2020-2021 Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (LMU-DCOM)

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Did you call and ask about this?
I emailed admissions about it and they said they’ll do their best to switch me if a spot becomes available but that they can’t guarantee anything!

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For any incoming first years- check out Pixorize if you need help with biochem (first sem) or immuno (second). I just found it for boards and wish I had it first year. I never took biochem so it would have helped tremendously especially since first semester is hard with all of the adjustments to learning and workload Etc.
Hi all, I was pulled off the WL today for Harrogate. I was already accepted to a masters program that begins in a month. Does anyone know if they allow deferrals of admission? Thank you.
I believe it depends on the situation. However, are you giving preference to a master’s program over medical school?
I believe it depends on the situation. However, are you giving preference to a master’s program over medical school?
No, I just have been out of school for awhile and feel like it would be helpful. Without getting into specifics, I also have an ill family member.
I’ve seen on other threads that people deferred their admission for less, like traveling, so wondering if anyone has heard of DCOM doing this.
No, I just have been out of school for awhile and feel like it would be helpful. Without getting into specifics, I also have an ill family member.
I’ve seen on other threads that people deferred their admission for less, like traveling, so wondering if anyone has heard of DCOM doing this.
I've seen in a previous forum from LMU that someone deferred. So, I believe you can defer, you just have to have a valuable reason. Just contact the school, you will have the most accurate information.
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Recently got off the waitlist! Does anyone know which facebook group is good for housing options for the Harrogate campus? I saw that there are multiple groups
The link to the groupme is in the school facebook group. You can go request to be added to the group and then search the group for the link.
I was just accepted off the WL!!! is there a groupme someone can add me too? when is the white coat ceremony??
LMU is one of the few schools that doesn't do the white coat ceremony in the first year.
The link to the groupme is in the school facebook group. You can go request to be added to the group and then search the group for the link.

LMU is one of the few schools that doesn't do the white coat ceremony in the first year.
when do they do it then?
We pass resources down. Most people don’t use the text books at all though.
I believe 2024 was supposed to have their ceremony last fall, but Covid happened. Not sure if they’ll aim for that again this year.
Question for current students about health insurance: Since LMU doesn't offer student health insurance, what options did you have/what route did you go? This is a question more geared for those who aren't eligible to be on their family's plan. Thanks!
Question for current students about health insurance: Since LMU doesn't offer student health insurance, what options did you have/what route did you go? This is a question more geared for those who aren't eligible to be on their family's plan. Thanks!
You live in KY and apply for medical
We pass resources down. Most people don’t use the text books at all though.
I believe 2024 was supposed to have their ceremony last fall, but Covid happened. Not sure if they’ll aim for that again this year.
We were supposed to, but they told us in our mandatory dean's hour that they're keeping it in the spring of second year. I don't know if that's going to be the case for the upcoming class.

And yes, we were all given resources that we will pass down to the next class. Some of them are from 4-5 years ago, but most of them are from the past year's tutors, updated guides, etc. GroupMe and Discord have been a blessing! I'm not sure if premedmommy would agree, but as for books, the ONLY necessary book I've noticed is the Bates' guide. EPC profs write a lot of questions from there and we all ended up with a pdf copy from previous years' students. Aside from that, I never once opened a book and still got all A's and B's. Most of the profs do a good job of highlighting the important points in the powerpoint and telling you what they'll test you on first year. I can't speak for second year yet.
Question for current students about health insurance: Since LMU doesn't offer student health insurance, what options did you have/what route did you go? This is a question more geared for those who aren't eligible to be on their family's plan. Thanks!
Class of 2024 has been working with the dean to provide student health insurance through the university. Last I heard, they're looking into affordable plans for us to have, but they're not sure when they'll have it. They're hoping by August but nothing is set in stone yet. In the mean time, Aiguo is right. You're techinically zero income as a student and would qualify for medical in KY. That's what I did at least.
We were supposed to, but they told us in our mandatory dean's hour that they're keeping it in the spring of second year. I don't know if that's going to be the case for the upcoming class.

And yes, we were all given resources that we will pass down to the next class. Some of them are from 4-5 years ago, but most of them are from the past year's tutors, updated guides, etc. GroupMe and Discord have been a blessing! I'm not sure if premedmommy would agree, but as for books, the ONLY necessary book I've noticed is the Bates' guide. EPC profs write a lot of questions from there and we all ended up with a pdf copy from previous years' students. Aside from that, I never once opened a book and still got all A's and B's. Most of the profs do a good job of highlighting the important points in the powerpoint and telling you what they'll test you on first year. I can't speak for second year yet.
Definitely agree. Second year you won’t touch Bates anymore. You’ll need MSK though because prof will require readings and test on them (I never read and did fine on the exams anyway- don’t think it was very many) I feel bad for y’all this year because they switched up professors and stuff. All the resources were on point for us, but I know that esp Anki sucked since they moved stuff around. Hopefully next year is better!
Hi guys, I recently got off the waitlist at Harrogate but am thinking that I may need to defer a year. Does anyone know what the process for this is and how hard it is to get a deferral?
Any red flags or negatives about living in the university’s housing?
Does anyone know if all seats are full for both campuses?
Extremely late in the cycle, but I just got an II. I’m assuming this is for the waitlist?
Extremely late in the cycle, but I just got an II. I’m assuming this is for the waitlist?
Think you have a chance at a seat. It was extremely easy for me to switch campuses after being pulled from the WL, so I would assume they have open seats. Good luck!
Think you have a chance at a seat. It was extremely easy for me to switch campuses after being pulled from the WL, so I would assume they have open seats. Good luck!
Can I send you a DM about switching campuses?
I think you've got a real chance at getting admitted straight away without waitlist. As someone on the waitlist I'm disheartened, but I wish you the best.
If they're interviewing more candidates instead of pulling from the waitlist now does this mean for those of us waitlisted our chances are over? I haven't heard of too many schools ending interviewing in April & reopening them back up in almost mid-June with a waitlist full of candidates.

@ajw136 i'd agree if they ended their interview cycle & sent you a II you will probably get in without a waitlist! Very incredibly exciting!!