LECOM-Bradenton Discussion Thread 2010-2011

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Just canceled my interview on 2/25 if anyone wants to try to grab it!

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Hi all,

I'm interviewing on 03/01 but still could not find a DO to write me a letter. I read somewhere in the thread that LECOM will allow me to sit down with a DO and have that person write the letter for me? Is this true? Any advice on how I should approach this? TIA!
Hi all,

I'm interviewing on 03/01 but still could not find a DO to write me a letter. I read somewhere in the thread that LECOM will allow me to sit down with a DO and have that person write the letter for me? Is this true? Any advice on how I should approach this? TIA!

The school did that for me in 2009, but I'm not sure if they still offer that option.

I found out about that option because I (stupidly) didn't fully read the LOR requirements before I submitted my secondary apps to LECOM-E and LECOM-B. I e-mailed each school to apologize for my error and ask that my apps be withdrawn. LECOM-B was quick to respond and offered me the opportunity of having one of their DOs write the letter and LECOM-E withdrew my application. I think 3 of us at my LECOM-B interview had their DO write our letters.

I would just call the admissions office and ask if that's still an option. Good luck!
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The school did that for me in 2009, but I'm not sure if they still offer that option.

I found out about that option because I (stupidly) didn't fully read the LOR requirements before I submitted my secondary apps to LECOM-E and LECOM-B. I e-mailed each school to apologize for my error and ask that my apps be withdrawn. LECOM-B was quick to respond and offered me the opportunity of having one of their DOs write the letter and LECOM-E withdrew my application. I think 3 of us at my LECOM-B interview had their DO write our letters.

I would just call the admissions office and ask if that's still an option. Good luck!

They were also still offering this service at the beginning of this years application cycle (Sep/Oct). I already had a DO letter so I'm not sure the complete ins and outs but they mentioned this at the beginning of the interview day.

I'm interviewing on Feb. 28th, and this is my first interview. I know someone said that a few weeks ago the class was only 1/3 full, but does anyone know if that's changed dramatically since then? It won't affect how I interview, but I'd still like to know the situation going in, if anybody has some info. Thanks, appreciate any advice (or peace of mind)!
Considering it was only a few weeks ago and they've been interviewing probably since at least June, I'd say there's a good chance it hasn't changed much still. Although I'd expect them to start trying to fill it soon leading up to April.

I actually emailed Annette this morning asking the same question plus seeing if she'll give any info regarding the waitlist. I'll post once I get a response.
Considering it was only a few weeks ago and they've been interviewing probably since at least June, I'd say there's a good chance it hasn't changed much still. Although I'd expect them to start trying to fill it soon leading up to April.

I actually emailed Annette this morning asking the same question plus seeing if she'll give any info regarding the waitlist. I'll post once I get a response.

Awesome, thanks for the info...Good luck with the waitlist, with some luck, hopefully we'll both be down there in July! :xf:
Awesome, thanks for the info...Good luck with the waitlist, with some luck, hopefully we'll both be down there in July! :xf:

Good luck with the interview and don't let yourself get as anxious as I did and you'll be fine. I've heard people say their interview was amazing and they were basically telling the person they'd be accepted and then they got waitlisted or rejected. I've also heard people say they thought it went badly and still got in, so you never know. Just be honest and sell yourself. Hope to see you on the other side as well :luck:
Does anyone know any statistics from the last cycle or two about (first time) January MCAT test takers, and how quickly they were offered interviews at this campus? And how far out the interviews are scheduled for?

Oh, and also, does anyone know what date they stop interviewing (as specifically as possible)?

Does anyone know any statistics from the last cycle or two about (first time) January MCAT test takers, and how quickly they were offered interviews at this campus? And how far out the interviews are scheduled for?

Oh, and also, does anyone know what date they stop interviewing (as specifically as possible)?


I highly doubt there are such specific stats anywhere especially considering mcat score in applying the osteopathic route isn't everything. It is possible any pbl school will weigh mcat score more heavily though since it's a problem solving test for the most part.

I believe sometime in the first 2 weeks of April is when they finish interviewing. If you haven't applied anywhere else this cycle you are probably better off applying in May for 2012. Your chances will be much higher then. Either way good luck!
I highly doubt there are such specific stats anywhere especially considering mcat score in applying the osteopathic route isn't everything. It is possible any pbl school will weigh mcat score more heavily though since it's a problem solving test for the most part.

