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so many unwritten rules. I guess this also applies to me so I apologize as well

Same rule applies in the lounge. If you do it over there, you would get burned alive.

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I think Samoa was referring to WS, who was vouching for me.

I wasn't 'vouching' for you, all I said was that I don't think you are wolfy. HUGE difference. Your actions don't scream wolf to me.

Unlynch Samoa, Lynch SnS

Hasn't there been a villager role before, where they couldn't do anything until they were lynched or killed by wolves?
Same rule applies in the lounge. If you do it over there, you would get burned alive.

this is only my 3rd WW and it never came up so I never knew it would have been an issue... I guess if I get burned alive I get burned alive... but I apparently am not the only one who didn't know
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Wow I've missed a lot. Sorry y'all
****lynch sns*****
Lynch SnS.

And I just looked at Nohika's messages again. They didn't really make sense on my phone but looking at them on the computer, they do a lot more. :laugh: It looks like if we lynch her, something changes and would make her a lot happier.
Lynch SnS.

And I just looked at Nohika's messages again. They didn't really make sense on my phone but looking at them on the computer, they do a lot more. :laugh: It looks like if we lynch her, something changes and would make her a lot happier.

i don't care if we make her happier, i care if we get closer to getting all the wolves... and nothing has convinced me that lynching Nohika is a beneficial move for the villagers.

Nohika's votes:
Round 1 - WS
Round 2 - Lis (after LIS had a majority of votes)
Round 3 - Nohika, then changed to FH
Round 4 - WS and Escalla
Round 5 - Nohika, then changed to SnS once it was clear we were going that route

I agree hipster kitty doesn't sound like a bad meme, and i would cry with a role that I wouldn't be able to communicate with, but nothing I found regarding hipster kitty suggests what she was doing last night, nor can I fully grasp a lynching of a villager unleashes a good thing for them.
I agree hipster kitty doesn't sound like a bad meme, and i would cry with a role that I wouldn't be able to communicate with, but nothing I found regarding hipster kitty suggests what she was doing last night, nor can I fully grasp a lynching of a villager unleashes a good thing for them.

Sorry I have been absent. Rough night last night.

lynch SnS

But to respond to the above, I am pretty sure I have played in games where someone gets a power or something once they are lynched. Actually, I think in our LOTR game, Gandolf had to be lynched or killed to get his abilities.
Sorry I have been absent. Rough night last night.

lynch SnS

But to respond to the above, I am pretty sure I have played in games where someone gets a power or something once they are lynched. Actually, I think in our LOTR game, Gandolf had to be lynched or killed to get his abilities.

Gandolf the gray becomes gandolf the white, makes sense... how does killing a hipster make them see the light? If people want to give it a shoot, then we can try
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Well, missed the vote. I hope we are right on SnS.
Why you guys always think I am a wolf?

Just a girl trying to get all purty for Vet Ball tonight :love:
Gandolf the gray becomes gandolf the white, makes sense... how does killing a hipster make them see the light? If people want to give it a shoot, then we can try

How else can you make a hipster see the light? :p honestly though, killing hipster kitty might turn her into a wolf for all we know. Seems unlikely hipster kitty would become a virus, but I am nit sure what she would become then.

I would be up for it if we had no one else to lynch. Just out of curiosity, I wonder why nohika wasn't voting to lynch herself from day one?
The jury has spoken. ShortNSweet doesn't even resist. They actually find her peacefully walking out of her house with her hands put forward as if the other memes were going to put handcuffs on her, rather than execute her. That Redhead, Samoa, and Wildcat bind her arms with the strongest material known to meme kind… a rope made of my little pony tail. SnS doesn't say anything as the various memes yell curses at her. She just laughs quietly to herself. A crazy look in her eye, as if she has peered into the void itself and been left empty and hollow because of it.


Flim Flam Man, not totally sold on this lynch decides to go into the house while the rest of the meme's pull SnS out to the town square for sentencing. FFM wanders throughout the house looking around and seeing nothing unusual. Which was almost crazy itself…. The house was *too* perfect. No garbage in the garbage cans. Nothing but Dew Gamer Fuel in the fridge. The beds all look as if they had never been sleeped in. Something seems eerily wrong about the entire thing and he couldn't help but be freaked out by it. As he starts to walk, briskly, out of the living room he trips over the leg of the table and falls to the ground. He laughs uncomfortably at his klutziness, but from his position laying on the ground he sees the strangest thing. He sees some of the dust on the ground swirling around as if there was a draft coming from under the bookcase. FFM leaps to his feet and, with a sudden bravery and curiosity he cannot explain, he grabs the side of the bookcase and swings it around on a hinge he never knew existed. It reveals a shocking hidden room with a bed and scrawled words all over the wall. Words of an obsessed crazy person. The words "Find them" "Catch them" "Kill them" are written over and over again.


