2023-2024 Emory

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For those who just got the Emory revisited email… am I understanding correctly that it’s all virtual? 😭
Got it too, and it seems that way. Lowkey slightly disappointed, but I'm gonna still go.

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Im upset 😂 I feel like visiting a school is such a big part of the decision making process. Oh well :/
They have a second look mid-April I believe! This is just a smaller thing for URMs, if I understand correctly.
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For those who just got the Emory revisited email… am I understanding correctly that it’s all virtual?

Did everyone with an A get one? I’m an accepted student and didn’t receive an email or is it just URM?
Did everyone with an A get one? I’m an accepted student and didn’t receive an email or is it just URM?
It's from the OMA which communicates with URM interviewed students, so I assume it's an event primarily targeted towards URMs, which is probably why you didn't get the email.
It's from the OMA which communicates with URM interviewed students, so I assume it's an event primarily targeted towards URMs, which is probably why you didn't get the email.

Perfect! Makes sense just wanted to be sure it wasn’t info about second look or anything! Thank you!!
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revisited is not second look, it is for URMs, in the groupme they said they are meeting to finalize the second look days this week
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e accepted students groupme, link is on the facebook group, facebook group is in the portal somewhere
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In the biggest shock to date OOS II completed mid August! For those wondering there were 3 II dates left 2/12, 2/16, 2/23

For those who have interviewed already what did you receive in the packet and was it helpful? I highly doubt I get my in time for my interview
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In the biggest shock to date OOS II completed mid August! For those wondering there were 3 II dates left 2/12, 2/16, 2/23

For those who have interviewed already what did you receive in the packet and was it helpful? I highly doubt I get my in time for my interview
Congrats!!! Did they say something about how it was only due to a cancellation?
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Congrats!!! Did they say something about how it was only due to a cancellation?
Nope-- there were two other interview dates left when I logged into the portal too. I'm thinking they may have added a few more dates which is exciting! also Thank you!!!
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if you email the admit team they will email you the pdfs of what you get (similar situation for me in october)
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For those that interviewed, did you receive an interview schedule the day of? All I received was a Zoom link
+1 II

Any inputs on the interview? is it a relaxed interview? The admissions team is so nice I keep thinking the interview will be as well but not so sure!
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+1 II

Any inputs on the interview? is it a relaxed interview? The admissions team is so nice I keep thinking the interview will be as well but not so sure!
One of my favorite interviews. They definitely talked extensively about the whole "interviews are a conversation" thing. It's a relaxed interview overall, but also strangely it was one of the more difficult ones for me, ngl. Just be authentic. Good luck!
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i loved my interview, first II, first A, favorite interview
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One of my favorite interviews. They definitely talked extensively about the whole "interviews are a conversation" thing. It's a relaxed interview overall, but also strangely it was one of the more difficult ones for me, ngl. Just be authentic. Good luck!
I second this. I think the 3 on 3 is a bit stressful because it feels like you're put on the spot in front of your peers and lowkey being judged relative to them, but I also used it very constructively and tried to expand on what other people said at times. But that part isn't really a conversation. It's a here's a question now you 3 each answer it in turn
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Does anyone know if Emory's exams are in house or NBME style?
do they accept interest updates or not quite ? i was not sure on their distinction and it didn’t seem like interest was taken
OOS II received, complete late August. Two more Feb. dates available.
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do they accept interest updates or not quite ? i was not sure on their distinction and it didn’t seem like interest was taken
They explicitly said in my interview today they don't accept interest, intent, or thank you letters. They did say you can put updates in the textbox in their portal but to keep it strictly to new experiences, grades, etc.
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I got word of an A today via informed delivery and the OMA 🎉.
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IS A!!!!!!! literally just got the letter!!!!!!!!! i am actually hyperventilating in my kitchen rn
[for context i live like. 45 min from campus so no surprise that the letter got here the day they mailed it lol]
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FWIW, I live literally on one of the Emory shuttle routes and it took 4 days for my envelope to arrive so don't worry if you don't immediately receive it.
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Congratulations to everyone that has received an II and/or A from Emory. 🫶🏾🫶🏾
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Can anyone reply who got accepted to Emory at a point that was not immediately after their interview date
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Got the A letter today! Interviewed on 1/29. FYI, the letter says we can accept or decline the offer via the portal starting at noon tomorrow.
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Got the A letter today! Interviewed on 1/29. FYI, the letter says we can accept or decline the offer via the portal starting at noon tomorrow.
lol thank you for this, i totally skipped over the noon part in the letter
Accepted!!! Got the letter this morning. I live pretty far from Atlanta so wasn't expecting it to arrive so quick! Interviewed 1/29. Congratulations and good luck to everyone :)
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I'm interviewing on Friday but have not received the letter/packet yet, will I also receive interview information via email? (also, do they give information on the interviewers?)
Yea if you email and tell them that you didn’t get the packet h the will email pdfs of everything
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