I believe sometime in the first 2 weeks of April is when they finish interviewing. If you haven't applied anywhere else this cycle you are probably better off applying in May for 2012. Your chances will be much higher then. Either way good luck!

Yeah, I shouldn't have used the word 'statistics.' I meant if anyone has any specific cases they know of or read on sdn about how long it takes to be offered an interview after you become complete on March 1st, and how far away the closest interview offered was. I realize some schools look less at your mcat score, that's not really what I was asking about. I'm wondering about the January MCAT because schools only look at your application after your MCAT score is submitted. So only then are you complete and can be offered an interview.

Thanks, good luck to you too :)
I've heard of people getting an interview within 2 weeks of being complete. I was complete in November and got a call to interview on 1/28 so it could be anytime really. Since you won't be complete until March 1st it won't take long if they want to interview you because I believe they stop interviewing in April.
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I've heard of people getting an interview within 2 weeks of being complete. I was complete in November and got a call to interview on 1/28 so it could be anytime really. Since you won't be complete until March 1st it won't take long if they want to interview you because I believe they stop interviewing in April.

Great, thanks!
Hey I finished my primary at the end of january and then completed the was completed with the seconday on 2/16. I know it hasnt been that long since finishing my secondary but this is my top school. Also, I have received 2 other interview, one being the erie campus.
I was wondering if it was alright to send a pre interview letter of interest/intent, and if I did before my erie interview, will that hurt my chances of getting an acceptance there?
My stats are 3.6gpa double major with 31M mcat.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hey I finished my primary at the end of january and then completed the was completed with the seconday on 2/16. I know it hasnt been that long since finishing my secondary but this is my top school. Also, I have received 2 other interview, one being the erie campus.
I was wondering if it was alright to send a pre interview letter of interest/intent, and if I did before my erie interview, will that hurt my chances of getting an acceptance there?
My stats are 3.6gpa double major with 31M mcat.
Any suggestions? Thanks!

It couldn't hurt. I sent a letter of interest on the morning of 1/25 after being complete since November without any word and received a call for interview that Friday late afternoon on the 28th. I'm still not sure if they had received my letter and called me or if they intended to anyway. Regardless, it shouldn't hurt your chances.

Very nice stats :thumbup: do you mind me asking what your experience has been this cycle? I would think with a 31 and 3.6 you might have been accepted elsewhere already.
It couldn't hurt. I sent a letter of interest on the morning of 1/25 after being complete since November without any word and received a call for interview that Friday late afternoon on the 28th. I'm still not sure if they had received my letter and called me or if they intended to anyway. Regardless, it shouldn't hurt your chances.

Very nice stats :thumbup: do you mind me asking what your experience has been this cycle? I would think with a 31 and 3.6 you might have been accepted elsewhere already.

Not very good actually. I didn't know about DO schools until fairly recently so I had originally applied only to allopathic schools. I didn't do my aacomas until end of january so I feel like I might be too late. Applied to 4 DO schools, with 2 interviews coming up. No allopathic acceptances and only had 2 interviews.
Not very good actually. I didn't know about DO schools until fairly recently so I had originally applied only to allopathic schools. I didn't do my aacomas until end of january so I feel like I might be too late. Applied to 4 DO schools, with 2 interviews coming up. No allopathic acceptances and only had 2 interviews.

I did a similar thing. I knew about DO schools but was trying to stay in state and so applied Texas only. Then in November I decided to put in some OOS apps at DO schools. I applied to 3 but didn't send my last letter to RVU because I'm no longer interested (maybe I should withdraw?). I just sent a last minute app to ATSU SOMA. I'm not expecting anything, so I'll be well prepared to apply broadly and early next cycle if needed. It would be nice to avoid the repeating the whole process again though. Good luck!
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Does anyone know the policy regarding the deposit for students accepted late off of the waitlist? I understand it takes some time for loans to process and Annette was saying we'd need start up funds so that deposit money would help if they don't require it. I'd assume they still do though.
Does anyone know the policy regarding the deposit for students accepted late off of the waitlist? I understand it takes some time for loans to process and Annette was saying we'd need start up funds so that deposit money would help if they don't require it. I'd assume they still do though.

