Touro COM - New York (TouroCOM-NY) Discussion Thread 2014 - 2015

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Secondary provided - 11/26/2014
Secondary submitted - 02/22/2015
Completed - 02/27/2015
II - 02/27/2015
Interviewed - 03/09/2015
Accepted - 03/27/2015 (Middletown)

Late to reply due to work. Absolutely thankful for this acceptance. It's been three cycles, and I have finally gotten in.... Never give up.

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Secondary provided - 11/26/2014
Secondary submitted - 02/22/2015
Completed - 02/27/2015
II - 02/27/2015
Interviewed - 03/09/2015
Accepted - 03/27/2015 (Middletown)

Late to reply due to work. Absolutely thankful for this acceptance. It's been three cycles, and I have finally gotten in.... Never give up.

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Anyone interview on 3/25 hear back? When should we expect to hear ? Anyone who interview close to that date hear anything? Basically any movement at all or any info? When should the bulk of wait lists move etc also out of the people who interview what percent don't get rejected initially?

Thanks and goodluck
Secondary provided - 11/26/2014
Secondary submitted - 02/22/2015
Completed - 02/27/2015
II - 02/27/2015
Interviewed - 03/09/2015
Accepted - 03/27/2015 (Middletown)

Late to reply due to work. Absolutely thankful for this acceptance. It's been three cycles, and I have finally gotten in.... Never give up.

Can you share your stats? Thanks!
Sooo today I received an email asking me if I want to be considered for the new Touro Middletown MS program for 2016. I never applied to any MS program but I am assuming that because I received this e-mail that I was silently rejected from Middletown?? Does this school do silent rejections? I have been complete since end of November and have heard nothing. I have a masters degree and mostly a strong application besides a low MCAT. Any thoughts? Also does anyone know if anyone has been accepted with a lower mcat? Thanks in advance!
Sooo today I received an email asking me if I want to be considered for the new Touro Middletown MS program for 2016. I never applied to any MS program but I am assuming that because I received this e-mail that I was silently rejected from Middletown?? Does this school do silent rejections? I have been complete since end of November and have heard nothing. I have a masters degree and mostly a strong application besides a low MCAT. Any thoughts? Also does anyone know if anyone has been accepted with a lower mcat? Thanks in advance!

I'm on the wait list and also recieved this email... Does this mean I should give up hope on getting accepted??? Any thoughts anyone??
I actually am waitlisted here but applied to the masters program (ironically I did it Bc I was scared I didn't hear back from them but then the next day I got the interview invite so haha that's life I guess), and I also got this email and am kinda confused.
I'm on the wait list and also recieved this email... Does this mean I should give up hope on getting accepted??? Any thoughts anyone??
I am also on the waitlist and received it too. It must have been sent to all waitlisters just to inform them of other options.
on the waitlist... didnt get an email 🙁
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Just spoke to the Admissions Office in Harlem today and they said that there was movement on the waitlist last week, but no movement this week....

Does that mean they offered people spots from the waitlist last week? Any idea how many? How do reconcile that with the fact that someone was told on Friday that there will be movement in May?
Anyone interview on 3/25 hear back? When should we expect to hear ? Anyone who interview close to that date hear anything? Basically any movement at all or any info? When should the bulk of wait lists move etc also out of the people who interview what percent don't get rejected initially?

Thanks and goodluck
I haven't heard back yet.
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I don't think that email is just for "waitlisters" because I was never on a waitlist. I have never been given an II …I assumed it was for people who did not get II. Very weird. Is the new middletown ms program starting in 2015 or 2016?
my point is dont auto reject yourself by not applying. 200 bucks is a lot of money for an application but wont make or break your life in the future.

I would like to sound a cautionary note. I was initially scared off by the $200 fee, but then I read in this thread that 100% of people invited to complete secondaries (and pay $200) would get interviews after submitting their secondaries.

So, gullible fool, I paid the $200. I never got an interview, just a plain rejection. (33 MCAT, 3.5 GPA; secondary packet sent in October; fee paid last week.) I did get an email saying they would be happy to take another $70 to consider me for an MS (which looks to me as though it adds nothing to first year med school curriculum).

I don't know why $200 seems inconsequential to so many people here. I think when the bargaining positions are so unfair, Touro's requiring that kind of money is robbery.
I would like to sound a cautionary note. I was initially scared off by the $200 fee, but then I read in this thread that 100% of people invited to complete secondaries (and pay $200) would get interviews after submitting their secondaries.

So, gullible fool, I paid the $200. I never got an interview, just a plain rejection. (33 MCAT, 3.5 GPA; secondary packet sent in October; fee paid last week.) I did get an email saying they would be happy to take another $70 to consider me for an MS (which looks to me as though it adds nothing to first year med school curriculum).

I don't know why $200 seems inconsequential to so many people here. I think when the bargaining positions are so unfair, Touro's requiring that kind of money is robbery.

Well truthfully you probably would have gotten an interview if your fee was paid in October after you sent your secondary. I only know this because I was pretty much in the same boat timeline wise and I got an II, and my stats are lower than yours. Timing is everything.

sorry to hear that though 🙁
Does that mean they offered people spots from the waitlist last week? Any idea how many? How do reconcile that with the fact that someone was told on Friday that there will be movement in May?
I'm assuming that meant that they offered people spots from the waitlist, and I didn't ask how many. This is just what I was told by the admissions office; there's usually a lot of movement in May since April 30th is when MD applicants must choose only one acceptance, but that doesn't mean that there couldn't be movement earlier than that on the waitlist.
I would like to sound a cautionary note. I was initially scared off by the $200 fee, but then I read in this thread that 100% of people invited to complete secondaries (and pay $200) would get interviews after submitting their secondaries.

