2023-2024 Maryland

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2023-2024 Maryland Secondary Prompts

1. How would you describe your cultural background? (optional, 1000 characters)

2. Describe here the reason why you are specifically interested in attending the University of Maryland School of Medicine. (1000 characters)

3. Have you previously met or attended/seen a presentation by a University of Maryland School of Medicine Admissions
staff member at an open house, college fair, conference, school visit, etc.? If yes, please explain. (1000 characters)

4. Aside from summer and holiday breaks, have there been any pauses or delays in your education semesters between high school and college, during college, or after college? If yes, please explain (1000 characters)

5. Please describe what you will be doing during the 2023-2024 academic year. If you graduated/will graduate in 2023, what are your plans for the coming year until you matriculate to medical school? (1000 characters)

6. If you’ve experienced academic challenges while in college and/or graduate or professional school, please describe and explain below. Please be sure to include withdrawals, incompletes, poor grades, etc. (Optional, 1000 characters)

7. Briefly describe your most meaningful exposure to clinical medicine. (1500 char)

8. Briefly describe your most satisfying experience related to community service. (1500 characters)

9. Without limiting the discussion to your own identity, please describe how you envision contributing to the values of equity and inclusivity at our School of Medicine, and in the medical profession. (1500 characters)

10. What does it mean to you to enter into a profession? (1500 characters)

MSTP Prompts
Please indicate the MD/PhD program you are most interested in (drop-down menu).

Why are you applying to the MD/PhD Program at the UMSOM? (2500 char)

Please list the name(s) of your MD/PhD letter of recommendation writers who can focus on your research potential. (2500 char)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Members don't see this ad :)
+1 OOS received. Besides the usual demographic & IA questions, here are the prompts: @chilly_md

1. How would you describe your cultural background? (optional, 1000 characters)

2. Describe here the reason why you are specifically interested in attending the University of Maryland School of Medicine. (1000 characters)

3. Have you previously met or attended/seen a presentation by a University of Maryland School of Medicine Admissions
staff member at an open house, college fair, conference, school visit, etc.? If yes, please explain. (1000 characters)

4. Aside from summer and holiday breaks, have there been any pauses or delays in your education semesters between high school and college, during college, or after college? If yes, please explain (1000 characters)

5. Please describe what you will be doing during the 2023-2024 academic year. If you graduated/will graduate in 2023, what are your plans for the coming year until you matriculate to medical school? (1000 characters)

6. If you’ve experienced academic challenges while in college and/or graduate or professional school, please describe and explain below. Please be sure to include withdrawals, incompletes, poor grades, etc. (Optional, 1000 characters)

7. Briefly describe your most meaningful exposure to clinical medicine. (1500 characters)

8. Briefly describe your most satisfying experience related to community service. (1500 characters)

9. Without limiting the discussion to your own identity, please describe how you envision contributing to the values of equity and inclusivity at our School of Medicine, and in the medical profession. (1500 characters)

10. What does it mean to you to enter into a profession? (1500 characters)
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MSTP OOS received @chilly_md

Please indicate the MD/PhD program you are most interested in (drop-down menu).

Why are you applying to the MD/PhD Program at the UMSOM? (2500 char)

Please list the name(s) of your MD/PhD letter of recommendation writers who can focus on your research potential. (2500 char)
My secondary application invitation was in the spam folder - make sure to check it (if you haven't done so already)!
Members don't see this ad :)
IS secondary rcvd!

For the 'work experience' section are we really supposed to put in every paid position we've ever held? I'm 32 and have been working for half my life, so leaning towards only including the most significant, relevant, and/or recent positions I've held. That will still be kind of a lot though :/
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My secondary application invitation was in the spam folder - make sure to check it (if you haven't done so already)!

just found mine as well in my spam folder!! only one i’ve gotten so far that ended up there
4. Aside from summer and holiday breaks, have there been any pauses or delays in your education semesters between high school and college, during college, or after college? If yes, please explain (1000 characters)
Just to clarify, if we're taking any gap years at all before matriculation, we have to answer this question right?
Also confused on this, especially since the next question asks about your plans between now and med school
I'll probably use this to explain my reasons for pursuing gap years/specific activities and then the next question to just list out what I'm doing in the next year. But I also took multiple gap years so it might look different if you're only taking one
for the "describe your cultural background" question, I kinda have a good amount of cultural identity stuff mixed into the diversity question (#9). Should I just forgo the first question (since it is optional) or come up w a brief description? or should we be telling a story/trying to sell something with this question? how are y'all doing it
IS secondary complete 7/23, 520 MCAT, 3.96 sGPA. I’m a 3rd time reapplicant, and I decided to apply ED this year. All eggs in one basket, let’s go 🫡
IS secondary complete 7/23, 520 MCAT, 3.96 sGPA. I’m a 3rd time reapplicant, and I decided to apply ED this year. All eggs in one basket, let’s go 🫡
Wow, can not believe that your MCAT and gpa so good, 3rd time reapplicant? EC not good enough? Hopefully you get in this time.
First cycle I had a 508 and ECs were not great, but second cycle I had the 520 and much better ECs. I think what killed me was my writing. I'm very much a science paper writer, not a story teller, so I struggled with writing in the way admissions teams wanted me to. Fingers crossed for this year tho
If you don't mind me asking, what is your definition of "not great" ECs vs "much better" ECs?
First cycle I had a 508 and ECs were not great, but second cycle I had the 520 and much better ECs. I think what killed me was my writing. I'm very much a science paper writer, not a story teller, so I struggled with writing in the way admissions teams wanted me to. Fingers crossed for this year tho
First cycle I had 80 hours volunteering at a hospital, and that was pretty much it. Second cycle I had the previous volunteering, 430 hours of work as a patient tech at a hospital, 30 hours shadowing. This cycle I have all of that plus 1500 hours working as a medical assistant at a primary care office, 30 more hours shadowing, and 24 more hours of hospital volunteering.