I think at this point in the semester the deposit is due 2 weeks after acceptance. Earlier in the year it was 30 days from the postmark date of the letter of acceptance.
Any school you get accepted to is going to require the deposit money, regardless of when you get accepted because they need some affirmation that you are serious about attending.
hey those of you who got accepted could you guys share ur stats? any input would be greatly appreciated. My GPA is a 3.75, science is a 3.71, but my mcat is on the low side: I got a 22q the first time, 24O the second time (10 PS, 8 BS, 6VR). Thanks!
I think at this point in the semester the deposit is due 2 weeks after acceptance. Earlier in the year it was 30 days from the postmark date of the letter of acceptance.
Any school you get accepted to is going to require the deposit money, regardless of when you get accepted because they need some affirmation that you are serious about attending.

That's what I figured and it's understandable. I was just hoping maybe they made an exception since they are giving you literally a few months to a few weeks notice. I guess technically you could still bail on them the day class starts and it'd be easier if not $1500 invested already.
hey those of you who got accepted could you guys share ur stats? any input would be greatly appreciated. My GPA is a 3.75, science is a 3.71, but my mcat is on the low side: I got a 22q the first time, 24O the second time (10 PS, 8 BS, 6VR). Thanks!

I see you aren't applying until 2012 cycle. My stats wouldn't help you, but I would recommend trying the MCAT a third time, there is alot of time between now and May and you would still be in early with a May MCAT.

I think even 2 points higher on your MCAT would put you in pretty good shape for quite a few DO schools.
Hi everyone--I just submitted my app this week and wanted to know what my chances were with a 27P MCAT, 3.9 overall GPA, and 3.5 science GPA? I am also a non-trad with two masters degrees in the humanities and will have another biomedical science masters degree conferred in August. I am visiting the campus on Thursday and just wish there was a way to negotiate an interview :) Thanks in advance for your advice!
Also...if any 3rd or 4th years had advice regarding how your rotations are handled, that would also be great :)
Hi everyone--I just submitted my app this week and wanted to know what my chances were with a 27P MCAT, 3.9 overall GPA, and 3.5 science GPA? I am also a non-trad with two masters degrees in the humanities and will have another biomedical science masters degree conferred in August. I am visiting the campus on Thursday and just wish there was a way to negotiate an interview :) Thanks in advance for your advice!

If you do get an interview, be prepared to answer why your application is so late. I didn't have letters in until February, which is why I didn't submit my app. until then. This was the first question they asked me, so have a good answer prepared. Good luck
Also...if any 3rd or 4th years had advice regarding how your rotations are handled, that would also be great :)

Hey Punky,

I think your stats are decent for DO schools but not for MD schools. I applied in Jan and interviewed at late February. I was just waitlisted here at LECOM and I think its how I answered their questions. But I would recommend that you DO APPLY AND FAST!
Thanks for the tips--I definitely have a very good reason for applying late :) I just wish you could include this reasoning with the app :(

Any tips for when I visit the campus? Aka...any way they could review my app while I'm there in person?

Thanks :D
Thanks for the tips--I definitely have a very good reason for applying late :) I just wish you could include this reasoning with the app :(

Any tips for when I visit the campus? Aka...any way they could review my app while I'm there in person?

Thanks :D

Honestly I don't know that they do tours or anything without an interview. They seem to have a tight security protocol and so I'd recommend getting into contact with them before showing up there.
Honestly I don't know that they do tours or anything without an interview. They seem to have a tight security protocol and so I'd recommend getting into contact with them before showing up there.

Yea, except for a few info sessions for pre-meds and a few random students with personal connections they really don't just do tours or have something set up for visitors to just stop by. I mean, there's not much to see anyway.

Unless you already have something worked out I would call and check with them.
Thanks--yes, I'm setting something up before I arrive--no worries :)
Hey everyone! Just got through reading most, if not all, the posts in this thread in preparation for Friday. Thanks to everyone who is being helpful with interview questions, interview day, PBL, etc, and and a very special thank you to all the current LECOM-B students who have been fielding all of our questions. Anyone else gonna be there this coming Friday (3/11) and where you'll be staying? I'm at a Days Inn, since the hotels they recommended had astronomical rates.
I'm at a Days Inn, since the hotels they recommended had astronomical rates.

