, 2, or 3 bed options, with the most common being 2 bed shared. The waitlist for a whole 2-bed is long, but new students get moved to the front. DM me if you'd like to chat about it.
Hey guys. I wanted to come here and say that I am a current student, who, due to medical reasons, will be joining the incoming class of 2027. It's weird but I will be present for orientation and then rejoin you guys for the MSK block at the end of March/beginning of April in 2024 (except for research, clubs, etc. which I'll be on campus for). So, if any of you have very specific questions, you can DM/reply to me, or if you want a friend for orientation, you can DM me for that too 🙂. I actually met my first friend here on SDN before orientation because I didn't want to be completely wandering the first day haha.

Congrats to those who got accepted, and to give hope to those on the waitlist, I got accepted off the waitlist last year on June 14th after being on there since 1/27. This happened after I had already planned on taking 2 gap years (since I came straight through), so anything can happen. It is not over till it is over!
Wow! Did you send in a letter or anything?
Yes. I sent in an LOI and updated transcripts. Not sure if those did anything, but it couldn't have hurt.
Oh I thought that they don’t accept letters or updates at all. Was it only after you were waitlisted that you sent in those updates?
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Oh I thought that they don’t accept letters or updates at all. Was it only after you were waitlisted that you sent in those updates?
Penn State was a bit unclear on this via email. At one point, I emailed in April asking if they accept LOIs, and they said no not at all. On the other hand, when I emailed my transcript in May, they said they do. Depending on who was replying, I got different answers. But I ultimately sent an LOI in mid-May after taking a week to write and refine it.
Oh I thought that they don’t accept letters or updates at all. Was it only after you were waitlisted that you sent in those updates?
To further clarify, this LOI didn't include any updates on my activities since I turned in my application since they do not read ones that include updates, but it was me essentially answering "why Penn State" and stating that if I got accepted, I would go here.
me looking at the facebook page where there is more than 150 people and people are still waiting for their decision post-II lol like will there be any WL movement
me looking at the facebook page where there is more than 150 people and people are still waiting for their decision post-II lol like will there be any WL movement
i feel ya. but just so you know, the class of 2026 page had 343 members, well over double the class size at the end so.... there's room for WL I'm sure. not everyone on FB page commits either.
i feel ya. but just so you know, the class of 2026 page had 343 members, well over double the class size at the end so.... there's room for WL I'm sure. not everyone on FB page commits either.
Yeah like a good 1/3 of the people in there rn are upperclassmen, myself included. There were also some scammers trying to sell Morgan Wallen tickets who somehow wormed their way in, too.

Besides, PSU accepts about 2x the amount of seats they have. I would not panic over mere FB group numbers.
Yeah like a good 1/3 of the people in there rn are upperclassmen, myself included. There were also some scammers trying to sell Morgan Wallen tickets who somehow wormed their way in, too.

Besides, PSU accepts about 2x the amount of seats they have. I would not panic over mere FB group numbers.

That’s actually hilarious
Yeah like a good 1/3 of the people in there rn are upperclassmen, myself included. There were also some scammers trying to sell Morgan Wallen tickets who somehow wormed their way in, too.

Besides, PSU accepts about 2x the amount of seats they have. I would not panic over mere FB group numbers.

On a completely separate note… I have four Morgan Wallen tickets available on the low low if anybody wants them. DM me for details
Yeah like a good 1/3 of the people in there rn are upperclassmen, myself included. There were also some scammers trying to sell Morgan Wallen tickets who somehow wormed their way in, too.

Besides, PSU accepts about 2x the amount of seats they have. I would not panic over mere FB group numbers.
That’s actually hilarious
There is people tryna sell tickets in the 2027 FB group too lol
Committee hold just today 🙁

Does anyone know what this means like is it still not a waitlist? Should I expect a decision around after April 30?
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A! Interviewed 3/6

For those who got a scholarship, did you hear about it in your offer letter or in a separate email?
Mine said “ committee hold” and that if I remain active after April 30 I will remain in the “Hold category” for possible position. I am wondering what they mean as if it still not a waitlist too
I asked a current student and she told me it was a waitlist. I believe they worded it that way to let you know that waitlist movements will only begin after May 1 this year.
This is confusing to me because I haven’t seen any post-II R’s here (at all) and yet MSAR says there are 70 waitlist spots. So what does it really mean?
This is confusing to me because I haven’t seen any post-II R’s here (at all) and yet MSAR says there are 70 waitlist spots. So what does it really mean?

