2023-2024 Vermont

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What time do we think the courtesy waitlist emails are going to go out lol.
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Also got waitlisted. Do you guys think the 100 people UVM accepts of WL includes the people accepted off DD or everyone who was formally waitlisted
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So like most of the WL movement is technically done already right? Since the May1st deadline passed?
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Also got waitlisted. Do you guys think the 100 people UVM accepts of WL includes the people accepted off DD or everyone who was formally waitlisted
I know one person who’s an M1 who was DD, WL, then A a few weeks later. Not impossible
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Do you guys see where we accept the WL position on the AMP? I might just be blind but I don't have a button to accept.
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goodthing the waitlist is open until august of 2023 lmao
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Has anyone been able to figure out if there is a way to accept the waitlist position (as mentioned in the email)?
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Has anyone been able to figure out if there is a way to accept the waitlist position (as mentioned in the email)?
There's an option for it now btw
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If we accept a spot on the waitlist that’s not committing to enroll if we get an A right
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is it possible to watch lectures at your own pace?
From what I remember from a few years ago, most things are recorded but there's the occasional mic that doesn't work/professor goes "I think I can project" etc and nothing gets picked up on the recording. Hopefully that doesn't happen as much anymore but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also sometimes there's a more interactive activity that wouldn't be part of the slides anyway.
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very finals week question here... but does anyone know if our second semester GPA would influence our spot on the WL? Im not like tanking its just like would a B+/A- vs an A in a class be a difference?
very finals week question here... but does anyone know if our second semester GPA would influence our spot on the WL? Im not like tanking its just like would a B+/A- vs an A in a class be a difference?

I know someone who got off the WL with a 499 MCAT. I doubt a B+ vs A- is going to make or break you
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very finals week question here... but does anyone know if our second semester GPA would influence our spot on the WL? Im not like tanking its just like would a B+/A- vs an A in a class be a difference?
I don't think it would. Don't be too hung up on grades, you were offered an interview because they know you're academically good enough. Based off the waitlist website and the waitlist email, they are quite clear that nothing you can say or do will influence your spot on the waitlist. Best to let it play out.