Interesting. I stayed at the Wyndham when I interviewed back in January and found the rate -- $65.79 as a result of the LECOM discount -- to be very reasonable. The staff was friendly, the room was excellent and the breakfast was pretty decent (as far as free continental breakfasts go)

Anyway, good luck with your interview! Also, remember the security entrance is in the back of the building so park by the lake.
Posted in the Osteo student forum, but thought I'd post here too...

Really excited to be coming here, interviewed 2/28, found out a few days later...felt quite mediocre coming out of the interview, so was very happy it all worked out. The tour was good, felt a little weird walking into a library with no purpose and somewhat bothering those in there, but other than that, had a great experience. The professors seem pretty nice, and the students were all chill...I'm excited....

Good luck to those on the wait-list and yet to interview!
Posted in the Osteo student forum, but thought I'd post here too...

Really excited to be coming here, interviewed 2/28, found out a few days later...felt quite mediocre coming out of the interview, so was very happy it all worked out. The tour was good, felt a little weird walking into a library with no purpose and somewhat bothering those in there, but other than that, had a great experience. The professors seem pretty nice, and the students were all chill...I'm excited....

Good luck to those on the wait-list and yet to interview!

Congrats! Would you mind sharing your stats with us?
Congrats! Would you mind sharing your stats with us?

Thanks! Yeah, no problem, I'll say that I have been extremely fortunate to have gotten in this cycle, because I didn't submit AACOMAS until Feb 1, as I was waiting for my 2nd science letter from my PI (if it didn't come in, I was going to re-apply early next year to DO/MD).

cGPA: 3.72
sGPA: 3.50
MCAT: 10-PS, 10-VR, 9-BS, S-WS (29S)

EC: Research w/2 posters, 1 abstract, volunteering (300 med, 150 non-med), shadowing (130MD, 50DO), small school awards, clubs/intramurals, etc....all pretty standard...

I'm in a med ethics/humanities grad program now, and have a 4.0 in that, but it barely affected my GPA...

Anyways, hope this helps!
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That's awesome and yeah as late as February is really good to not get waitlisted. Nice writing score btw, I got an N :/ haha.
That's awesome and yeah as late as February is really good to not get waitlisted. Nice writing score btw, I got an N :/ haha.

Yeah, I was definitely lucky...don't worry about the N, I don't think anybody actually considers the score unless the applicant is Canadian. Don't worry too much about the waitlist, they aren't full yet from what I heard. (Also, some of those I interviewed with seemed hesitant about PBL and the school, just didn't mesh with them).

Good luck bud, I'm pulling for you...did you send a LOI?
Also...if any 3rd or 4th years had advice regarding how your rotations are handled, that would also be great :)
you handle them....sort of speak. it's a lotto type system based on where you want to go: FL or outside of FL. 3rd yr you'll have to do the "cores" at an affiliate hospital, there's not much in FL but plenty up north where you have to share the spots with LECOM erie/greensboro. electives are 100% up to you including doing the leg work to find them. go wherever you feel like. 4th yr, except for 2 mo ER at a core place, the rest of the year is yours. it gave me great flexibility in doing what I wanted, where I wanted, when I wanted. got some fantastic travel/sight seeing as well as checking out potential residency spots. it's a crap load of work but having the flexibility vs locked down is well worth it for residency
Posted in the Osteo student forum, but thought I'd post here too...

Really excited to be coming here, interviewed 2/28, found out a few days later...felt quite mediocre coming out of the interview, so was very happy it all worked out. The tour was good, felt a little weird walking into a library with no purpose and somewhat bothering those in there, but other than that, had a great experience. The professors seem pretty nice, and the students were all chill...I'm excited....

Good luck to those on the wait-list and yet to interview!

Interesting you found out so quickly after your interview. I interviewed 2/25 and have similar stats to you. When I was there they said if we were waitlisted or rejected we would here by mail within 2 weeks, and that if we were accepted we should expect a call in about 30 days. They said they were meeting less because it was getting late in the cycle. Did you get accepted via phone then?
Interesting you found out so quickly after your interview. I interviewed 2/25 and have similar stats to you. When I was there they said if we were waitlisted or rejected we would here by mail within 2 weeks, and that if we were accepted we should expect a call in about 30 days. They said they were meeting less because it was getting late in the cycle. Did you get accepted via phone then?

