2023-2024 Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine (OU-HCOM)

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has anyone heard any new info yet? I feel like movement started earlier last year :/
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has anyone heard any new info yet? I feel like movement started earlier last year :/
I’d give it some time. The past few weeks a good amount have taken other offers so there should still be some spots open
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its just concerning bc movement started earlier last year
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its just concerning bc movement started earlier last year
Don’t worry too much I saw a couple people leave the GC, so it’s likely they accepted to another school. I would expect to hear back from them in June.
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its just concerning bc movement started earlier last year
My advice would be to just take a deep breath and do what you can to distract yourself from this. I understand it’s anxious not knowing but if you’ve already sent a letter of intent (judging of your posts it looks like you have) then there’s really nothing more you can do at this point. Being placed on the waitlist means they obviously see potential in you as an applicant and they historically have movement on the WL very late in the cycle (even up to the day before classes start which hopefully you won’t have to go through haha).
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My advice would be to just take a deep breath and do what you can to distract yourself from this. I understand it’s anxious not knowing but if you’ve already sent a letter of intent (judging of your posts it looks like you have) then there’s really nothing more you can do at this point. Being placed on the waitlist means they obviously see potential in you as an applicant and they historically have movement on the WL very late in the cycle (even up to the day before classes start which hopefully you won’t have to go through haha).
I had a friend who got off the waitlist for neomed and HCOM literally a week before classes started. Its not too late till the first day of classes start regardless of what school it is.
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I just got the call today for Athens. Waitlisted back in November
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Do you think they are starting the Nov / Dec waitlists now? I got WL end of Jan/Feb so hoping they are kind of going in order
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not sure what their process is but I’m starting to lose hope also
Do you think they are starting the Nov / Dec waitlists now? I got WL end of Jan/Feb so hoping they are kind of going in order
I doubt it, they rank everyone on the wait-list the first week of May so it doesn't matter when you interviewed
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i feel like there has been little to no movement... anyone have any insight
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Are they calling every Tuesday? I feel like incoming class stuff is always done on Tuesdays
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The fact that the new board for 2024-2025 DO schools is up makes me feel old
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  • Haha
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Some spam call came from Athens yesterday and I thought it was them, that made me SICK
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I got an A from the waitlist for Dublin last week. Declined it
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Withdrew my Cleveland A a few days ago. Hope one of you guys get it, OU-HCOM is a great DO school with lots of resources.
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Recieved A to Athens yesterday IS interviewed in December
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A to the Athens campus yesterday! IS interviewed February
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(Edited to removed link)


Try to keep that link private in the DMs, please. 🙂 We get a lot of spam bots in those chats early on because people are posting the links online.
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