2024-2025 Ohio State

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OOS Deferred.

How are deferrals perceived here?
i just got an A after being deferred in October, no update letter. i think more likely to have movement compared to WL

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looks like 3 more chances for my fellow deferred people. seems like they are still pulling off people deferred in october so I still got hope 🤣
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It doesn't look like it as far as I know. If someone else wants to email them just to double confirm that would be great to be honest.
They got back to me about financial aid stuff!

1. We do not have to fill out CSS, OSU only requires FAFSA (priority date was 2/15/25; due date 4/8/25). Financial aid packages including any loans, grants, or scholarships will be available mid-April on your BuckeyeLink account.

2. Merit aid (accepted students are automatically considered) - The College of Medicine rolling scholarship review will begin during the spring semester and recipients will be notified directly from the college via email starting mid-March.
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Does anyone get rejected post interview, or is everyone placed on the deferred list?
They got back to me about financial aid stuff!

1. We do not have to fill out CSS, OSU only requires FAFSA (priority date was 2/15/25; due date 4/8/25). Financial aid packages including any loans, grants, or scholarships will be available mid-April on your BuckeyeLink account.

2. Merit aid (accepted students are automatically considered) - The College of Medicine rolling scholarship review will begin during the spring semester and recipients will be notified directly from the college via email starting mid-March.
Sick so if we did FASFA and applied for whatever scholarships we could in the scholarship universe portal it sounds like there’s nothing left to do but wait. I started to stress as most schools seem to require more info/documents and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

OSU if ur reading this help a girl out and give me some $$$🧎‍♀️🙏
Sick so if we did FASFA and applied for whatever scholarships we could in the scholarship universe portal it sounds like there’s nothing left to do but wait. I started to stress as most schools seem to require more info/documents and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

OSU if ur reading this help a girl out and give me some $$$🧎‍♀️🙏
Were there scholarships available in the scholarship universe portal? I didn't know that was a thing, I thought we were just automatically considered, but do we have to apply?
Sick so if we did FASFA and applied for whatever scholarships we could in the scholarship universe portal it sounds like there’s nothing left to do but wait. I started to stress as most schools seem to require more info/documents and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

OSU if ur reading this help a girl out and give me some $$$🧎‍♀️🙏
Yea that’s p much it but apparently a lot of the med students don’t have much luck with scholarship universe. Doesn’t hurt to try though!
Also I heard of somebody who already got notified of a merit scholarship last week but will have to wait until mid March to know the amount.

Has anyone else received similar communication?
Were there scholarships available in the scholarship universe portal? I didn't know that was a thing, I thought we were just automatically considered, but do we have to apply?
Yes! They had a mix of school specific scholar ships and external ones (mostly school specific) and they had a questionnaire that would help you figure out which you qualified for
Also I heard of somebody who already got notified of a merit scholarship last week but will have to wait until mid March to know the amount.

Has anyone else received similar communication?
I haven’t, do you know if the notification was in their OSU email or normal email listed on amcas?
I have my interview tomorrow! Does anyone have any advice or feedback?

Also, do they tell you the date decisions will be released? Or is it more general like "hear back in 4-6 weeks"?
I have my interview tomorrow! Does anyone have any advice or feedback?

Also, do they tell you the date decisions will be released? Or is it more general like "hear back in 4-6 weeks"?
I have heard 2 weeks, but I could be wrong on that.. Good luck! ☺️