There is a small disheveled bed and a landline phone in the room. The phone has been destroyed, perhaps recently. There is a small slip of paper near it and a pen. The paper has a message written on it. "I have been compromised. I have been compromised. I have been compromised. I have been compromised. Master says if I die I live forever. IN HIS HEART. I WILL LIVE FOREVER. Die with pride. Death will make our cause stronger. The weak must be killed. The weak must be killed. The weak must be me. I must be killed. To make the cause stronger" The note must have been written very recently as some of the ink on the last few words smudges under FFM's finger as he holds the note. "OH ****" he thinks. He sprints out of the house to make sure everyone knows about this strange obsession with death. He runs to the hub of the internet, but they are not there. He sees that they have climbed to the cliffs of google. The peak that overlooks the deep gorge known as the Abandoned Old Lands (AOL). FFM sprints up the hillside attempting to make it to the crowd before it is too late. He is throwing other memes out of the way as he sprints. He gets right up to the edge of the cliff and yells "STOP!" right as he yells, a gunshot goes off. SnS gives one sick laugh before falling backwards away from that redhead and falling down the gorge. FFM arrived to late to make a difference. Killing someone who *wants* to die.


You have successfully killed ShortNSweet, The Worm Virus, the lowest on the hierarchy, the disposable one


Well done. Also, since I only saw one vote, WTF will be the new leader. Night round will go til…. Oh lets make it 5PM. But feel free to send the PMs in early and maybe we can sneak another day round in. Take advantage of the weekend.
that redhead




EquineConstant - Surprised Kitty




foxy - TMIMITW


tropical toucan

Recycle Bin

SOV - Success Kid
Lupin - Overly Attached GF
Kaydubs - Happy Cat
Devyn - Squinty Eye Fry
Trematode - Scumbag Steve
LIS - DDoS Attack Virus
SnS - Worm Virus
Nice job Sheeps! (I think it was sheeps but I am too lazy to go back and make sure.)
So this note that says their cause is gonna get stronger if she dies, could that also apply to Nohika? Or maybe she's the counterpoint and needs to die to make the good cause stronger?
Ugh! Didn't get back in time to change my vote to SnS.

Escalla, since you can ask yes/no questions of nohika, can you ask her the following things, and report back?

1. Do you continue to live if you're lynched?
1a. If so, do you get a new power?
2. If not, are you resurrected with a new power?
3. If you get a new power, is it investigative?
4. If not, is it a killing power?
5. If neither, is it a protective power?
6. If none of those, is it a communication power? And do you know anything of value that you can't communicate now?
6a. Is the nature of the power that you'll be able to speak normally?
6b. Talk to dead people?
6c. Talk outside your house?


I'm willing to lynch if there's truly a benefit to be had. Not otherwise.
never mind, emergency surgery on a snow leopard. Really really sorry, you guys can kill me if you want, should be less crazy after today though.

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Samoa if there was a conversion on the night I sang my sweet sweet song, was the writeup that DocE did just total BS? I am willing to believe that and just not put any stock in what he says in the writeup, but if we're actually reading into them he seems to be throwing out "hints" in them.
Samoa if there was a conversion on the night I sang my sweet sweet song, was the writeup that DocE did just total BS? I am willing to believe that and just not put any stock in what he says in the writeup, but if we're actually reading into them he seems to be throwing out "hints" in them.

im trying to make a good story. dont read *too much* into what i say.... but read the right amount into it.
Samoa if there was a conversion on the night I sang my sweet sweet song, was the writeup that DocE did just total BS? I am willing to believe that and just not put any stock in what he says in the writeup, but if we're actually reading into them he seems to be throwing out "hints" in them.

I get notified if there's a conversion. The PM was a little vague the night of the chocolate rain, but I got nothing at all the second night when there was no death.
The night opens with a fire. It appears someone has set fire to FFM's garden. The blaze has rapidly spread from a few flaming azalias to a full blown blaze. The meme volunteer fire squad comes onto the scene rapidly trying to put out the fire. The blaze is remarkable in its strength, likely set with some accelerant besides plain old plant material.


The fire rages hard and the squad is having a hard time putting it out and the fire has spread to FFM's house. FFM screams that if nothing else, his collection of reaction gifs have to be saved. Dyachei offers to get them out. She grabs a fire extinguisher from the truck and sprints head long into the building.

