2023-2024 Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (LMU-DCOM)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

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I think they second secondaries in July, yes!
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This is my second choice school so I am so eagerly awaiting secondaries! I believe they send to everyone and do not pre-screen at all. No minimum MCAT from what I know. Good luck everyone :)
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Have y’all received the link to pay before you received the secondary application?

The primary states the payment portal will be sent once they receive your primary application, but I never got that confirmation.
I haven't been sent anything. For those who have when did they send it?
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I'm OOS, submitted AACOMAS on May 23rd, the email for the secondary is also the email for payment (I think its all on the same portal) but in the email they said "Our secondary application is open to all verified applications." so I'm sure they are just sending in waves!
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I'm OOS, submitted AACOMAS on May 23rd, the email for the secondary is also the email for payment (I think its all on the same portal) but in the email they said "Our secondary application is open to all verified applications." so I'm sure they are just sending in waves!
Gotcha I misread it! Thanks for sharing :)
I still have not gotten anything has anyone else not recieved a secondary
for anyone that has can you post what the prompt is
  • Please write and ATTACH the short essay addressing ONE of the following questions:
    Medical school requires a huge commitment in time and energy. How have you prepared for this commitment?
    If you are a re-applicant please tell us what you have done to strengthen your application.
  • Is there anything you want the admissions committee to know that you haven’t explained on your AACOMAS application?

There were not character or word limits for either because you attach a PDF or word doc!
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I have not received a secondary or been asked to submit a fee. I had mine verified in May.
I just got off the phone with them they said they are only sending a few at a time so we should get it by the end of this week
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I just got off the phone with them they said they are only sending a few at a time so we should get it by the end of this week
Yes Ijust got off the phone and heard the same thing. Thank you for keeping us posted!
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I heard from a friend that applied here last year that not everyone gets a secondary can someone confirm this
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I emailed the admissions department and they said it may be a few weeks.
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I'm a current OMS-III, am willing to answer any questions about the program via DMs. Good luck on your applications!
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To echo another post, I’m an OMS-II at Harrogate and would be happy to answer questions. Just send me a message by DM and I’ll be happy to help!
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I have been trying to get in touch with them and no luck, does any one know if the question "
If you are a re-applicant please tell us what you have done to strengthen your application." is specific to Debusk or is it to any med school?
I have been trying to get in touch with them and no luck, does any one know if the question "
If you are a re-applicant please tell us what you have done to strengthen your application." is specific to Debusk or is it to any med school?
I wouldn’t answer it if this is your first time applying to LMU-DCOM.
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Question: How long was your essay for the optional prompt on the secondary? I feel as if it's less of an essay, but rather more of a 'anything else you want us to know?'
Anybody getting this message when trying to make an account on their portal?: "Your request cannot be processed at this time. The site administrator has been alerted."
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