All three cycles I had 800 hours research, 1 pub as 2nd author. I was an RA and football player at my school too. There's a couple awards and things that I received prior to my second cycle that were not in my first cycle, but I don't think they had much influence anyway.

I was told last year by UMD that I lacked in community service. I started a non-profit organization at 11 years old and continued it through college, but was told that because the majority of it was before college, it didn't really count. So just as a heads up, anyone applying while they are still in college, you should know they could care less about anything prior to college matriculation. I reorganized my AMCAS work/activities and added some volunteer tutoring and coaching to help with that issue for this cycle.

I don't want my stats and story to scare anyone tho!! I think I've had bad file organization combined with not so great essays, but I'm trusting this cycle will go better.
I wish you the best bro!
First cycle I had 80 hours volunteering at a hospital, and that was pretty much it. Second cycle I had the previous volunteering, 430 hours of work as a patient tech at a hospital, 30 hours shadowing. This cycle I have all of that plus 1500 hours working as a medical assistant at a primary care office, 30 more hours shadowing, and 24 more hours of hospital volunteering.

All three cycles I had 800 hours research, 1 pub as 2nd author. I was an RA and football player at my school too. There's a couple awards and things that I received prior to my second cycle that were not in my first cycle, but I don't think they had much influence anyway.

I was told last year by UMD that I lacked in community service. I started a non-profit organization at 11 years old and continued it through college, but was told that because the majority of it was before college, it didn't really count. So just as a heads up, anyone applying while they are still in college, you should know they could care less about anything prior to college matriculation. I reorganized my AMCAS work/activities and added some volunteer tutoring and coaching to help with that issue for this cycle.

I don't want my stats and story to scare anyone tho!! I think I've had bad file organization combined with not so great essays, but I'm trusting this cycle will go better.
Best wishes this cycle!
for the "describe your cultural background" question, I kinda have a good amount of cultural identity stuff mixed into the diversity question (#9). Should I just forgo the first question (since it is optional) or come up w a brief description? or should we be telling a story/trying to sell something with this question? how are y'all doing it
wondering the same thing. leaning towards not answering the optional one but idk
same.. anyone make any decisions about these?
So I called the admissions office specifically about this and they said no - *don't* answer this question if you're taking a gap year. Probably hence why the next question is an actual gap year question.
So I called the admissions office specifically about this and they said no - *don't* answer this question if you're taking a gap year. Probably hence why the next question is an actual gap year question.
interesting, thanks for sharing! the wording of the question is quite poor then if that's what they want, because they say "after college".. like what else could that be referring to?
So I called the admissions office specifically about this and they said no - *don't* answer this question if you're taking a gap year. Probably hence why the next question is an actual gap year question.
I feel like I see a common theme between secondaries, they’re always so ambiguous and poorly worded…
interesting, thanks for sharing! the wording of the question is quite poor then if that's what they want, because they say "after college".. like what else could that be referring to?
I know! I was honestly surprised when they told me that I didn't need to answer it for my gap year. I'm now assuming it might mean pauses in education post-undergraduate years? Not sure though
So I called the admissions office specifically about this and they said no - *don't* answer this question if you're taking a gap year. Probably hence why the next question is an actual gap year question.
Welp I answered both of them like a dumby so hopefully I don’t get docked points lmao. Technically this upcoming year will be my second gap year so idk if that changes anything but I guess we will find out
wondering the same thing. leaning towards not answering the optional one but idk
for the "describe your cultural background" question, I kinda have a good amount of cultural identity stuff mixed into the diversity question (#9). Should I just forgo the first question (since it is optional) or come up w a brief description? or should we be telling a story/trying to sell something with this question? how are y'all doing it

Did you figure out anything about this question? What is everyone learning more towards?
Welp I answered both of them like a dumby so hopefully I don’t get docked points lmao. Technically this upcoming year will be my second gap year so idk if that changes anything but I guess we will find out
This upcoming year will be my second gap year as well. I'm honestly considering still answering the question even though admissions told OP not to, because I feel like it is very clearly asking about post-college gaps in education and I don't want to seem like I'm avoiding a question that is directly @Ing me
Just submitted my secondary and I messed up by only adding 3 of my 5 LOR when it asks you to list your letter writers. I confused Maryland with another school that only allows 3 LORs. I have already submitted the 5 I wanted through AMCAS and it says on the status page that they received all 5. Should I email and tell them about this?
Just submitted my secondary and I messed up by only adding 3 of my 5 LOR when it asks you to list your letter writers. I confused Maryland with another school that only allows 3 LORs. I have already submitted the 5 I wanted through AMCAS and it says on the status page that they received all 5. Should I email and tell them about this?
Screen Shot 2023-08-01 at 5.59.45 PM.png

I would email them.
I don't really associate my cultural background to ethnic ties or where I grew up, so I decided to focus on my immediate family culture and the values my parents instilled in me and my siblings growing up. Not sure if this is what they want to see, but decided to take my own spin on it because I feel like leaving that question blank, although optional, is not a smart decision. But like I said, I have no idea if that's a good answer or not
yeah for the first one I just kinda described my culture directly and some unique aspects of it/how it affected me growing up