Lincoln Memorial University 2018-2019 Waitlist

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Sep 12, 2016
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Hey guys.
Figured I'd start this thread for anyone else waitlisted like me. I don't think we'll start hearing anything until May, but I know someone who got pulled off randomly in December, so I suppose it isn't too crazy to hope for a miracle this early, haha.

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Bump! Here's hoping! They are so far my only interview/WL, so hearing back would literally be like an act of God.
Omg, same here. I was part of their first interview group in beginning of September. Haven't gotten any other interviews/WL. When did you interview?
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September, I think the third week of interviews. Fingers crossed! They are a high-volume school as far as wl movement, I think
September, I think the third week of interviews. Fingers crossed! They are a high-volume school as far as wl movement, I think
I've heard that as well. I think one year they even took like, 70 people from it. I only wish I knew how many people were on the WL total this year, lol.
When were you all informed of your waitlist status? Friday following the interview or after the phone calls went out over the weekend?
When were you all informed of your waitlist status? Friday following the interview or after the phone calls went out over the weekend?
Mine was after the phone calls. The Monday after my interview.
I've been on the waitlist since December. Before my interview, the admissions adviser that spoke to our group said, "If you're waitlisted, you'll probably get in." Hopefully that holds true! Good luck to you all! :nailbiting:
That sounds hopeful! A student there told me that interviewees have a 76% chance of acceptance. I wonder how that breaks down to outright accepts vs waitlisted people
Yall still livin? We should be getting close!
Somehow still alive. I hope it happens soon, my anxiety has been eating away at me for months lol. Anybody know how many more interview dates they have?
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Maybe we'll hear something after the 20th then? I just wonder how many seats they actually have left... And how many they've already taken.
They won't review the interviewees of the 20th until the 25th and then send out notifications later that week or over the weekend. I'm assuming after that, the first week of May might see the beginnings of some waitlist movement. Stay hopeful! :happy:
Good luck to you guys! I know that I've been trying to stay hopeful. I love this school. Hopefully we hear something soon.
Same, I'm hoping they'll start pulling off the waitlist really soon... I wonder how many spots they have left though?
I know that they moved about 70 off of the waitlist 2 years ago. I'm not sure about last year though. I'd say they'll have a few open immediately after interviews, and then a lot more will open after the second week of May. That's when people holding a seat at 2 different schools have to choose.
I called LMU and spoke with Whitney Porter on Thurday May 3 to ask for an update on the waitlist and to see if the admissions committee had gone over the waitlist applicants yet. She told me they were still waiting to hear back from the last batch of interviewed ppl who were accepted. They won't be looking at the waitlist until most likely next week or 2 weeks from today is my guess.
I called LMU and spoke with Whitney Porter on Thurday May 3 to ask for an update on the waitlist and to see if the admissions committee had gone over the waitlist applicants yet. She told me they were still waiting to hear back from the last batch of interviewed ppl who were accepted. They won't be looking at the waitlist until most likely next week or 2 weeks from today is my guess.
Someone on the main thread said they got pulled off the waitlist May 3rd
ACCEPTED! Got called today, after being waitlisted in September!
Omg congrats! I was also waitlisted in September. What time did they call you? Did you do anything in the meantime to boost your application (letter of intent, updates, etc.)?
Omg congrats! I was also waitlisted in September. What time did they call you? Did you do anything in the meantime to boost your application (letter of intent, updates, etc.)?

Thank you! I sent monthly updates and a letter of intent towards the end of March. I scribed full-time this year, and made mention of it in my updates as well as my volunteering, but that was about it. Hope you get that call as well 🙂
Thank you! I sent monthly updates and a letter of intent towards the end of March. I scribed full-time this year, and made mention of it in my updates as well as my volunteering, but that was about it. Hope you get that call as well 🙂
Congrats! I provided an update only once since my interview so that they would know what I was up to during my gap year. I included a short letter or intent of sorts into it as well reiterating why I'd like to go pursue a DO and specifically at LMU DCOM. I sent it to Whitney Porter and she said she updated my application. I have called a few times asking for an update on whether they had reviewed my application yet and was told they hadn't started seeing waitlist applicants yet.

Is there any advice you could provide? Ive been on the waitlist since February.
Congrats! I provided an update only once since my interview so that they would know what I was up to during my gap year. I included a short letter or intent of sorts into it as well reiterating why I'd like to go pursue a DO and specifically at LMU DCOM. I sent it to Whitney Porter and she said she updated my application. I have called a few times asking for an update on whether they had reviewed my application yet and was told they hadn't started seeing waitlist applicants yet.

Is there any advice you could provide? Ive been on the waitlist since February.

I can't really speak as to specifics, but in general I tried to do my best in all the general areas they tell you about as an applicant. I had a (quite) low college GPA, but completed a one-year formal post-bac with decent grades, got a good MCAT, and had a few years of relevant work experience in between. Other than that, I attended a DO recruitment conference, submitted my applications they day they opened, and made to put good work into my personal statement and letters of rec (none from a DO though).

As to what got me pulled from the list, I would guess my persistence with updates and high MCAT did the most, though again it's just speculation. Hope this helps!
Does anyone know when the last day is for students who have been accepted to make a final decision about LMU-DCOM?
I can't really speak as to specifics, but in general I tried to do my best in all the general areas they tell you about as an applicant. I had a (quite) low college GPA, but completed a one-year formal post-bac with decent grades, got a good MCAT, and had a few years of relevant work experience in between. Other than that, I attended a DO recruitment conference, submitted my applications they day they opened, and made to put good work into my personal statement and letters of rec (none from a DO though).

As to what got me pulled from the list, I would guess my persistence with updates and high MCAT did the most, though again it's just speculation. Hope this helps!
Thanks, this was helpful!
Does anyone know when the last day is for students who have been accepted to make a final decision about LMU-DCOM?
People who got accepted have 2 weeks after the offer to make a decision and put in a deposit. People can always withdraw if they want, but the deposit is non-refundable. Basically, the timeline is individual-dependent; there is no last day for everyone, so to speak.

Edit: It looks like people accepted starting from last week might have to put in a deposit ASAP if LMU follows this: AACOMAS Traffic Guidelines
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