So, gullible fool, I paid the $200. I never got an interview, just a plain rejection. (33 MCAT, 3.5 GPA; secondary packet sent in October; fee paid last week.) I did get an email saying they would be happy to take another $70 to consider me for an MS (which looks to me as though it adds nothing to first year med school curriculum).

I don't know why $200 seems inconsequential to so many people here. I think when the bargaining positions are so unfair, Touro's requiring that kind of money is robbery.
I understand your disappointment, but like @MLaura stated, you submitted you secondary and fee in April? It is incredibly late in the cycle, and nothing is guaranteed. Your stats are great, submit your entire application, including secondary, early next cycle.
I got 2 emails yesterday...the first one stated that the admissions committee at the harlem campus has seleceted you as an excellent candidate for the MS program...bla bla bla and then a second one from Middletown saying that they plan on having an MS program too and basically waiting for approval from NY state. That one said to send back a small form that was set in the email if I wanted to be considered for the MS at the middletown campus
I got 2 emails yesterday...the first one stated that the admissions committee at the harlem campus has seleceted you as an excellent candidate for the MS program...bla bla bla and then a second one from Middletown saying that they plan on having an MS program too and basically waiting for approval from NY state. That one said to send back a small form that was set in the email if I wanted to be considered for the MS at the middletown campus

Were you ever rejected or put on the wait list before hand?
Hey guys can anyone here tell me how the school seems to treat OMM? Is it integral or an afterthought? Are you excited to learn it here?

This is really important to me but this thread is endless so I apologize if this has been asked before. Thanks for your help!
Can you share your stats? Thanks!

I forgot how to check for my GPAs on AACOMAS, so I'll report my AMCAS stats:

BCPM (sGPA) - 3.33 // AO - 3.86 // cGPA - 3.62
Grad GPA - 3.71
MCAT - 27

Extracurriculars include: Observerships, Volunteering at church and school events... generic pre-med stuff
Work: Clinical Research, Medical Admin Office Manager, Teacher/Tutor, etc.

I can go in more depth if anyone wishes to PM me. I am also 24, if anyone considers that "non-trad" (I think that's the average age for matriculating students, but students seem to enter right from undergrad these days)
Has anyone heard back from touro Harlem this past week? Does anyone know when their committee sits down and decides? Like if there is a certain day of the week where decisions are made or emails are sent?
Has anyone heard back from touro Harlem this past week? Does anyone know when their committee sits down and decides? Like if there is a certain day of the week where decisions are made or emails are sent?

I got mine on a Friday if that helps.
Hi guys, does anyone know how to withdraw an acceptance? Should I just email the admissions office? Thanks!
just wondering if anyone knows how classes are at Touro Harlem. I don't think they told us how often the clicker sessions are, whether class attendance is mandatory, or anything in general about big exams. Anyone have useful info on this subject? thanks.
just wondering if anyone knows how classes are at Touro Harlem. I don't think they told us how often the clicker sessions are, whether class attendance is mandatory, or anything in general about big exams. Anyone have useful info on this subject? thanks.

From what I remember: Clicker sessions count for something like 10% of your grade and happen several times a week, so they are essentially mandatory if you want to do well. Exams are always on Monday. Anatomy practicals are always mandatory.

That's what I remember from my interview day, I could easily be misremembering.
What is the consensus on a letter of intent while on the waitlist at Harlem? This is one of my top osteopathic schools, but i am on allopathic waitlists as well. I do really like the school (Harlem) and would love to attend. I'm not sure how much a letter will improve my standing on the waitlist or if it's even necessary.
What is the consensus on a letter of intent while on the waitlist at Harlem? This is one of my top osteopathic schools, but i am on allopathic waitlists as well. I do really like the school (Harlem) and would love to attend. I'm not sure how much a letter will improve my standing on the waitlist or if it's even necessary.
I feel like you should only send a letter of intent if you 100% plan on attending. Otherwise a letter of interest or an update letter is more suitable.
Did anybody on the waitlist get an email today about financial aid that ended with this:

"The final part of your financial aid process will be sent to your Touro email address. Please check your Touro email daily!"

I naturally was never given a Touro email and am assuming that this was just a preliminary informational email?

Huh... i never got a touro email address and i was accepted back in Oct ... also did not receive the email u mentioned. Last communication i had was about dorm applications (which i submitted but never heard back about, anyone else hear?) Think i should call 😵....?
Huh... i never got a touro email address and i was accepted back in Oct ... also did not receive the email u mentioned. Last communication i had was about dorm applications (which i submitted but never heard back about, anyone else hear?) Think i should call 😵....?

If you haven't activated your email, you can do so with the following: Go to and set up an account through "first time users". When you finally get logged in, the email is on the left under "Launchpad".
just wondering if anyone knows how classes are at Touro Harlem. I don't think they told us how often the clicker sessions are, whether class attendance is mandatory, or anything in general about big exams. Anyone have useful info on this subject? thanks.
If you're curious about how the schedule works I found this: -- if you go back all the way to August 2013, you can see the class schedule of the c/o 2017. It can't be too much different from what we can expect in August.
is there a deadline to accept/reject the fin aid offer?
Congratulations to everyone! Will you please tell us what dates you interviewed?