Icahn School of Medicine - Alternate List advice

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Apr 8, 2016
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Hey Guys,

I am writing because I have been placed on the alternate list at Sinai (this was at the end of February), and it is my top school; it is absolutely where I want to be and I was wondering if anyone currently attending Sinai who might have been on the waitlist or who knows about people who got in from the waitlist might have any advice on what the best steps to take would be.
I have emailed them a couple times to reiterate my interest and my desire to attend their school (very clearly stating that they were my top choice), and the doctor that I currently work with in the MSMC sent a letter of recommendation for me to the Dean of Admissions a couple weeks ago. I was wondering if I should be sending a letter of intent to the Dean or if there was anything else that might help me standout.
Any advice would be much appreciated!

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God it must be awful to work in an admissions committee office
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Sorry for all these people giving you a hard time. Sending updates and emails because you are in the waitlist and Sinai is your top choice is not the same as sending a bunch of emails and calling the office because you want to know why they haven't released waitlist teirs yet or something. If you have already sent all that material though (which they noted was fine in their email) then you can't do much else.
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