Yeah, I wasn't expecting it. They told us for all decisions, it was going to be a couple weeks. I got a call then a letter arrived the next day. Good luck!

(FWIW, I have strong ties to the area and made it clear I would go if accepted...both DO groups I shadowed actually took students from LECOM-B for rotations, so I'm sure the LOR from the doctor carried some weight)
Yeah, I was definitely lucky...don't worry about the N, I don't think anybody actually considers the score unless the applicant is Canadian. Don't worry too much about the waitlist, they aren't full yet from what I heard. (Also, some of those I interviewed with seemed hesitant about PBL and the school, just didn't mesh with them).

Good luck bud, I'm pulling for you...did you send a LOI?

Cool, yeah I did get that vibe from others I interviewed with as well. They really had only skimmed the pdf we were emailed about PBL.

Thanks! I did write one in January and actually got a call for interview four days after mailing it. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with me getting one, but I guess it could have. I'm trying to decide if I should write another one soon. I don't want to be annoying and I'm not sure what else to update them with since I discussed what I was doing in the last one. I guess I could just make it brief letting them know I'm still really interested.
Cool, yeah I did get that vibe from others I interviewed with as well. They really had only skimmed the pdf we were emailed about PBL.

Thanks! I did write one in January and actually got a call for interview four days after mailing it. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with me getting one, but I guess it could have. I'm trying to decide if I should write another one soon. I don't want to be annoying and I'm not sure what else to update them with since I discussed what I was doing in the last one. I guess I could just make it brief letting them know I'm still really interested.

I know what you mean. Some seemed really put off by the school, and it's all a personal choice. Personally, the only things that outright bothered me were the clowns and the lack of structured rotations. I can't do anything about the first problem, but having talked with some other students recently, the second issue doesn't seem to be much of an issue anymore.
Hopefully the rotation situation will continue to get better over time. At least in Bradenton/St Pete area it seems like OB/GYN and Peds are a couple of the toughest fields to find a decent rotation at. We were doing OB at a local allopathic OB residency program but one of the Carib med schools has kind of "taken over" those slots.

And they just started IM and FP residency programs at the nearby Manatee Memorial hospital so hopefully they continue to invest in those programs. It's a decent sized hospital and I think can support a good number of decent rotations if the school and hospital continue to work together and keep some sort of structure.

And there are also several community DO residency programs up in St Pete/Clearwater where we rotate at good bit.

I'm only familiar with the local ones and overall have had good experiences. And 4th year is extremely open and flexible and plenty of room to do multiple away/audition elective rotations.
Congrats to everyone accepted and good luck and hang in there to those waiting...:xf: I was just accepted and from NJ looking for advice on housing options-Possibly someone could post some advice on where I should start looking and maybe what to avoid. I welcome any suggestions:)
Hi--I was wondering how/when you were notified about your acceptance and if it changed on your LECOM admissions page?

Still waiting :)

Congrats to everyone accepted and good luck and hang in there to those waiting...:xf: I was just accepted and from NJ looking for advice on housing options-Possibly someone could post some advice on where I should start looking and maybe what to avoid. I welcome any suggestions:)
Hi--I was wondering how/when you were notified about your acceptance and if it changed on your LECOM admissions page?

Still waiting :)

I was called by Ron Shively in the morning and received my acceptance letter two days later. Since then, I have filled out the contingency agreement and paid the matriculation fee and the LECOM admissions page reflects this. Not sure what the page looked like after they called, because I had not checked until now.

EDIT: oh and good luck!
Congrats to everyone accepted and good luck and hang in there to those waiting...:xf: I was just accepted and from NJ looking for advice on housing options-Possibly someone could post some advice on where I should start looking and maybe what to avoid. I welcome any suggestions:)

I'm going to be attending too and i grew up here if you need any help deciding on what neighborhoods to avoid you can just PM me, or anyone else. great piece of advice to start avoid west University.
I'm going to be attending too and i grew up here if you need any help deciding on what neighborhoods to avoid you can just PM me, or anyone else. great piece of advice to start avoid west University.

Thanks I did PM you for info! Appreciate it!