2024-2025 Wayne State

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Does anyone have difficulties accessing the portal? I get a server error notification when I try to enter my portal.

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I feel like waiting for an interview or especially waiting for a decision after an interview is scarier than waiting for your mcat score. That month was rough but this feels infinitely worse.
My first post after joining the forum - waiting for an interview outcome as well. Good luck to everyone here...
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Im glad im not in detroit time schedule, by the time i wake up i already know whether or not theyre sending out As today
Me too. PST and I'm sleeping in so I can (hopefully) just wake up to an email. Doing my work later in the evening.
The university is closed on election day, still, I'd predict that decisions, if any, would come out on Thursday. Wayne has a story of releasing decisions on Thursdays and Fridays from what I've seen and heard.
To think the worry of waiting about something coming out today could have just been avoided by googling if the university was open 😭😭😭
Ok i predict we will hear either tomorrow or monday next week, i just dont buy that they would meet the last day of the week
We're waking up to A's in 11 hours and 24 minutes!
Reality Reaction GIF by Married At First Sight
I talked to an ADCOM person & they told me they only meet the first and third Thursday each month, but idk what that means for when they would send out interviews or acceptances if it would be same day or tmrw
I talked to an ADCOM person & they told me they only meet the first and third Thursday each month, but idk what that means for when they would send out interviews or acceptances if it would be same day or tmrw
Welp, that would pretty heavily indicate that theyre meetin today and we hear back friday or monday, theres no way the third thursday would be considered “toward the beginnning of november”