I am just as confused as you are about that but I wouldn’t trust the Msar data on waitlists. They are mostly outdated. Per their website, the only three options post interview are A, Hold, or R. So that just means Hold = waitlist.
I am just as confused as you are about that but I wouldn’t trust the Msar data on waitlists. They are mostly outdated. Per their website, the only three options post interview are A, Hold, or R. So that just means Hold = waitlist.
Yep I emailed them back and they said hold just another word for waitlist and that if I am still on the waitlist after April 30 I can send LOI with no updates in it

Basically I am assuming Rs are after April 30
It is confusing. I’m wondering if the no rejections posted on here is a reporting bias
I would say it’s not only possible but highly probable. Reporting bias is inherent on sdn for what it’s worth. But im thankful for all of you sharing and being supportive nontheless
One of the people I interviewed on the same day with told me they were rejected (but of course, they could be lying as I don't know them irl so I don't know how seriously I would consider that)
Do I need to pay a deposit? The link seems to be broken - it logs me out when I click on it.
Do I need to pay a deposit? The link seems to be broken - it logs me out when I click on it.
I think you have to make a program selection first, and then the page will open up. That’s how it worked with me at least.
I believe they are lecture based with a mix of a multiple choice questions and free responses. @psucowgirl @Ballillama0211 might be able to give better insight than my notes from interview day
Thanks! That was my impression too but during second look day, our student rep had said they shifted away from lecture-based questions and adopted a more NBME approach for the upcoming class with no more essay-like ones.
Are the tests NBME or lecture-based?
Thanks! That was my impression too but during second look day, our student rep had said they shifted away from lecture-based questions and adopted a more NBME approach for the upcoming class with no more essay-like ones.
Hey! So this is a bit of a long story but I'll try to summarize, so I apologize for the long post.

We started out the year with essay-based tests that were mostly PBL (and thus somewhat lecture) based. Thus, they were more focused on the cases we learned in small groups in our first block. When we got to our second block, which was HDHR, the test was mostly multiple choice with some essay questions. This test, in my opinion, was mostly Step-focused since the majority of what I learned and was tested on (from my perspective) was sketchy and BNB videos and not really lecture. Ofc, PBL cases were just as important as the last exam, but it was a very rapid shift of focus. Afterward, from our next block onward (cardio/resp to renal), the exam shifted to be more lecture-based than usual, though this still was STEP-focused. For instance, the renal exam was 86 questions long, and 75 (ish) was multiple choice and 11 was free response. I'd say that exam was very lecture-heavy. The concepts they test are what you are expected to know for STEP ofc, but their use of lectures for each week has gotten better from our first block to now.

Again, this is just my opinion. Some people still think the lectures aren't the most helpful, but I paired lecture studying with BNB videos and have done very well so far. They tailor their multiple-choice to be STEP-like sometimes, with long case vignettes, images, etc. But not all their MC questions are formatted that way.

It's been an ongoing problem in our class since it felt as though the focus and structure of tests were rapidly shifting from block to block, but I'd say it mostly settled down since HDHR to being multiple choice-heavy w/a good mix of lecture-based and STEP-focused questions.

Overall, our exams have shifted toward a more NBME approach, but for me at least, the lectures were important for my success on the Cardio/Resp and Renal exam. I know I keep saying this, but this is just my perspective, and I want to emphasize that everyone in our class will have differing opinions on the feel of each exam. I'm just talking based on how I studied for each test and how I felt taking each test, so it would be best to feel it out for yourself when the time comes (and you will definitely have the chance to). It's funny because even recently when I ask my friends in the class about studying habits, some of them will say they don't use lectures much and still be doing very well in the course.
Hey! So this is a bit of a long story but I'll try to summarize, so I apologize for the long post.

We started out the year with essay-based tests that were mostly PBL (and thus somewhat lecture) based. Thus, they were more focused on the cases we learned in small groups in our first block. When we got to our second block, which was HDHR, the test was mostly multiple choice with some essay questions. This test, in my opinion, was mostly Step-focused since the majority of what I learned and was tested on (from my perspective) was sketchy and BNB videos and not really lecture. Ofc, PBL cases were just as important as the last exam, but it was a very rapid shift of focus. Afterward, from our next block onward (cardio/resp to renal), the exam shifted to be more lecture-based than usual, though this still was STEP-focused. For instance, the renal exam was 86 questions long, and 75 (ish) was multiple choice and 11 was free response. I'd say that exam was very lecture-heavy. The concepts they test are what you are expected to know for STEP ofc, but their use of lectures for each week has gotten better from our first block to now.

Again, this is just my opinion. Some people still think the lectures aren't the most helpful, but I paired lecture studying with BNB videos and have done very well so far. They tailor their multiple-choice to be STEP-like sometimes, with long case vignettes, images, etc. But not all their MC questions are formatted that way.

It's been an ongoing problem in our class since it felt as though the focus and structure of tests were rapidly shifting from block to block, but I'd say it mostly settled down since HDHR to being multiple choice-heavy w/a good mix of lecture-based and STEP-focused questions.

Overall, our exams have shifted toward a more NBME approach, but for me at least, the lectures were important for my success on the Cardio/Resp and Renal exam. I know I keep saying this, but this is just my perspective, and I want to emphasize that everyone in our class will have differing opinions on the feel of each exam. I'm just talking based on how I studied for each test and how I felt taking each test, so it would be best to feel it out for yourself when the time comes (and you will definitely have the chance to). It's funny because even recently when I ask my friends in the class about studying habits, some of them will say they don't use lectures much and still be doing very well in the course.
Thanks so much, this was super informative! My concern was that the tests didn't prepare you for Step but it seems like despite the shifts, they do try to integrate Step-focused questions.
I emailed admissions asking about an LOI and a few other things about transcripts. This was last week, and I haven't received anything back. Should I start drafting my LOI even though I haven't had full clearance (only saying this because they're super foggy with what is and isn't permitted)