An hour later, the fire has finally been contained. But no one has seen dyachei in the mean time. The house has only superficial damage. The structural components are fine. The memes enter the house and see quickly what has happened to dyachei. She is laying on the ground with her mouth overflowing with fire extinguishing foam. Someone had clearly managed to use the fire extinguisher on her in a morbid form of asphyxiation. In her arms are clutched all of FFM's reaction gifs. On the wall is a message written by the attacker in what appears to be blood, but might just be red paint "STOP TRYING TO STEAL OUR VIOLENCE MONOPOLY"

Ironic that Dyachei, the Insanity Wolf, who would kill the first person to vote for her if lynched died during a moment of charity and took no one with her.

In Memorium:


In other news, once again, SDP finds himself traveling. As does Nohika.
Night over. Day starts. Deadline roughly midnight EST unless the europeans have a real issue with voting well before the deadline.
that redhead




EquineConstant - Surprised Kitty




foxy - TMIMITW


tropical toucan

Recycle Bin

SOV - Success Kid
Lupin - Overly Attached GF
Kaydubs - Happy Cat
Devyn - Squinty Eye Fry
Trematode - Scumbag Steve
LIS - DDoS Attack Virus
SnS - Worm Virus

Dyachei - Insanity Wolf
LOL, somebody really did DIAF.

In other news, I received word that the Worm Virus lives on, despite SnS's death (she's still dead, herself). So another conversion, most likely.
I can put a vote in before I go to bed.
Well, now that nohika has been moved, I can't gain additional details in regards to her communication issue. But from her yes/no answers, she will be resurrected whether she is lynched or killed by wolves. After being resurrected, she gains the ability to communicate normally. She doesn't gain additional powers.

So I'm voting to lynch nohika unless we get solid info on someone else.
Well, now that nohika has been moved, I can't gain additional details in regards to her communication issue. But from her yes/no answers, she will be resurrected whether she is lynched or killed by wolves. After being resurrected, she gains the ability to communicate normally. She doesn't gain additional powers.

So I'm voting to lynch nohika unless we get solid info on someone else.

So basically we get nothing from lynching her, as opposed to someone we suspect is a wolf. Again, I don't see how this benefits anyone besides the wolves.

She essentially takes two kills to die, so why would we, as villagers, want to make it any easier for the wolves to kill someone.

So, lynch Escalla again, because she keeps trying to lynch nohika in the absence of any suspicion that she's a wolf.
I'm going to be acting solely off a hunch here and will gladly change my vote if info comes out or whatever but lynch jojo
So basically we get nothing from lynching her, as opposed to someone we suspect is a wolf. Again, I don't see how this benefits anyone besides the wolves.

She essentially takes two kills to die, so why would we, as villagers, want to make it any easier for the wolves to kill someone.

So, lynch Escalla again, because she keeps trying to lynch nohika in the absence of any suspicion that she's a wolf.

Would it not be more useful to gain someone who can actually communicate on the thread? I'm not wanting to lynch her instead of someone else if we have good info, but it's a lot better than RNG or voting blindly. That's my reasoning here. I'm not a wolf and I have no intention of helping them.
Would it not be more useful to gain someone who can actually communicate on the thread? I'm not wanting to lynch her instead of someone else if we have good info, but it's a lot better than RNG or voting blindly. That's my reasoning here. I'm not a wolf and I have no intention of helping them.

We don't know that she would come back as a villager or not.
Would it not be more useful to gain someone who can actually communicate on the thread?
Not if she has no info and no power to obtain any.

I'm not wanting to lynch her instead of someone else if we have good info, but it's a lot better than RNG or voting blindly.

No, in fact, game theory-wise it's better to RNG than to lynch a known villager.

That's my reasoning here. I'm not a wolf and I have no intention of helping them.

Then unlynch nohika, because lynching her would help them.
We don't know that she would come back as a villager or not.

That's true, and I suppose I couldn't get a credible answer by asking that either. If we don't have any good leads though, I'd rather go down this route than bandwagoning onto a random lynch and potentially losing someone valuable to the villagers. It sure happened enough in the last game. I'm willing to change if something comes up.
lynch jojo

I have been suspicious of him for a few days now.

If any better information comes out, I am willing to change my vote... that is, if the information comes out before I go to bed.... not staying up until 5AM.
I was attacked by Grumpy Cat last night. Either they are an original wolf, converted villager, or plain stupid villager.
Nohika's best asset to the villagers is the fact that she requires two kills to die. Not her being able to talk on the thread or in PMs.

Yeah, looking at the numbers game, I can understand. I would just hate to be in that position. :(